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''Bon, Ty are you ready?'' I questioned Bonnie and Tyler as they nodded towards me, ''Ok so she can't get in because she has never been invited in, Which makes this a little risky because you two will have to go outside.'' I told the two of them as I seen Bonnie take a deep breath ''I'll do whatever it takes.'' Bonnie said, Sure of herself.  Tyler looked over at Caroline, While Caroline gave him a nervous look. In that second we heard a loud knock at the Lake house's door. I looked over at Damon quickly as Bonnie nodded at me. Bonnie walked towards the door, Opening it to see an impatient Katherine. ''He's here, I know he is.'' Katherine said through gritted teeth, Bonnie shrugged ''I don't know what you're talking about.'' Katherine gave an evil glance towards me then to Damon. ''I will kill every one of you.'' Katherine said, And there was no hesitation in those words only anger. Katherine reached for Bonnie and then a sudden force stopped her, Katherine's expression turned irritated and rage filled her face. ''Let me in.'' Katherine said in a hiss. Tyler stood behind Bonnie and Katherine laughed ''This is your big evil plan? To use the Witch and werewolf?'' Katherine rolled her eyes as she stood at the door impatiently. I looked around not seeing Jeremy in sight, I got worried and looked over at Damon with panic written all over my face. Katherine shot a glance at me, Catching on. ''Looks like little Gilbert is missing.'' Katherine snapped at us.  ''Look, Katherine. We all don't know what you're talking about, Stefans dead he's not coming back. I guess somebody can't accept that.'' Damon said coldly to Katherine, Katherine studied Damons expression which was now blank. ''I guess he isn't the only one.'' Katherine said with a devilish smile as I watched her carefully, Just in that split second I seen Jeremy outside of the lake house behind Katherine. Katherine smiled and in that second we heard a large snap, I screamed as I seen Jeremy hit the ground. I seen someone run behind Katherine at vampire speed, Katherine looked at us as she made choking sounds and fell to the ground. Katherine's heart layed in Klaus's hand as he smiled a sweet smile at us ''Well thats now finally over with.'' Klaus said with a brilliant pleased smile on his face. ''No, No jer come on.'' I cried as I rushed to his body that was now limp and cold on the solid ground. Bonnie sat next to me, Stunned and numb. ''Please please, We have to do something.'' I cried as I felt Damons arms wrap around me ''It's okay.'' He whispered into my ear. ''How is it okay!? My brother's dead!!'' I said frantic ''He has vampire blood in his system.'' Damon said quietly, I looked over at Damon with empty eyes realizing my brother was now going to be a vampire.

''How could you do this?! With out telling me!?'' I freaked out on Damon as Stefan came down the old wooden stairs, Damon looked back at Stefan as Stefan sighed ''It was my idea, I knew our plan would never work so I thought of something better.'' Stefan admitted as I gave him a death stare ''A better plan as in making my brother a vampire?! The one thing I NEVER wanted for him?'' I cried as Caroline tried to soothe me, I pushed her off and stormed out of the lake house.

I made my way to the bench out back, I could still hear the group of them talking inside but I was trying my best to block it out. I sat on the bench that over looked the lake, There's been so many times where this bench was my get away. When ever my mom and I had a fight I'd come out here to think, Whenever something went wrong this bench and view helped me through it. I heard someone behind me but I didn't pay much mind to who ever it was, They sat down beside me as I focused on the colours of the river that were more vibrant then ever before. ''You know love, You shouldn't be mad just because they excluded you from here plan. I think it was a rather brilliant plan.'' I heard Klaus say in his flawless accent, I looked over at him and sighed ''They should of told me. All my life I've always wanted the best for Jeremy, And when our parents died and we found out about vampires I knew I never wanted that for him. I never wanted him to be involved with the vampire life, I never wanted him to be a vampire. I wanted him to grow old, Have children and a wife.'' I gushed to Klaus as tears streamed down my face, I wiped away my tears as Klaus gave me a sympathetic look ''Don't you think he will be more safe as a vampire? You'll get to worry less now.'' Klaus said as I nodded and shrugged my shoulders ''I know, I know. I just wanted better for him.'' I admitted as my eyes trailed back to the water ''He has the best because of you Elena.'' I heard another voice say, Damon's voice. ''You're a vampire now, If Jeremy would of stayed human you would of had to see him grow old and die.'' Damon admitted harshly, ''Thanks for coming Klaus.'' Damon said a little smug ''Well I don't pass up a chance to kill somebody.'' Klaus said with a smile. ''At least he is still alive.. Sort of.'' Damon said while trying to make it sound right. I nodded ''Why didn't Bonnie or Tyler do anything? Did they know?'' I questioned the both of them, Still kind of angry. Damon nodded as I sighed ''The main thing is, Katherine is dead and Jeremy is alive.'' Damon reassured me. I got off the bench and wrapped my wrists around Damon's neck as he held me in a warm embrace ''I'll just leave you two alone.'' Klaus said rather charmingly. ''Come on, Lets get inside. Jeremy should be up soon.'' Damon told me while looking down at me, ''Actually.. Can you get Stefan? I kind of want to talk to him.'' I told Damon as he nodded, Not really liking the fact but letting it slide.

Stefan came out side as Damon went inside, Stefan stopped at the bench and looked over at me. ''I heard you wanted to talk.'' Stefan said sounding surprised and hopeful, I nodded slowly. ''I'm sorry.'' I told him genuinly, Stefan looked at me with a small smile. ''It's okay.'' Stefan said then sat down on the bench, I joined him as I crossed my legs. ''Can I ask you a question?'' Stefan asked, I nodded ''Of course.'' I was slightly confused as to what the question could be. ''Why Damon?'' He simply asked in an innocent tone, The question caught me off guard, I looked over at Stefan ''I love him, Stefan.'' I told him bluntly not knowing what to say or what he expected me to say. Stefan bowed his head then looked back up ''I don't blame you.'' Stefan said scoffing then taking a deep breath ''I was never there for you like Damon is.'' Stefan said as he looked over me, I seen sadness fill his eyes. ''Stefan I..'' I started, Unsure of what to say.  Stefan shook his head ''Elena, It's okay.'' Stefan said softly as I studied his expression.. I knew it wasn't okay and he did too.

Stefan and I went back inside, I finally calmed down and could face the music. Stefan and I got inside as Damon took my hand, Leading me to my parents bedroom were a limp Jeremy laid. ''I.. I can't.'' I told him as I felt the tears come back, Damon turned me so I was facing him as he lifted up my chin and I met his eyes ''Yes you can, He's your brother.'' Damon told me in his consuming voice of his. I nodded as I sat next to Jeremy on the bed, I held Jeremy's hand and stroked his hair as Damon watched over me. Damon left the room as Caroline and Bonnie came in ''I'm so sorry Elena.'' Bonnie told me as she gave me a huge hug ''It's for the best.'' I said trying to sound believable. Caroline also gave me a hug, But more of a quick one. ''At least Tyler is okay.'' Caroline said with a smile, Bonnie nudged her. ''Matt left with Tyler, Matt shouldn't be here when Jeremy awakes.'' Bonnie informed me, I nodded as they left the room and I continued to watch over my poor lifeless brother. Jeremy's eyes shot open as he gasped for air, A panic and scared look on his face. Reality set in, My brother was no longer that beautiful human full of life.. Now he was like me, A vampire.

Salvatore Charm; Katherine's Revenge (SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now