Chapter 12

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Class 1a, which contained 19 students due to Mineta's expulsion, stared at their teacher, who stood in front of the class without his yellow sleeping bag in sight.

"Alright, I have an announcement," the hobo said with his dead voice. Immediately, the class sat up straight, focusing their attention on the man at the front.

Was this going to be something normal? Like when they voted class representative?

Or was this the kind of crazy things that UA was infamously known for, such as that Quirk Apprehension Test at the beginning of the school year?

"We have the Sports Festival coming up soon," Aizawa finally continued and everyone let out a silent sigh of relief. It was something normal.

"It's something normal!" Kaminari quietly cheered and the people around him nodded in agreement.

"But wouldn't the villains want to infiltrate something like that, kero? It doesn't seem very safe to have that," Asui said, putting her index finger on her chin.

"No, the opposite actually. Because we're going ahead with the festival, it means that the school's confident that it's got all its ducks in a row when it comes to its crisis control now. I hear the police presence will be five times bigger than normal, for example. What you should be thinking about is... what a huge chance the Sports Festival presents for you all," Aizawa explained to them.

Aizawa continued on about the Sports Festival and as everyone started to talk about it, Midoriya could see Bakugou's face.

It was clear (to Midoriya, at least) that Bakugou was trying to do his best to not show his excitement for the UA Sports Festival. However, Midoriya knew how much Bakugou loved watching the festival.

After all, they only watched the last Sports Festival when it aired on live television and recorded it to watch it again fifteen more times. And then they watched all the Sports Festivals from earlier years. Midoriya still remembered the blond teenager (that strangely looked like Tintin) who would lose his clothes when fighting.

It was pretty nice that he could watch the battles live, not to mention, up close without having to pay for seats or anything. Not only that, but considering how the year had started out, Midoriya could keep an eye on any villains in the area without having to worry about getting arrested for vigilantism or something.

Midoriya looked back at his childhood friend before zooming out of the classroom. 

He felt like playing some music after all.

Bakugou POV

Bakugou looked at the clock as it ticked away. Only a few more minutes before he could fucking high-tail it out of the classroom. Then, he could train as much as fucking could and with Deku's help, he'll be guaranteed a spot in the finals of the third round.

Finally, the minutes passed and the bell rang. Standing up, he stuffed his papers and books into his bag before slinging it onto his shoulder. Shitty Hair walked over to him.

"Hey, Bakubro! Wanna walk to the train station together?" he waved and Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"Fine, fucking Shitty Hair," he replied and he opened the door, only to find that the way out was blocked by a lot of shitty extras.

"Why is there so many people at our door?" Soy Sauce asked behind him and Bakugou shrugged.

"Because they're checking out the class that beat villains," Bakugou answered him, turning back around to the people in front of the door. "Get the fuck out of the way so that we can fucking leave!" he yelled, holding up his hand with several sparkling explosions as emphasis.

One extra sneered as he sauntered (fucking sauntered! Who the fuck still walked like that?) up to him.

"Monoma's my name and I'll show you that Class 1a isn't as cracked as people think they are! Class 1b's obviously better and we'll prove it to you doing the Sports Festival! I wonder how people are going to react when they realize there's not a single Class 1a person in the third round!" Yellow Retard declared, pointing his finger at Bakugou. 

Bakugou growled and raised his hand higher.

"Oh, can Class 1a only resort to violence? I guess that's the only thing that they can do!" Yellow Retard laughed and a boy with silver hair and large eyelashes appeared out of the crowd.

"Don't just look out for Monoma, we're going to beat you too!" he yelled.

Bakugou's eye twitched. Goddamnit, where was Deku's presence when you fucking needed it?

As if summoned by thought, a chill suddenly appeared in the air and the extras outside shivered. 

"Wh- what the h -hell's going on? I demand that you come out at once, unless you're a coward!" Monoma said. 

"Not manly," the silver boy grumbled softly under his breath.

"It's the ghost again!" Hagakure cheered and the yellow bastard outside perked his ears. 

"Oh? Class 1a still believes in silly fairytales? I should have known - " Yellow Retard was about to continue insulting Bakugou's class until a girl with bright orange hair suddenly showed up and hit the side of his neck with a chop.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience," the girl apologized, "Monoma can be a bit of an asshole." She turned back around, dragging the blonde boy behind her. "Move please! Unconscious boy here!" she yelled as she made her way out. The crowd made a straight path for her as she walked away. 

Bakugou looked back at the extras standing by the door. 

"Well? Are you fucking moving or not?" he threatened them and they quickly broke up, letting Bakugou and his classmates pass.

Kirishima glanced back at the crowd before hurrying up to Bakugou. 

"Hey, Bakubro, that was pretty manly of you to do that!" he commented, earning him a grunt from the dandelion-colored haired boy.

The two walked down to the station, splitting up when the two realized that they were going on different trains.

"See ya later, Bakubro!" Kirishima waved as he ran down the station. Bakugou lifted his hand before putting it down.

As he made his way back home, Bakugou could feel the excitement radiate from the ghost near him. 

The Sports Festival was coming up and Bakugou was sure to make a spectacle no one would ever see coming.


The first chapter of the Haikyuu reaction to their anime will be released on Monday. It won't have any episodes in it, but will show them being teleported into a theater.

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