Chapter 28: A Packet of Instant Noodles for 2000 Yuan!

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Lin Dama fell victim to Chen Zhenghao's robbery, and both herself and her grandson, Little Tiger, suffered a brutal beating.

The old lady managed to hold on and move around, but her grandson, Little Tiger, had taken a ruthless kick to the stomach from one of Chen Zhenghao's lackeys. At six years old, the child couldn't bear the force, and internal injuries ensued.

In desperation, Lin Dama reached out for help in the homeowners' group, hoping someone could save her grandson. However, due to her previous deception in acquiring supplies, the neighbors harbored strong resentment, and no one was willing to help.

"Wuwuwu, I know what I did before was wrong. But my grandson is innocent!"

"He's just a child; please, someone, save him!"

In the group, Lin Dama cried bitterly, her voice filled with despair.

The homeowners showed no sympathy; instead, some began to mock her.

"Who knows if this is true or another one of her tricks?"

"Yeah, besides, we're not doctors. We can't help you."

"If you hadn't deceived everyone for supplies, would Brother Hao have beaten your grandson? It's your fault in the end."

Lin Dama broke down, crying, "All the mistakes are mine. As long as you can save my grandson, I'm willing to kowtow to you all!"

At this moment, a woman named Zhou Ker sent a message.

"Let me take a look at the child! But I can't guarantee that I can heal him completely."

Zhang Ye, upon seeing Zhou Ker's message, immediately envisioned an elegant woman with a long ponytail, a tall and proud figure—a mature and beautiful lady.

Zhou Ker was a doctor at the Tianhai City First People's Hospital. In the last world, she used her medical knowledge to help many people and was one of the few good people among the neighbors. Although she was usually a bit aloof and rarely spoke in the homeowners' group, she stepped forward this time upon seeing Little Tiger in critical condition.

Lin Dama remembered the doctor in the community and quickly sent her grandson over.

Half an hour later, Lin Dama's anxious voice echoed in the group again.

"Does anyone have hemostatic medicine, anti-shock drugs, and antibiotics?"

"My Little Tiger needs surgery. Please help us! I'll kowtow to you all!"

Little Tiger was severely injured, with his liver ruptured by the kick.

Though Zhou Ker was a doctor, her home didn't have many medications.

Homeowners heard Lin Dama's plea but remained silent. They couldn't afford to keep such medicines.

Chen Zhenghao continued to make sarcastic remarks in the group.

"Why kowtow? Do it in the group?"

Laughter erupted below his comment.

Lin Dama's voice, now filled with a sobbing tone, pleaded, "As long as you can help, I'll kowtow right now!"

Zhang Ye raised an eyebrow.

Indeed, he had all those medications in his alternate dimension. However, he had no intention of helping Little Tiger. Firstly, in the apocalypse, medicines were as crucial as food, and he didn't want to expose his resources. Secondly, he despised Lin Dama and her spoiled grandson.

Moreover, even if Little Tiger were saved from his severe injuries, enduring the harsh winter would be a challenge.

It was better to keep the medications for himself.

Despite Lin Dama's continuous pleas, no one in the group came forward to help her.

After a while, Zhou Ker, the doctor, sent a message.

She had temporarily stabilized Little Tiger's condition, but it was only a stopgap measure. Surgery at a hospital was necessary for the child to survive.

She also expressed her willingness to treat urgent illnesses for the community members.

The responses below were filled with flattery.

Even Chen Zhenghao and the rich second-generation, Xu Hao, praised Doctor Zhou Ker.

In the past, everyone wasn't particularly fond of this aloof female doctor. But in such times, fear of death prompted them to curry favor with her.

Zhang Ye remained silent in the chat, observing the situation.

Recently, Fang Yuqing hadn't contacted him.

Zhang Ye enjoyed the peace but knew the white lotus would come begging soon.

Now wasn't the time to look for him, just a move to maintain her fragile vanity. She always thought of herself as a superior woman and wouldn't willingly bow to a man unless he was wealthy.

Of course, rich men were an exception.

But what about the future?

Heavy snowfall persisted, flooding the entire first floor. Exiting the community was impossible, and even reaching the community gate meant facing meters of accumulated snow.

Depleting supplies was inevitable.

By then, with the current state of things, food and supplies trading would have a significant impact on the entire community.

Zhang Ye, resting his chin on his hand, spoke casually, "Wonderful things are about to begin."

Xie Limei didn't reply, clearly still hesitant.

Previously, everyone thought the disaster would pass quickly, and the city would reopen. Thus, even though there was food trading, prices were only a few times higher than normal.

Now, with more and more households running out of supplies, food became a matter of life and death.

Not long after, someone in the group spoke up.

"I have a few packs of instant noodles. If you need them, I'll sell them to you. However, one pack costs 1000 yuan!"

A pack of instant noodles for 1000 yuan!

In the past, such a thing was unimaginable.

They probably hadn't considered that this trade would have a significant impact on the entire homeowners' building.

Still holding his chin, Zhang Ye looked at his phone and said casually, "Wonderful things are about to begin."

Xie Limei didn't reply, clearly still hesitant.

In the past, everyone thought the disaster would pass quickly, and the city would reopen. Thus, even though there was food trading, prices were only a few times higher than normal.

Now, with more and more households running out of supplies, food became a matter of life and death.

Not long after, someone in the group spoke up.

"I have a few packs of instant noodles. If you need them, I'll sell them to you. However, one pack costs 1000 yuan!"

A pack of instant noodles for 1000 yuan!

In the past, such a thing was unimaginable.

They probably hadn't considered that this trade would have a significant impact on the entire homeowners' building.

In the group, the wealthy second-generation, Xu Hao, suddenly spoke.

"I'll pay 2000 yuan for one pack! How much do you have? I'll buy them all!"

Note: The translation provided might require some minor adjustments based on the specific cultural context and colloquialisms used in the original text.

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