Chapter 3

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Liam, Louis, and Harry walked into class two minutes late. They went thorugh the annoying introductions, ending in the three sitting in the back next to Zayn and Niall. Perrie didn't have that class. The teacher was talking and signing at the same time, probably for Niall.

Everyone around him does it to include him in their conversation. Well, his friends and teachers do anyway. Most otehr students just ignore him as far as Liam can tell. The teacher was talking about needing someone in the class to learn piano.

When he asked if anyone already knew, Liam raised his hand shyly. The teacher grinned, "Show us then."

Liam made his way to the grand piano in the fron tof the class. He sat down, running his fingers over the keys in admiration. Music has been his escape since he started to get bullied. Liam closed his eyes before starting to play.

When the song ended, Liam opened his eyes to see the whole class standing and clapping. He blushed as the teached asked him what he played. Liam looked up at him, "I wrote it."

The teacher smiled at him, while Liam made his way back to his seat. Niall looked at him with sorry eyes, "I wish I could've heard it. I'm sure it was beautiful."

Liam looked at him, "When class is over, I'll play it again, but you'll hear it this time."

Niall looked at him confused while Liam smiled with excitment in his brown eyes. Liam stared into the crystal depths that take place as Niall's eyes, he looked over Niall's pale face. Liam took in every feature, from the faint freckles to the soft pink lips.

Niall looked over Liam's features while the teacher droned on. He looked at the clear brown that rested in his eyes and he examined the pretty pink lips. Niall finally met Liam's gaze again, instantly seeing a faint blush rise up on Liam's cheeks.

Liam noticed Niall's cheeks heat up to, the pink standing out even more on his pale skin. Both of them were to busy looking at eachother to realize that the last bell had rung and everyone was heading home. Perrie walked into the music room, noticing that the teacher had left.

Liam mtioned for Niall to come with him to the front of the piano. Niall followed, watching what Liam did with his hands. Liam had Niall lay his hands on the dark wood of the piano. His pale skin contrasted greatly against the glossy black, but niether of them cared.

Niall watched as Liam took a seat behind the keys. When the vibrations came to Niall's hands, a smile crossed his face. He could feel the changing notes under his palms. Liam played the same song he'd played earlier in class.

Louis, Harry, Zayn, and Perrie watched the scene with great interest. They all wanted to see how Liam would treat Niall. When Liam did this for him, they all knew for sure that he could be trusted with their little Nialler.

As the song came to the end, Louis leaned up to kiss Harry. Perrie did the same to Zayn, while Niall just grinned brightly at Liam.

"It really was beautiful Liam! Thank you!" Niall signed quickly.

Liam smiled, "Thank you and you're welcome."

Zayn looked at Niall, "Do you mind walking home Ni? Perrie and I were gonna go see a film."

Niall shook his head, "I don't mind. Have fun!"

Louis and Harry waved goodbye to everyone before leaving the music room. Perrie and Zayn followed after them, leaving Liam and Niall alone in the music room. Liam turned to look at Niall.

"I'll walk you home Niall." Liam signed.

Niall smiled at him, "I live on Renderson Road."

Liam nodded, "So do I!"

Both of them started the walk home, but Niall stopped them once they reached his house. He ushered Liam in with him, wanting his mum to meet his new friend. Maura smiled when her son walked into the house, but gave him a confused look when Liam followed him in.

"Who's this Niall?" She signed.

Niall turned to Liam, "Mum this is Liam. Liam this is my mum."

Maura eyed the boy skeptically, but before she could ask him questions he lifted his hands and started signing to her.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs.Horan. I'm Liam."

Liam shook hands with his mum before turning to Niall. "I've got to get home, I don't want my mum to worry."

Niall nodded, walking Liam to the door. Liam waved to Niall, which Niall returned before closing the door. Maura walked up behind her son as soon as the door was closed. She gently tapped on his shoulder, getting his attention.

Maura looked at her son skeptically, "Who is that boy Ni?"

Niall frowned at his mothers facial expression, "He's new and he's my friend mum."

Niall's mum simply stared at him for awhile, "Why did he sign to me Niall?"

"He's mute mum. Liam's never been able to speak." Niall signed in frustration.

His mum has always been overprotective of her son, simply because he's deaf and hearing kids can be rude. Maura just wants to make sure her innocent little Nialler is safe and happy. Having him around hearing kids has made her uneasy since Niall was old enough to understand his problem.

Maura has accepted that she can't keep Niall away from making friends, but that doesn't mean that she went easy on the new people. When Niall first met Zayn, she flipped. Niall had already befriended Harry and Louis, but at the time, they both had disabilities of their own.

If course she knows about the legends, she has a symbol of her own! Zayn and Perrie came as a package deal because thy'd moved here together after their symbols connected. Zayn used to be a schizophrenic while Perrie had Multiple Personality Disorder.

They were united at the same pysch ward and both were let out at the same time. Louis and Harry ended up being eachothers' missing half. Everyone was absolutley thrilled when Louis came to school seeing and Harry was listening intently to his lovers voice.

"Alright. I trust your judgment Nialler. Liam seems like a nice lad." Maura finally responded.

Niall nodded enthusiastically, "He's such a gentlemen mum! He played piano for the class, but when I told him I couldn't hear it he made me hear it! After class he made me put my hands on the piano and then he played it again so that I could feel the different vibrations!"

Maura almost didn't keep up with Niall's rambling, but she did understand what he said and she's thrilled! Who knew somone would do something so sweet for her son? Maura might just have to give Liam a chance.

Two Halves Make a WholeOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara