Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Published: December 17, 2020

Updated: September 30, 2021

Harry did not throw him out, though it was undoubtedly awkward when Potter brought him breakfast the following day. Harry, of course, apologized for pushing him so far, stupid, self-sacrificing git. Harry talked for several minutes without any input from him, explaining that he was a beautiful snowflake or something, and that everyone is important. He wanted to tell him to f off, but that wasn't going to help the situation.

Then Harry left on his hunt and didn't come back until late at night. Draco roamed the house, explored the cupboards and worked on his cube. He stayed up waiting for him, until he came home. Potter updated him with the search, and then they went to bed, without asking any personal questions. The same thing happened the next day and the next and the next. Harry's panic was only increasing. He was blaming himself for not trying to find the git sooner. No matter how much Draco tried to assail Potter's nervousness and grief, he couldn't let it go.

The fifth was coming closer. Despite Harry's previous protestations, he was starting to believe that year-mark limit. Hermione and Weasley stopped by on the morning of the fourth, and they couldn't calm Harry down. They did join him in the search effort, though. Draco thought Harry had to have looked in every house south of Hadrian's Wall for the Auror, but they didn't report on their missions nor talk to him besides greeting him and bidding him goodnight.

"I don't know when I'll be back. Don't wait up," Harry said before he Apparated away. Ron and Hermione left with similar farewells.

Draco lowered his head. He walked to the den. He had patience, and he would wait. He fell asleep a few times, but Potter never came back, even after the clock struck midnight. Draco stayed in his chair, fiddled with the puzzle more. He was getting the hang of it, now realizing that you can't go by the sides, you have to go by the rows. He stopped every few minutes to look at the Floo. He had to admit that he was worried about the Chosen One. Williamson was an experienced Auror. Harry could be in trouble, and he couldn't sleep.

The sun woke him from his unintentional nap, and Harry hadn't returned. It was the fifth. His time was up. Draco grimaced when he realized that he had actually started to hope. Hope was stupid, though. He knew he would be stuck in darkness forever, so why did he start to believe it possible? Maybe because it was Harry. He had destiny and the light on his side. Harry never failed anything, until now, that is. Draco had to wipe some tears away. Stupid freaking hope.

He got up, made tea and even pulled out some sausages to fry up. He overcooked them a bit, but they weren't too bad. He went up and took a shower, maybe his last in the house, and changed. He just made it back downstairs when someone Apparated into the room, dropping something big to the ground.

Harry's voice growled, "Welcome to my home, Asshole. Draco? There you are. Are you okay?"

"Fine?" he said, unsure of what was happening. He was tense as he could tell there was someone else in the room. Potter kidnapped someone.

"Found him. I got him bound. He admitted it, but won't tell me what the counter curse is."

"Go screw yourself, Potter. I don't have to tell you crap," the same evil voice said from that day in the hospital.

Draco backed up to the wall next to the steps. There was an Auror in the house. His fear spiked. The reconditioning from the halfway house had done a number on him. He didn't want to go back to prison.

"You will," Harry spat.

Williamson laughed. "Malfoy deserves being blind, and he'll never get it back! It's been too long!"

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