Chapter 4

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Mum knocked on my door to wake me this morning. She left for work early, meaning the house is mine for awhile. I always get up earlier than needed, two hours earlier to be exact. School doesn't start until eight and I'm ready at seven.

I quietly walked down the steps until I reached the living room. My feet carried me over to the grand piano, where I sat to finish the song I've been writing for Niall. Ever since he told me that no one's ever let him listen to music yesterday, I've been preparing a special song just for him.

No one else will be hearing it, except Louis who is going to decide if Niall will like it or not. I can't sing it to him of course, but the music is what he'll love. If, somehow, my vocal chords magically start working; I'll sing for Niall. It's just important that he knows I care.

The timer on my phone went off, telling me that it's time to leave. I grabbed my shoulder bag before leaving the house and heading to school. The only people at school were nerds or loners with the occasional punk.

I followed the hallways until I reached the music room where Louis sat waiting. He smiled at me when I walked in. Harry stepped up beside of him with a shit-eating grin on his face. My eyebrows shot up as I turned to Louis.

Lou shrugged, "He wanted to come."

I sighed internally as I sat on the piano bench and placed the music on the stand. My fingers brushed over the cool keys until I gently played the song I'd written last night. Louis and Harry both smiled even brighter when the music flitted through the room.

Harry grabbed his boyfriends hand, spinning him in a circle. I watched as they slow danced around the classroom with Louis standing on Harry's feet. They stopped when the music stopped, leaning in to kiss eachother before returning to me.

"He's going to love it Liam." Harry said.

Louis nodded furiously, "He'll be absolutely thrilled."

The bell signaling class's start rang before I could respond, but they just patted my shoulders as we parted ways. Classes were slow, only music giving me any excitment. Niall jumped up and down in excitment when I told him about the song.

He agreed to meet me after school so he could hear it. The day flew by as I kept thinking about what Niall would think about the song. I've never written something so meaningful for anyone other than my mum.

I met with Niall after the last bell. We walked down the hall in silence until Niall stopped. I turned to him confused as to his sudden halt. Niall's blue eyes filled with tears as he looked into my warm brown ones.

"Why'd you write me a song, Liam? I'm not worth the effort." Niall signed as the tears slid down his flushed cheeks.

I frowned, "I think you're worth more than anything."

Niall stared at me in shock of what I just said, "I'm just a gay deaf kid, worthless to anyone on the planet."

My mouth hung open in surprise, "You're not worthless to Louis, Harry, Zayn, Perrie, your mum, me. Niall, you mean so much to so many people. If one of us is worthless, it's me because you are worth more than all of the diamonds in the world."

A shy smile slowly formed on Niall's lips, "I don't think you're worthless, Li."

"I'm not if you're not, Ni." I signed.

Niall only nodded before we continued on our path to the music room. A shushing noise sounded from around the corner, but I just brushed it off. I figured Louis had probably brought everyone to see me play for Niall.

The piano hadn't moved since this morning, meaning I sat down as soon as we got in. I placed the music on the stand as Niall lightly laid his hands on the polished wood. He smiled at me, happiness evident in his bright eyes.

My fingers moved across the piano as I closed my eyes and got lost in the music. Niall sighed as he felt the different pitches through the vibrations of the piano. If there was something I could do to give him his hearing, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

I finished the song with a smile as Ni looked at me. He remained where he stood, only his palms and fingertips touching the piano's surface. I stood from the bench, slowly walking towards him. His blue eyes held mine as I moved to stand right in front of him.

A sudden stinging caused me to hiss and clutch my hip, right where my mark sits. I noticed Niall do the same thing, but I only briefly saw him turn to look at his skin. I looked up and instantly locked eyes with Louis who stared at me in fear.

He moved to me with Harry as Zayn and Perrie ran to Niall. Louis grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the music room and into another random classroom. The burning stopped as we moved further from the others, but an iritated itch replaced it.

I frowned before slowly pulling my shirt off to reveal my irritated symbol. The skin radiated heat and burned with a red tint. Mum always said that something like this would happen, but I never thought she was serious. She warned me about the prophecy.

"Those who's symbols burn shall cause the times to turn."

It sounded like she was high when she told me, but now that I'm standing here with this horribly irritated mark; I believe her. Louis cuddled into Harry as I fished my phone out of my pocket. Obviously, I can't call anyone, so I messaged my mum.

To mum: I'm bringing friends over to talk mum.

From mum: I'll be there, sweetie.

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