Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

They got back near midnight. Harry wanted to get him home before Christmas was over. He Apparated into the den and turned on the tree. Harry was shaking with excitement. Before Draco could even get his bearings at where in the room he was at, Harry grabbed his jumper and reeled him in for a long kiss. Draco kissed back and wrapped his arms around him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to jump you like that," Harry said, as he kissed his neck.

"It's alright. Been wanting to do that all day, too."

"Oh, bloody hell! Your present! Kreacher!" Harry called loudly.

Draco expected a crack, but heard nothing at first. Then a squeaky, "I is coming, Harry!" came from the kitchen. He wasn't sure why the elf chose to walk, but he heard the shuffling feet moving toward them. "I took care of 'im."

"Thanks, Kreacher," Harry said and stepped toward the house elf.

Draco sighed, not knowing what happened, but Harry dropped something warm and moving in his arms.

"Merry Christmas!" Harry said, as a wet tongue attacked Draco's face. He nearly dropped it in surprise, but Harry steadied him. "Easy!"

Draco gripped the furry creature and found its head. "A dog? You got me a dog?"

"Puppy, technically. Rescue. It's some kind of krup mix, but not much. Mostly an Aussie."

Draco smiled as he hugged the attention-loving pup, though it apapeared to be tired. "A dog implies a permanent residence-a puppy an even longer one."

Harry stammered, "I... well...."

"I hope I have a place to stay," Draco laughed.

"You always will have a place to stay," Harry said. "I'm sorry if I was being... presumptuous."

"That's a big word."

"Prat, I just thought we could train him to be a seeing-eye dog. He can help you move around when you're outside of our home. Muggles use dogs for a lot of things."

"I see. Does he have a name?" Draco asked, as he petted the pup to calm him down. He had gleefully noticed Harry's use of the word "our".

"No, not really. I figured you'd want to name him."

"Hmm... how about Laelaps?"


"Canis Major, Potter. Didn't you take Astronomy?" Draco drawled.

"Prat... that was the other name for it. Orion's hunting dog. I forgot," Harry said.

"Yep, he was. The dog that could catch anything, and Orion was blinded, too. So, it fits."

"It does. Laelaps it is. I didn't want to give you him this morning, cause then you might've wanted to take him to Ron's. Dogs do not like Apparation or floos."

"And how are we supposed to take him anywhere, Harry?"

"Walk or ride? Sorry, spur of the moment, really. Kreacher agreed to watch him for me."

"Kreacher was honored to take care of 'im!" the house elf squeaked.

"Thank you, Kreacher. And you, too, Harry. I love him, and soon I'll love him more than you."

"You love me?" Harry whispered, coming closer.

Draco went red. "I do, Harry. I've always loved you, since that day in Madam Malkin's"

Harry took his arms. "I love you, too, Draco."

"EHHH!" Kreacher squealed. "Masters are in love! Here, gimme the sweet pup! I take care of him while you sleep!"

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