Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Published: November 27, 2020

Updated: September 30, 2021

Over a week had gone by and he had finally managed to get all the triangles on one side. He was not discouraged, though. He would beat it. Harry often praised him for getting further than he ever got and he also stopped by almost every hour, now, causing more people to do the same. Anjos, a restaurant owner, now gave him a cup of tea and small skillet bowl every morning as he passed by, no matter if he tried to refuse or pay.

Madam Malkin hauled her son, Richard, over to make him apologize for attacking him. The boy seemed contrite, and brought him a blanket and occasionally lunch. Though he leaned into Harry every time the boy or his friends came by.

"I don't think he's gonna attack you anymore, but I like that you look to me to protect you," Harry drawled, nudging his arm.

Draco scowled and muttered, indignantly, "Go screw your-" But then stopped himself. They weren't friends, and Potter was capable of making his life hell.

"Relax, Wyvern. I was just picking on you. I like when you get salty anyway."

"Why?" Draco queried. Why would anyone want that?

"Cause you're not acting then. I don't need you to be appreciative and humble all the time. I like seeing the real you."

"The real me is a prat."

Harry laughed. "Merlin, the things you say."

Draco huffed and asked, "So... when's you patrol rotation up?"

"Still have a few more months. Don't worry. I'll still need lunch breaks. You're not getting rid of me."

"It's not necessary. I have survived on my own for nearly a year."

Harry paused, but then murmured, "Yeah, well, I suck at it."

Draco turned toward him, confused. "What?"

"I hate living alone and being alone. I get bad nightmares, and there's no one to talk to."

"Why don't you go to a mind healer?" he asked, concerned.

"I'd lose my badge. Aurors are supposed to be level-headed. Heck, they'd probably take my wand away if they asked deep enough questions," Potter admitted.

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah, well, it's relaxing to talk to you. So, it's somewhat self-serving to butter you up all the time."

Draco snorted. "And I had to suffer this whole time."

"Yeah, I'm sure. But my mates are getting married and needed a place of their own. So, I moved back home. I didn't want to walk in on them snogging... or worse."

"The horror."

"It is. Well, I have to go early for dinner tonight over at my mates' new place. So, if you are just staying here later for me... you don't have to."

He snorted. "Who's going to patrol then?"

"Oh... it's Sunday. I don't work on weekends. I just come to hang out with you."

Draco's eyebrows rose. "What... really?"

"Umm... yeah."

"It's not necessary, P-Harry," he said. It was still so weird not to call him Potter, even after a few months.

"Well, I have nothing better to do. Maybe I have dinner plans after my shift, sometimes. Or maybe I'd have to babysit my godson, and that's about it."

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