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A few weeks had past and it was Christmas Eve,  Jer and I decided that we should go to the lake house. It was a great idea, Though the last time there It wasn't the best memory. Damon was coming along.. of course, And I invited Caroline and Tyler also Bonnie and Matt. Jer invited Anna, This was going to be nice, Hanging out with our friends. Damon, Jer and I got there before everyone, Wanting to make sure we had everything we needed there. We did, We brang decorations, But there is also decorations there. We brought plenty of food - and Blood bags, Some alcohol and other drinks. This was so perfect, But.. The only thing was, no one new about Stefan. Tonight they would have some questions, And I know i'm ready for them..  But I know Damon's not.

Jer headed inside before Damon and I, We stayed in the car. I looked over at him, Enjoying the past few days. ''There going to ask questions.'' I said looking at his beautiful face, He nodded ''I know.'' He simply said. I sighed, When was the right time to talk about it? I couldn't hold it in forever. I missed Stefan, And I knew Damon did too. ''We will worry about it then, Not now.'' Damon hushed bringing my face closer to his. I felt my breathing pick up. Even though I didn't need to breathe at all. And then our lips pressed together, It's been so long since we've had a passionate kiss. His hands ran threw my hair and our lips melted together, Feeling electricity  go threw my whole body. He pulled back not wanting to get carried away, We just smiled at each-other.. A good smile. Damon got out of the car and opened my door in a gentlemen type of manner he put his hand out, I took it and got out of the car as we walked hand in hand to the lake house, Enjoying the silence and most of all.. Being glad we are together. I stopped at the door way, Feeling like I walked into something. Realizing I couldn't move, I looked up at Jeremy with a cute smile ''You have to invite me in.'' I told him, Forgetting I was a vampire now. Jeremy crossed his arms and held back a laugh ''You can come in.'' He told me with a low laugh, I walked in and Damon followed behind.

Jer had already brung in most of the stuff, I opened the cooler and took out all the blood bags.. Placing them in the fridge.  ''Nice view.'' Damon said with his signature smirk as I was bending over to put the blood bags in the crisper. ''Ew, That's my sister.'' Jer said disgusted. ''I'm well aware.'' Damon said in a rather sexy tone. I stood up straight shaking my head at him with a small smile as he kissed my cheek. Damon grabbed the wine bottles out of the cooler placing them in the fridge as well. And finally putting the food in the fridge, I put the cooler beside the island in the kitchen, Jer went and sat on the couch and I headed to the bedroom, Putting all the presents in there. The door bell rang as I heard Damon yell ''I'll get it.'' and then I heard Carolines chiming voice and Tyler's husky voice along with hers. ''I'll take those..'' Damon said and then was beside me, Putting there presents that they brang on the bed. I walked out into the front room seeing a smiling Tyler and Caroline at the door, I hugged both of them with a huge smile on my face. Jeremy invited them in. They went and joined Jeremy on the couch, I felt a cold breeze past me - Thinking Damon was up to something. Then I seen a short dark haired girl in front of me, I jumped then laughed ''You must be Anna.'' I said as I hugged her. She nodded ''That would be me!'' She said in a cheery tone ''Sorry for scaring you, I kind of do that a lot to people.'' She admitted giving me an apologetic look ''Oh it's okay, I just thought it was Damon.'' I told her as she sat down next to Jeremy. ''How'd you get in?'' I asked confused ''Jeremy invited me in when you guys were in the car.'' She laughed, and I nodded. Realizing I was to busy kissing Damon to notice. ''So are you too..'' Damon started then I slapped his arm giving him 'the look.' ''No, No. She likes Matt.'' Jeremy said as Anna shrugged, ''I have my eyes on some one else.'' Jeremy said as I shivered, Who could that be? ''Did anybody want a drink?'' I offered. Caroline nodded and every body else passed. ''Ok so we have blood bags, Wine, Beer, Egg nogg and pop.'' I told her with a smile, ''Definitely wine.'' She said laughing. I handed her a cup and a fancy bottle of wine. ''I'd like a drink.'' Damon said pursing his lips as his hands quickly went to my hips. I lightly kissed his lips ''Ehem..'' I heard Caroline say, I pulled out of the kiss as I heard a knock at the door. I opened it quickly ''Bonnie!!'' I freaked out, Missing my best friend. I hugged her tightly, Then gave a small friend hug to Matt as they went and joined every one else. I stood there in the kitchen looking at everybody here, Everybody was here. But there still felt like there was something missing.. Stefan. ''It'll be ok.'' Damon reassured me, Obviously missing Stefan too. I nodded, Pulling my self together as we went and sat with all of our friends. Well my friends, Actually Damon had no friends here.. He didn't like most of them. The only person he had here was me.. It's sad. And its all my fault.

''Ok who wants to put up and decorate the tree?'' Caroline said excited, This should be interesting I thought. Caroline was just one of those perfectionists, It got annoying some times. She had to have everything perfect, And her way. I got use to it over the years but it still gets on my nerves every once in a while. ''Me!'' I said taking a sip of the red wine, Jer, Bonnie, Car and I all got up. The boys and Anna stayed seated, Talking amongst themselves. Damon watched us have fun and put up the tree and decorations. It was like old times just back then Jer, Bonnie, Caroline and I were a lot smaller. Damon went and sat on the deck out back, Watching us decorate. I knew he was upset, He had every right to be. I motioned my hand for him to come in but he just smiled and looked down at the ground. I went outside and sat next to him ''You're missing out on all the fun.'' I nudged him playfully. ''When we were kids and human - Christmas use to be mine and Stefans favorite holiday. I kinda miss it.'' He told me, His tone sadder then ever. I looked down at the wooden deck and back up at everyone in the living room, Laughing and having fun. Enjoying and embracing the Christmas spirit. And then there was me, Who just a few weeks ago killed someone I use to love, My boyfriends brother. And then here is poor Damon just wishing that Stefan was here - Alive. I didn't know what to say to Damon, Nothing I said could make it better or bring him back. ''We should tell everyone.'' Damon simply said, Trying to be more cheery. I nodded as he took my hand and led me inside. Damon and I stood at the door way of the patio, Looking at everyone. All my friends and my family who I was just about to tell that I killed some one. Some one important. Damon rubbed my back in a soothing way, Letting me know he is here for me. I took in a deep breath and crossed my arms ''I have to tell you guys something.'' I said in a low tone, Starring at the worn wooden floor boards. Every one stopped what they were doing, Sat down and put all attention on me which just made it more nerve racking. ''Tell us.'' Bonnie said in her calming voice, Damon nodded at me, I took in one more deep breath, Preparing myself for what I was about to say. ''A few weeks ago.. Stefan tortured Damon.'' I told them looking over at Damon who had there arm wrapped around me. Caroline nodded, Remembering she saved him. ''And then I turned into a vampire.'' They all nodded well aware, Unsure of how I got turned or why. ''Her anger was very heightened being a new vampire at all, She was angry at Stefan for hurting me. So she..'' Damon interrupted and then paused ''she Killed him.'' I heard some one say in a even lower tone, Admitting what I did to every one I loved. I spun around looking at Alaric ''Ric! You came!'' I said excited forgetting the information he just told everyone. ''You what?!'' Caroline flipped ''Killed him.'' I said myself this time as Alaric gave me a warm sympathetic look. It made me feel better that Ric was here, He was family and Damon's friend. Damon and Alaric disappeared, I'm assuming to talk - and drink. Caroline walked over to me with the most angry look on her face and shook me, hard. ''How could you kill Stefan?!'' Her tone started off high then went low into a whisper ''I was angry, And so new at all of this.'' I said disappointed in myself. I felt the tears fall and Bonnie was immediately beside me, Rubbing my back. ''Can you bring him back?'' I blubbered threw tears, Bonnie stayed silent and just shook her head ''I'm sorry.'' She simply said. ''It'll be okay.'' Matt reassured me, But I knew it wouldn't. The boys and Anna went to find Damon and Alaric, To give us girls some talking time. But all I was about to hear was Caroline's bitching. ''How could you kill Stefan?! First you leave him for jerk face, Then you even sleep with Damon!'' Caroline fumed ''Yeah and how long did it take you to get in bed with him?'' I said in a snarky tone, Caroline looked at me in anger ''Oh I'm sorry that he was a psychopath who compelled me to sleep with him.'' She said hoping Damon would here ''Well that 'psychopath' so happens to be my boyfriend, And I highly doubt he had to compel you.'' I told her in a cold tone. She gave me a dirty look ''You know what, Elena. I'm glad you're in love with a psychopath, At least Stefan isn't here to see what a miserable bitch you've become.'' Carolines tone was also cold and that did it, That threw me over the edge. I growled at her and felt my face change and my fangs come threw, I went to pounce at her but some one grabbed me from behind. ''Easy, Elena. Stop.'' Damon hushed me, Throwing Caroline a dirty look. ''Good now the physco is protecting the other physco.'' Caroline said with a rude smile, I didn't feel Damon's grasp on me any more, He was now in front of Caroline as he simply broke her neck in a split second. Every one ran over to her, Screaming and crying. ''Oh shut up, She will wake up in an hour or so.'' I told them in a harsh tone. ''What happened to you Elena?'' Bonnie asked Sad, ''I changed.'' I told her - I felt a gust of wind flash past me.. Thinking it was Damon. ''Miss me?'' I heard a very familiar voice say, I looked straight ahead - Eyes wide and jaw dropped. ''Stefan.'' I said shocked, Angry, Sad and scared.


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