Chapter 1

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They say that if you travel through Musutafu at night, you'll hear piano music and singing.

They say that if you have worries, they will disappear.

They call the ghost 'Deku'.

[Note: this is not a Bakudeku]


If Bakugou knew one thing, it was that Deku was going to be the best musician. Deku had this dream since they were kids. He was going to be the number one hero and Deku would compose his music and travel all over Japan and compose music for him. 

That would never happen.

Bakugou went down the streets when the sun started to set and walked towards the beach. Dagobah beach to be exact. Back then, Deku had encouraged (read: forced) him to clean the beach for training since they were around six or so. The beach was practically sparkling from all their efforts.

He stood by the water's edge, barely touching the lapping waves. "Hey, Deku? You there?"

A soft note rings through the air and Bakugou could recognize the song. He quietly smiled and stood there for a while, listening to the song, listening to Deku sing. When it stopped and Bakugou waited for a while in case Deku wanted say something. "I'm going to UA tomorrow, I got first in the entrance exam and saved some random brown-haired extra. Happy?" 

Some notes passed by, making Bakugou smile wider. "Yeah, I'm going to show all those shitty extras who's boss." 

Bakugou could hear Deku's laughter before it faded away. "See ya later nerd."

That night, locals could hear the songs louder and happier. They knew that the ghost was happy.


The name 'Deku' came from Midoriya's friend, Bakugou. Midoriya was a musician, one who had attended many concerts and competed in competitions, making Midoriya a local favorite, especially when he played for the retirement home. 

That all changed when a slime monster killed him. 

So when they heard the familiar yet ghostly music around Bakugou during the day and at the beach during night, the neighborhoods had figured out Midoriya was here to stay. And so, they decided a local nickname for Midoriya:



The sun rose early as Midoriya looked at the town below. He 'sat' on the tallest building nearby and watched the people wake up and go out. Finally spotting Bakugou, he flew down and tapped his shoulder. Bakugou shivered slightly and smiled slightly at where he thought Midoriya was.

"Hello, you damn nerd."

Midoriya swatted the side of Bakugou's head. Bakugou chuckled. "Yeah, yeah, you're not a damn nerd."

Running his hand through his hair, Bakugou jerked his head towards the shiny, glass building of UA. "Didn't ya want to go to UA? Come on, you're a fucking ghost."

Midoriya snorted. He knew that Bakugou couldn't hear. He had quickly learned when he first died ten months ago that no one could hear him unless he was singing. Midoriya was weird like that. Midoriya told this to Bakugou through song and Bakugou had called him a 'fucking Disney princess'. Midoriya had to admit - he wasn't wrong.

The two walked (well, Bakugou walked. Midoriya floated.) towards UA and as they passed the entrance, Bakugou suddenly stopped. "We're fucking here. And you're with me in some sort of shitty sense. Can't fucking believe it."

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