A whole new aspect

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Finally we had managed to get out of bed, Sipping on a blood bag as I watched the random game show on t.v. I heard Elena's footsteps coming down the stairs, A wide smile appearing across my face. ''Something's wrong.'' Elena said, I could see her uneasy expression. Cocking an eyebrow, She stuttered for a second ''Jeremy hasn't called in.. Over two weeks.'' She told me, I thought for a second. ''He's a new vampire, Probably found a play toy.'' I joked, Then wiped the smile off my face as I noticed Elena's annoyed expression. Just with in that second, My phone rang.

Answering my phone ''Hello?'' I questioned the blocked call, ''Hey, It's uh.. It's Jer.'' I furrowed my brows, Something wasn't right like Elena said. That was too good of timing. ''Hey Jer.'' I said ''Mind telling me where you are?'' My tone was cruel, As Elena listened in on our conversation. ''I'm uh.. In  Georgia. Mind coming down here.. There's uh.. A slight problem.'' I heard him say rather slow, ''Sure.. We'll be at bree's bar.'' I told him, Hanging up my phone.

Elena looked at me as she ran her fingers threw her hair ''This isn't right.'' She said confused, I sighed ''I know.'' I simply said.


We drove off to Georgia, Thinking of all the things that could go wrong.. But trying not to worry or upset Elena. Everything was finally going so good and of course some dumb ass had to mess it up.

Pulling up to Bree's bar, It looked deserted.. I looked over at Elena as she shrugged. We looked around for a few minutes ''Let's do this.'' She said. I remembered the previous memories spent here with her. ''Be careful.'' I warned her in a hush tone, We got out of my car and walked into the bar. Nobody seemed to be here. ''Jer?'' Elena called out as I inspected the place.

Not paying attention, Elena walked off. I heard a loud shreek and went into the basement of the bar, There was Jeremy.. Not totally ok.. But he'd live. Elena hovered over a broken necked Jeremy, ''Who did this?'' Elena questioned furious as she held her brothers head. ''I have a feeling we're going to find out.'' My tone wasn't pleased, as I felt someone standing behind me. 

Spinning around on my heels I looked at the familiar but unfamiliar face, The woman who stood there looked exactly like Elena, But it wasn't Elena nor Katherine. This woman looked like she had been around a long time.. Maybe to long. Hearing somebody come down the stairs I looked past the smiling girl and seen yet another familiar face... The same jaw line, The same bright eyes. I was staring back at myself, It was me.

Salvatore Charm; Katherine's Revenge (SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now