Chapter 102: Intelligence on Weapons

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Zhang Yi and Uncle You roamed around casually, collecting supplies without much care. As they chatted, the conversation shifted to the current situation in the community.

Uncle You asked Zhang Yi, "Someone is planning to make a move against you. They covet the snowmobile you have! Things might get more complicated. Do you have any plans?"

Zhang Yi, rarely engaging in a conversation with Uncle You, replied with a bitter smile, "You're asking me? I was about to ask you the same question. Now, everyone is eyeing my snowmobile, knowing it's the only functional means of transportation. Everyone wants to snatch it from me."

"What can I do? I can only do my best to protect it and, of course, protect myself."

Uncle You nodded with a serious expression, "You're right. In this situation, taking care of us, a few hundred people in the community, is already challenging. Taking care of over a thousand is impossible."

Zhang Yi said, "You're right. So, for now, I can only take it step by step and figure things out slowly."

After pondering for a while, Uncle You said, "Actually, this morning, Huang Tianfang contacted me."

Zhang Yi's clear eyes instantly sharpened, "Why did he contact you?"

Uncle You, facing away from Zhang Yi, was oblivious to the change in expression.

"He's frightened by you and wants to negotiate. He also revealed something to me. Other residential buildings have already formed alliances, planning to exert pressure on you. Someone invited him. He can choose not to join them, but he needs you to provide food and winter supplies."

Zhang Yi gave a nonchalant "Oh."

This request was something he had heard countless times. It was not unexpected.

"It seems like everyone is out to get me. Truly terrifying!"

Zhang Yi's tone sounded helpless, but there was no hint of fear in his eyes. If not for the consideration of ammunition, given enough time, he could wipe out the entire community! Of course, that timeline might be extended for safety reasons.

"But that scumbag Huang Tianfang, I'm definitely going to take care of him! Whether it's his Tianhe Gang or the Wolf Gang, I won't let anyone off!"

Zhang Yi's voice was calm, as if discussing a trivial matter. However, his words conveyed a chilling intent.

They attacked him first, so he had to make sure they died. To live well in this apocalypse, he couldn't allow anyone threatening his safety to exist.

Uncle You added, "They deserve to die. They've killed too many innocent people, and they even attacked you. But, in a fight against them, do you have enough weapons now?"

Since Zhang Yi emptied the police station's armory, he had acquired a considerable amount of weapons and ammunition. However, Uncle You wasn't clear on the specifics.

He only knew that when Zhang Yi returned, he didn't seem to have much on him.

Therefore, he thought that after these days of battle, Zhang Yi might have depleted his ammunition.

A glint of determination flashed in Zhang Yi's eyes, followed by a sigh of resignation.

"It is a bit difficult in that regard. I don't have many bullets left. But as long as it's not a large-scale battle, I should be able to manage."

Uncle You scratched his head, "Zhang Yi, if we had enough weapons and equipment, do you think we could successfully protect our homes and your snowmobile?"

This sudden question made Zhang Yi's eyes light up!

"Uncle You, do you know where we can find weapons?"

Zhang Yi had plenty of ammunition, but sniper rifle bullets were relatively scarce. After all, the police station didn't stockpile them in large quantities, and he only found one police sniper rifle.

Uncle You grinned with a hint of pride in his expression.

"Have you forgotten what I used to do? I served in the army for five years!"

Zhang Yi eagerly asked, "Were you in the army in Tianhai City?"

If that were the case, Uncle You could take him to the military camp in Tianhai City to gather weapons.

Uncle You explained, "I served in a different place back then, not in Tianhai City. However, I have old acquaintances in the military camp in Tianhai City. I know where it is."

"Once we go to the military camp and find the stockpiled ammunition, you won't have to worry about bullets anymore."

He admired Zhang Yi's enthusiasm, "A sharpshooter like you, without ammunition, would be a waste of talent."

In the military, they always revered the strong, and a gun master was a god in the eyes of soldiers.

Uncle You had witnessed Zhang Yi's terrifying marksmanship and naturally admired him.

Zhang Yi was ecstatic, not expecting to gain an unexpected harvest this time!

"What are we waiting for? Let's hurry over!"

He was well-versed in digging. "No worries. We'll at least find the location first. Even if the military camp is buried by snow, we might be able to use it in the future if we figure out a way."

His expression became serious, and he patted Uncle You's shoulder, "We might face a lot of enemies soon, and we must have more weapons to protect ourselves and our families!"

Uncle You nodded forcefully, "You're right. Let's go check it out!"

The two of them got on the snowmobile, braving the cold wind and heavy snow, heading towards the northwest of Tianhai City.

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