Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Published: November 22, 2020

Updated: September 30, 2021

And Potter did come. He came the next day, too, and the next day after that. He bugged him every day, to figure out what sandwiches he liked and to dump more coins into his cup.

"Constable, please stop giving me so much. I only need money for food," he said, after he heard more coins drop into his cup as he clinked.

"It's Harry. What about a place to live?" Potter asked.

"It's not like I can look for one," he huffed.

"I can help you find one," Potter said, trying to sound persuasive.

"It's fine. I have a place," Draco murmured, not wanting to be more in Potter's debt and limiting the time spent with him. It was too dangerous as Harry might figure out who he was.

"Well, you still can save up the coins."

"No, I can't. I'll get rolled if I have too much." "Oh really? That shouldn't happen. I'm sorry."

"It's only happened a few times," he said, looking away embarrassed. He was so scared to walk or sit in Knockturn Alley. The street was filled with the unscrupulous.

"Maybe you can put it into Gringotts?"

"No." Draco knew he couldn't open an account under a fake name, and he didn't want anyone to know where he was at.

Potter stopped to consider it. "Do people take your food and stuff?"

"Not usually, but please, I don't need anything else," he pleaded. More things tended to make him a bigger target.

Potter wasn't deterred. He dropped off new robes one day that Potter "didn't need". The next he gave some thick trousers and shoes to him because "winter was coming". It didn't matter what Draco said to him, Harry refused to take them back. Then the strangest thing started happening: shopkeepers started talking to him, too. They greeted him and handed him samples of their goods. He tried to decline, but they seemed that much more determined.

It was damned unsettling. Draco was used to insults and complaints, and now he almost felt welcome. He didn't need to hold a can anymore. It was more of just something to do. He didn't want to go back to his hard, cold cement bed and do nothing but think. So, he sat on one of the many benches that Potter had installed in Diagon Alley and ate the hot meal that Potter had bought him from a restaurant nearby.

"You've been staying later," Potter muttered, sitting next to him. It was true. He used to leave as the stores closed, but Potter started to stop by at dinner time, too.

"It's dreadfully dull at night," Draco muttered, as he ate his fresh Irish Stew bowl.

"Oh, really? Cause I started coming around for a second time... and you started waiting."

Draco had the decently to blush, which Potter seemed to notice and chuckled a little. Draco sighed and put down his bowl. He had been enjoying their conversations, but Potter had taken it as an unspoken request for a second meal. "P-Harry... you don't have to spend your time and money on me."

"It's nothing, Wyvern."

"It is. You freed so many people from that evil bastard, and you don't even know the half of it. You ended the war, and you're too important to be hanging around with someone like me."

"I'm not "too important". I got lucky, real lucky. And why would talking to you be so demeaning for me? I enjoy talking to you, and you seem to enjoy talking to me."

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