Chapter 5

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I followed the group into my house, watching as everyone took a seat on the couch across from my mum. She smiled at my friends and I, but it looked strained.

"Make sure to sign your words to mum, for Niall." I said before she began to speak.

She nodded.

Louis spoke up, asking the question that everyone was thinking. "Why did their marks burn?"

Karen smiled softly, "As Liam grew up, he showed signs of being one of the chosen two. The elders of the town we lived in we he was young always told us that the chosen couple would turn the centuries. It is finally coming upon us, the time of rebirth and peace. The only obstacle that stands between the chosen two, is each other. Being that neither of them know who their soul partner is, there is know way to find them right off. They both must search for their happiness, and when it is found, the world will follow in their footsteps. "

I frowned, turning to Niall and seeing the same expression on his face. Mum continued shortly after she paused for air.

"The burning of their marks signified the beginning of the prophecy taking place. The chosen couple have shared an emotional moment with each other, and the world has officially experienced true piece in different areas. Liam is close to his partner, the one who's mark burned with his."

Everyone turned to Niall and I. We stared back at them until they got the hint and took their leave. I didn't realize how close the Irishman and I were sitting, though, only noticing when sparks shot through my leg as our thighs brushed.

We both gasped in shock, locking eyes as the feeling moved throughout our bodies and warmed our hearts in sync. Niall smiled, letting out a tiny giggle that was almost inaudible. I smiled big enough to hurt my cheeks at the adorable sound.

I don't think either of us expected me to do what happened next. I stood up, Niall following after in a slower motion. He looked up at me to meet my eyes as I gently cupped his cheeks and brought our faces closer together, relishing in the sparks that burned where our skin met.

Niall pushed himself up on his tiptoes before connecting our lips. My eyes fluttered closed as we slowly gained a rhythm and worked together. A scratching at the back of my throat had me pulling away to cough.

The scratching turned to a slight burning before shifting to a cool kind of relief. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Niall clutching his ears in brief pain. He didn't remove his hands until I gently pulled them away and he opened his eyes to meet my own.

The bottle blonde had to incline his head to look at me, but he grinned nonetheless. I cocked my head in confusion until Niall started to lean in again. I smiled against his lips, much like he did to me.

When we broke apart, I did something that I've never been able to do. I spoke.

"What was that for?"

If possible, Niall's smile got even bigger. A deep chuckled escaped from me and I heard another giggle come from the blonde in front of me. He gently wrapped his arms around my neck and tucked his head under my chin while my arms found his waist.

"Thank you, Liam." A beautiful Irish accent rang around the room for a moment before I interrupted the silence again.

"You're welcome, Niall."


2 years later

Despite many people's doubts, the love between Niall and Liam did change the world. Countries stopped warring and deaths stopped being brutal. Of course, not all crime ceased to exist and minor conflict broke out every once in a while; but overall, the majority of the world found true peace.

It's all because of the love between two soul mates. How are the others doing, you say? They've all graduated of course. I'd be delighted to tell you that Harry and Louis, or Larry as their friends call them, are still going strong and Harry is planning to propose to the love of his life in two days time.

Zayn and Perrie have gotten engaged because, as Louis would say, Zayn finally popped the question right before Perrie announced her pregnancy. Yes, you heard right. Soon there will be a little Zayn running around. Everyone's excited, especially Niall and Liam considering that they're the god parents. That took a lot of arguing to decide, mostly between Niall and Louis while Harry and Liam only spoke when their lovers asked them to.

I'm sure you'd be glad to hear about the four words that Liam said to Niall on their four month anniversary. Liam planned a picnic on the beach where they watched the sunset before he kissed Niall and said,

"I love you, Ni."

What he didn't expect to hear automatically was, "I love you too, Li."

And the couple went home with tension in the air. The atmosphere only lightening up once more when they finally sealed their love for each other in the bedroom. Niall gladly accepted Liam and vice versa.

Well, that's all for now; but who knows? Maybe there's more to the story. It's up to your imaginations to decide.


I'm actually posting this on the 6th because it's 2:04 in the morning, but it was originally supposed to be a gift to my readers for my birthday. Yesterday (The 5th) I turned 15. So I hope you all enjoyed this short story I wrote for you. Love, Smallnugget

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