As I lay dying

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We must have sat there on the couch for hours because before I knew it I fell asleep. I awoke to the sun shining in my face and a rather chipper Damon who was whistling and humming while tidying the house. Does he not remember that Stefan is dead? Or right we are suppose to 'forget'. ''Good morning my princess, My queen, My queen of beauty,'' Damon said with a huge smile on his face while dancing around the house, I gave him an odd look then shook it off. Forget Elena, Remember that. ''Well good morning to you too Mr. Clean.'' I joked as I stood up and walked over to him and rubbed his dead. He gave me a mocking look as I laughed at him for attempting to mock me. ''Hungry?'' He asked as he tossed me a blood bag, I nodded quickly as a smile spread across my face ''Thank you.'' I said as I tared the blood bag open, Draining it of ever ounce of blood. My god.. It tasted so good. Damon watched me with that sexy look he does, As I gave him a small smile and threw the blood bag in the garbage. ''Okay, Lets go!'' Damon rushed me excitedly as he ran up to the door at vampire speed, I stopped and thought for a minute - Where are we going? We don't have anything planned. Maybe he has gone crazy. ''There's a two weeks till Christmas, Kind of need to go shopping.'' Damon said, I shook my head and smiled. But he had no Stefan to buy for, I thought then immediately pushed that thought out of my head. I didn't know what to do or say, I don't know how much longer I can pretend to forget about Stefan. ''Let's go then!'' I said in the same excited voice, Putting on my happy face. We walked out of the house and got into Damon's new car, It was the exact same one as his old one. He drove out of the drive way with a smile planted on his perfect face ''Stop at my house? I need to get clothes, And I need to change.'' I laughed at myself ''And I want to bring Jer along.'' I said looking over at Damon as he nodded. ''Okay.'' He agreed with that same smile, He was too happy. It worried me.

Damon pulled up out front of my house, My god how long has it been since I've been here? I've been so busy with Damon, And being a new vampire that I almost forgot about Jer, How sad is that? Forgetting about my own brother, Pretty darn sad especially now I know how Damon feels. I hopped out of the car and shut the door behind me, Damon looped his arm with mine as we walked up my front stairs and went inside. The house looked the same; But everything was so much.. Brighter. I can't believe Its almost been 4 weeks since I've been here, The last I was here I got changed and ran out pretty much. I haven't even really talked to Jer, Hopefully he understands. I feel like crap for this. ''You really should talk to your friends and family more.'' Damon scoffed. I knew he was right, I would have never thought that I'd have no time for them. Or that I'd even forget about them. ''Jer..'' I yelled, Looking around the messy house. Jeremy came running down the stairs, His face lit up at the sight of me and a huge smile stayed on his face, I turned the smile as his arms wrapped around me. I needed this, I needed family and friends right now. ''Elena, Hey!'' Jeremy said pulling out of the hug, Looking at me with that same smile still on his face. At least he isn't mad. Damon stepped off to the side, Actually to be honest.. He went and cleaned the house a bit. ''Jer, I am so sorry.'' I gushed, Disappointed in myself. 'I am so sorry' I have said those words too often lately. Jeremy shook his head ''Its okay, I understand. Damon filled me in.'' He said as he motioned his head in Damon's direction. I nodded, Still disappointed in myself ''Come around more, Please.'' Jeremy almost begged, I felt like i was going to burst into tears right there, But I didn't. ''Of course.'' I said as I hugged Jeremy once more. ''So, She was wondering if you wanted to go Christmas shopping with us.'' Damon said in his usual cocky tone. ''Ah yeah, Christmas is soon isn't it? Well, Sure!'' Jeremy said as he grabbed a light sweater. And out the door we went.

We roamed around a few little boutiques in town, But nothing really popped out at any of us. Especially because most of the stores sold the same stuff as the others. We decided, Ok, Jeremy decided that we go to a different city. And thats were we are going now, I seen Jeremy plug his Ipod into Damon's car to listen to his music. I didn't mind Jer's music, I had to live with it. But Damon on the other hand.. ''Turn that down, That's crap.'' Damon said annoyed at Jeremy's choice in music ''Sorry you have no good music taste.'' Jeremy laughed as Damon unplugged his ipod, I gave him a sympathetic look as we pulled into the malls parking lot.

I use to come to this mall all the time, When my parents were alive. They took us here often, Seeing that there wasn't really anything fabulous in Mystic Falls. We went into one store and Jeremy put on these silly glasses with a fake nose and moustache attached, He made a funny face and I bursted into laughter - Damon didn't find it as amusing. ''Come on, Have some fun.'' I urged Damon, Still laughing. Jeremy took off the glasses and put them on the rack, ''Fun, I'll show you fun.'' Damon said with a little evil in his tone, I cocked an eyebrow as Damon made us turn around. He made his way in the dressing room as we sat infront of it on a couch. Damon came out in circus like pants that were rainbow colored, Tacky smiley face overalls, And a shirt that looked like it was from the early 40's. Jeremy bursted into laughter and literally rolled on the floor laughing, ''How do I look?'' Damon said in a funny tone. That did it, I couldn't hold back my laughter as I let out a low giggle then bursted into laughter myself. Finally, Some fun too get my mind off Stefan

Damon drove us all back to my house, Well I guess its more so Jeremy's house now seeing as I haven't been around, Which I am determined to change. We all got out of the car, Closing our doors behind us. I walked around to the trunk, Going to get some bags out. More so Damon and Jers present that I got very quickly with out either of them seeing. ''It's okay, Let the men handle it.'' Jeremy said laughing as he picked up some begs then made a funny face towards Damon. I shook my head at him, He really was the best brother ever. Damon grabbed some bags as I opened the front door for them, I grabbed my bags and headed up to my room ''Don't come in!'' I yelled at them, I could piratically hear Damon's eye roll. At vampire speed I ran to my room with there gifts, Hiding them in the one place they would never find.. I went over to my closet quickly, lifting up the one floor board silently and placing there gifts under there. I made my way back downstairs to see the boys enjoying a drink together ''Want one?'' Jeremy offered, I shook my head ''We should put up the lights.'' I told them with a smile, Jer nodded ''Yeah, Yeah lets do it.'' Jeremy said as he pulled out the dusty old box of Christmas lights, Damon smiled at me ''Anything you guys need help with?'' Damon questioned. We both shook our heads as we all went outside. Damon grabbed the ladder for Jeremy as I watched Jer put the lights on, One side kept falling down. Like usual, That was almost tradition. When Jenna was alive Alaric tried to put them up and had troubles, Jenna offered to help but of course Alaric was determined to get them up on his own. And last year, It was Ric and Damon who tried.. And now the tradition continues. I laughed at Jer's failed attempts and so did Damon ''Here let me help.'' Damon finally said, Jer shook his head. ''I got it.'' He said certain, I heard a low snicker come from Damon as Jeremy finally gave up and gave in to Damon's help. They got them up pretty quickly, Besides the swearing and Damon ready to break all of the lights. The three of us stood back looking at the house ''Perfect.'' I said cheery, Damon and Jer nudged each other.. Admiring there work. Then the lights fell down, Damon hit his head and Jeremy sighed. I.. Well I laughed as they once more, Tried again. This time, It really was perfect, And it stayed in tact.

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