You're going down.

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I looked over at all my friends who were sitting there thinking of a great plan that would actually work, All talking amongst one and other. I was worried, Katherine always was one step ahead and I didn't want any of my friends nor family to get hurt. ''Well come on Elena, It's the least you could do after you tried to kill me.'' Stefan said sounding like a jerk. I gave him a rather dirty look as I sat down on the beige couch next to Damon whom was now rubbing my back, It was rather soothing. I sat there but I wasn't paying much attention, ''Elena...'' Jeremy said concerend. I nodded ''Yeah, I agree.'' I said trying to sound like I was paying attention. Everyone looked at me confused, I obviously used the wrong answer.

We all sat there for what seemed like hours but really it was only 30 minutes then I finally spoke ''Why don't you just bite her Tyler?''  I said sounding rather rude. ''Because that seems rather obvious'' Caroline said in a stuck up tone, Obviously standing up for Tyler. ''No, I think Elena is on to something.'' Damon finally said as Stefan looked at him confused. ''Maybe we could make Katherine think we are helping her search for you, Making it sound like you're alive. Inject her with some vervain and then let wolfy over there'' Damon said motioning to Tyler ''Seal the deal.'' Damon finished, Stefan nodding thinking about it for a few seconds. ''But Katherine thinks I'm dead.'' Stefan said in an obvious and confused tone. ''But we can make her think you're alive, I'll tell her I lied and that I made Elena go along with it.'' I seen Damon shrug as I shook my head no ''No, Damon. She will kill you right then and there.'' Stefan nodded ''Elena's right.'' Stefan agreed with me for once as he fixed his light blonde hair. ''I'll lure her in, I mean I can use magic and I'll still be safe.'' Bonnie chipped in giving us all a content look. Damon smiled ''There, It's all figured out.'' He said as he put his hand on my leg, I sighed knowing this could end very bad but it could also end very good. ''I'll be okay.'' Bonnie reassured me with her heart warming smile, I nodded. ''So the last thing to figure out, How to find Katherine.'' Stefan said still in a cocky mood. ''How about we figure out the rest tomorrow and just, Just enjoy tonight.'' Jeremy said kind of angry as I gave him a sympathetic look. I nodded in agreement with Jer as Stefan shrugged his shoulders. It got quiet, And awkward ''So.. Who wants a drink?'' I said trying to steer clear of the awkward silence. ''Me!'' Caroline said as she handed me her wine glass, ''Can I get a blood bag?'' Damon said in a cute yet sexy tone as I gave him a cute smile. ''Yeah a blood bag would be great.'' Stefan said almost sarcastic and Anna nodded along with him. ''Bonnie? Jer? Tyler?'' I asked them curiously ''Can I get a beer?'' Jeremy said almost pleeding ''Yeah me too.'' Tyler said. I nodded and looked over at Bonnie who just shook her head no. Matt got up off the couch and followed me to the kitchen ''Need some help?'' He laughed, I nodded ''Yeah I don't really have five hands'' I laughed as he gave me his precious 'Matt' smile. ''Hey, I like your shirt.'' I said complimenting him on his plaid shirt, He looked down at his shirt ''Thank's I thought I'd try it out.'' He said then nudged my side playfully. I grabbed the 4 wine glasses from the wooden and worn cubbored beside the fridge. Matt handed me a blood bag as I ripped the top off and poured it into one of the many wine glasses, Matt gave me two more blood bags as I repeated the process and threw the empty blood bags in the garbage. Matt handed me the fancy wine bottle as I filled Caroline's glass. ''I'll grab the beers.'' Matt said with a small smile as I grabbed the four wine glasses and headed to the coffee table in the kitchen, I placed Stefans glass down in front of him.. Not giving him a very nice look. I handed Caroline her glass as she gave me a joyful smile, I sat next to Damon as I gave him his glass and I took a sip out of mine.

''We should open presents!'' Caroline chimed as Stefan sighed, ''Yeah, It'd be fun. Like old times.'' Bonnie added in with a huge smile, I nodded ''Lets do it!'' I said as I left the room at vampire speed and came back with all the presents, placing them under the tree. ''Okay, So.'' Caroline started as we all rolled our eyes, Here comes the perfectionist. ''Okay, Jeez.'' She said frowning as she sat back down. ''No, Car. I think you should hand out the presents like you did every year.'' Matt said giving Caroline a warm smile. Caroline's frown turned to a smile instantly as she sat next to the tree. I looked over at Damon who didn't seem to be enjoying this ''Lighten up.'' I whispered to him. ''Well that's my cue, I'm going to go do something more productive.'' Stefan said in a snotty tone with raised eyebrows, I gave him a dirty look. Stefan left the room as Caroline handed out the first present ''This one is for Jer from Elena!'' Caroline said reading the tag on the neatly wrapped present. Jeremy reached over taking the present and unwrapping it, He pulled out a new pair of head phones that had ''Gilbert'' written on the side of them. ''Oh cool!'' He gushed checking them out ''Thanks, Elena.'' He said geniounly as he checked out his new head phones. ''This one is for Bonnie from Moi.'' Caroline said admiring her perfectly wrapped present decorated in red and green wrapping. Bonnie gave her a small smile as she took the present and unwrapped it, Revealing a book reading 'Bennett family tree.' Bonnie looked up at Caroline shocked ''I put it together myself, With a lot of research.'' Caroline gushed as Bonnie beamed with shock ''Thank you Car!'' Bonnie said as she got up and gave Bonnie a huge hug. ''Oh..'' Caroline said surprised as she gave Tyler a smile ''This ones for me, Which I will open up later.'' Caroline said as she moved on to the next present which was in a cute santa themed bag. ''This one is for Matty from Elena.'' Caroline said as she handed the present to Matt who looked over at me with rosey red cheeks. ''You shouldn't have.'' He said as I nodded ''I know.'' I smiled at him as he opened the bag and looked at me in shock ''Woah.'' Matt said pulling out a scrapbook I made for him. ''I never knew we had so many pictures together.''Matt said as he flipped through the book, ''Thanks Elena.'' He said with a kind smile. ''Elena this one is for you.'' Caroline said with her contagious smile as she handed me a gift. ''From Damon.'' She added in right when I looked at the tag, I looked over at him as I unwrapped the small present. I opened the triangular box that was under neath the wrapping, In awe I pulled out the beautiful necklace that was simple and elegant. It had a heart pendant with ''Your saviour'' Engraved on it. I looked over at Damon as I gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, ''I love it!'' I gushed ''Would you?'' I asked motioning for him to put it on, He smiled pleased with my response and nodded. Caroline handed Damon a gift that was from me, I was nervous he wouldn't like it but knew deep inside he would. Damon opened the gift box which had a recent picture of him and I in a simple frame, Underneath the picture he pulled out A new leather jacket that had studs on the arms. ''Well thank you.'' He said in a sweet tone and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips. Damon put on the jacket showing his love for it, Which made this day perfect.

Salvatore Charm; Katherine's Revenge (SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now