Chapter 2

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Liam walked into his wardrobe, running his fingers through his short brown hair. He pulled his towel around his waist tigheter when the cool air hit him. Liam ran his hands over his clothes, trying to decide what to wear on his first day.

He eventually decided on a pair of regular jeans, a white tee shirt with a red flannel over top of it, and his normal boots. He smiled at himself in the mirror, happy with the look. Liam looked at his alarm clock, his eyes widened at the time.

His mum waved goodbye to him as he ran out the front door. Liam made it to school with three minutes to spare. He walked through the main doors, ignoring the looks he got from the kids in the hallways. New kids get all of the stupid attention.

Liam found his way to the office. The secretary smiled kindly at him, "Can I help you?" she asked.

He nodded, raising his hands up to sign to her. "I'm new here."

The secretary grinned again, "Well lets get your time table and get you to class."

Liam waited for her to hand him the thing she printed out. He looked down at the floor until she said his name and handed him the time table with his name on it.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "How'd you know my name?"

She looked at him, "You're the only new student right now."

He nodded, turning to walk out of the office, but the lady spoke once more. "Zayn Malik is waiting outside to take you to class."

Liam turned around again, "Can he sign?"

She nodded, "One of his friends is deaf."

Liam nodded in reply. He continued out the door, almost running into a dark haired lad. The boy had tan skin, brown eyes, and eyelashed that make it seem as if he's wearing eyeliner. His black hair is styled perfectly into a quiff.

He wore black skinny jeans with a white tee shirt, a leather jacket, and black Nikes. Liam looked down at his feet when the other lad started talking, "Are you Liam?"

Liam glanced up to meet his eyes as he nodded shyly. The other boy chuckled, "I'm Zayn Malik. I'll be showing you around today."

Liam finally lifted his head with a smal smile. He handed Zayn his time table. Zayn grinned at the classes before looking back to Liam.

"Would you prefer me to sign to you?" Zayn asked quietly.

Liam looked at him, deciding to trust the nice lad. "When people talk to me, they look at me strangely because I can't reply. You haven't done that, so I don't care of you sign or not."

Zayn chuckled quietly, "My best mates deaf, so signing has become something that just happens. Sometimes, I don't even realize I'm doing it."

Liam grinned at him, "Lets go to class, yeah?"Zayn nodded as he took Liam down the hallway. There weren't any kids out because class had begun not to long ago. The boys came up to a door, but before they went in Zayn spoke again.

"We've got all of the same classes by the way."

Liam nodded as Zayn opened the door and walked inside. Liam followed behind, ignoring the looks from the class. Luckily, Zayn did the introduction for him.

"This is Liam Payne. He's new and he will sit beside me." Zayn said sternly.

The teacher looked between the two boys before looking down at his class list. He marked something off before speaking, "Well Liam, welcome to Legends High School. Please have a seat."

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