Chapter 110: Want to Compare Consumption? Are You Sure!

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Zhang Yi remained silent, mocking the foolishness of these people. He really wanted to see the astonished and panicked expressions on their faces when they witnessed his true strength.

"Should I take the opportunity now to eliminate them all? And while at it, clean up Building 25 as well?"

Zhang Yi stroked his chin, speaking to himself. With sufficient firepower and ways to deal with people hiding in the buildings, wiping out the entire community shouldn't be too difficult. Moreover, the scumbag neighbors in Building 25 would lose their value once they served their purpose and could be eliminated.

"No, doing it this way would still have security loopholes. Even if I want to wipe them out, I have to do it building by building." "But what if they are all willing to die and charge at me together? With over a thousand people, their sheer numbers could overwhelm me. Although the probability of them doing that is low, it's not impossible. My life is more valuable than playing a dangerous game with them." "I need to think of a more secure method."

As Zhang Yi contemplated, the building managers in the chat group grew impatient due to his prolonged silence. They believed they had the upper hand, and Zhang Yi had no choice but to submit. In their minds, facing over a thousand people in conflict was beyond the capabilities of anyone in the Yue Lu residential area. If such a person existed, it would be a myth.

Wang Qiang, growing impatient, urged, "Did he lose his voice? Speak up! Whether you agree or not, you have to agree! Otherwise, we won't show any mercy!"

Chen Lingyu said, "Zhang Yi, none of us want to die. We're all striving to survive. I understand you might feel uneasy, but sometimes in life, you have to be flexible. After all, the wise adapt to the situation!"

Li Jian added, "Mr. Zhang, you should seriously consider this matter. We don't want to resolve things through conflict, but we also want to live. If you agree to cooperate with us, the community's resource problem can be well-addressed. Perhaps we can even restore a civilized society in the future."

Others chimed in, each with their arguments, some being conciliatory, and others assertive. But ultimately, they all conveyed the same message – Zhang Yi must agree to their demands, or else death awaits him.

Zhang Yi glanced at the messages in the group, and as he scrolled through the names of each building manager, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

Catch the ringleader first!

If he could eliminate the leaders of each building, the rest would likely fall into chaos. Let them consume themselves, and without Zhang Yi even lifting a finger, most of them might end up dead.

So, he slowly spoke, "I need some time to consider this matter. You've been discussing it for a while, but you haven't given me time to think." "Also, I hope we can sit down and talk properly. It's inconvenient to discuss matters here with so many voices. How about a few days from now, representatives from each building come together to discuss cooperation? What do you think?"

This remark immediately prompted a mocking response from Wang Qiang.

"What? Do you want to gather everyone and then kill us all? Meeting is fine, but you need to come to our territory. I suggest meeting at Building 21!"

Zhang Yi smiled faintly, knowing that these people wouldn't agree so easily. After all, everyone who survived until now was no ordinary person; they were all cunning in their own ways. He wasn't in a hurry, just calmly saying, "You can also send representatives over. But, negotiations must take place in Building 25!"

Zhang Yi's tone was very firm, with an unmistakable air of authority.

Wang Qiang laughed, "Why should we listen to you? Do you think we're fools?"

Huang Tianfang also said, "Zhang Yi, don't play clever tricks. We're not idiots."

Zhang Yi sneered, "You don't even dare to send a few representatives; what's there to discuss? If you like fighting so much, let's skip the negotiation and go straight to a fight!"

Both sides were firm in their stance, refusing to yield. In negotiations, maintaining a strong presence was crucial; otherwise, one would be at the mercy of others.

At this point, peacemaker Li Jian stepped in.

"Everyone, let's not be like this. We should discuss things peacefully. We should discuss things peacefully!"

He asked Zhang Yi, "Zhang Yi, how do you intend to negotiate with us?"

Zhang Yi said, "Send representatives from your 29 buildings, and let's discuss how to cooperate in the future. I, Zhang Yi, am not unreasonable. Now, everyone covets the resources and snowmobile in my possession. How can I negotiate with you willingly?" "My conditions are laid out here; you can choose to come or not!"

"I believe you all have already inquired about me. I'm not afraid to tell you that I knew about this unprecedented cold wave a long time ago. That's why our house was built so sturdy, and I'm not afraid of you breaking in. If necessary, we can just endure, and let's see who can outlast whom!"

After speaking, Zhang Yi stared intently at the screen. This was a probing statement, checking if there was anyone in the community who could threaten the security of his house. Although the probability was extremely low, with an impending large-scale battle, Zhang Yi had to consider all possibilities.

As expected, no such improbable event occurred. After pondering for a while, the people in the group felt somewhat disheartened. They knew Chen Zhenghao had been killed by Zhang Yi, and even when Huang Tianfang led people for a bombing, Zhang Yi's house remained intact. They were just ordinary people in society, not capable of orchestrating large-scale explosions.

After a while, one building manager spoke up, "You may be able to protect yourself, but in your building, with so many people, can you guarantee their safety?"

Zhang Yi rolled his eyes. Did they think he was a saint? Probably just a last-ditch attempt when they ran out of ideas.

"At this point, of course, I'll prioritize my own safety. Don't play this moral kidnapping game with me; it's meaningless."

Chen Lingyu became anxious. "Zhang Yi, even if your house is sturdy, the food inside will eventually run out. Can you guarantee you won't come out for the rest of your life?" "So avoiding reality like an ostrich is pointless."

A smile played on Zhang Yi's face. "Then let's give it a try and see who can endure longer. Want to compare consumption?" "I've never cared about how much resources others have. In the end, none of them have more than I do."

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