Chapter 18

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Midoriya was zooming around the arena of the Sports Festival. Bakugou did it! Not only that, but he was in first, with 10,000,465 points!

He grinned and looked down below, looking for Bakugou, only to realize that he wasn't there. A question mark appeared over his head. Did Bakugou leave already without him noticing? Going back down to the ground, Midoriya floated around, making sure to not touch any of the competitors.

After several minutes of nothing, Midoriya started to frown. Where was he? Suddenly, some words reached Midoriya's ears. He peeked through a wall and spotted several people walking down a hallway.

"Damn, I hope Bakubro's okay," someone said, Midoriya recognizing him as Kirishima, one of Bakugou's first friends at UA.

"Bakugou's tough, he should be fine," Sero, another one of Bakugou's friend group, reasoned.

"That is true. Besides, the next round's in an hour, remember? He'll be okay by the time that's over," Ashido added.

The three friends walked past the spot where Midoriya was before he flew out of the wall to where the three were walking away from. Reaching the end of the hallway, he looked left and right, spotting a sign above a door saying 'Infirmary'. He started to frown. Going over, Midoriya went through the door, to see his childhood friend sleeping on a bed with some sort of granny next to him. The old woman must've been the nurse or the person who was in charge of all of this.

Moving his glance away from her, Midoriya went over to his childhood friend. He seemed alive, after all, he was breathing. His chest was going up and down. And suddenly, Bakugou opened his eyes and sat up. 

Bakugou POV

Bakugou woke up with a jolt. He had just won the second round. A smile crept up onto his face until he finally registered his surroundings and the fact that he was sitting up in a bed of some sort.

A thin blanket was pulled onto his lap and Bakugou flicked it off as he looked around. Next to him was a curtain that wasn't closed and beyond that was another bed that was similar to the one he was in. The white tiled floor glistened as it reflected the white lights on the ceiling. Turning his head to the left, he saw a desk of some sort, covered in medical supplies.

The door in front of him slid open and a granny of some sort was walking towards him. With a white lab coat, giant syringe as a cane, as well as another, smaller syringe in her gray hair, Bakugou deduced that this person must've been in charge of this place. An infirmary most likely.

"How are you, young man? You are very lucky to be conscious in this little amount of time," she said, walking to the desk.

"How long was I out?" Bakugou questioned.

"Oh, only about ten or so minutes," Recovery Girl said, waving her right hand.

"AH?" Bakugou yelled in shock. "Ten fucking minutes?" He was immediately bonked on the head with the cane syringe.

"Watch your tone," she scolded. "Bakugou, correct?"

One of Bakugou's hands was where the cane had hit his head. "Yeah," he said, rubbing his head before putting his hand down.

Recovery Girl hummed as she opened a drawer and pulled out a jar of gummies. "You are very lucky that you didn't overuse your quirk too much," she told him, pulling out a gummy and handing it to him, "I've seen many cases where the consequences were dire. You should spend a few more minutes resting."

Bakugou took the pink gummy and popped it into his mouth. "So, I'll be fine for the final round, right?" Bakugou questioned and Recovery Girl rolled her eyes.

"Kids these days," Bakugou could hear her mutter before she answered his question. "Yes, you will be fine. But I don't want to see you passed out again because you overdid it," Recovery Girl said.

"I'll be fine," Bakugou said.

"Mhm. In any case, I should use my quirk, just in case. I don't want any effects inhibiting you during your matches," Recovery Girl said and with that said, she kissed him on the cheek.

His hand flew up to his cheek. "The fuck was that for?" he yelled and was bonked on the head again.

"My quirk allows me to heal them when I kiss them," Recovery Girl began, "but, the energy used to heal them doesn't come from anywhere, you know. It takes the patient's stamina and converts it into something to heal the patient. You should be a little tired right now."

Bakugou looked at his hand and squeezed it. "Yeah, a little," he admitted, "so I'll be okay, right?"

Recovery Girl nodded, "It should take only a few minutes to gain your energy back."

Bakugou sat back in the bed and closed his eyes. He did it. He was in the second round.

One step closer to winning the Sports Festival.

Midoriya POV

Midoriya shook his head and put his head in his hands. God, that scared the crap out of him. The woman, who Midoriya now knew as Recovery Girl, was now bustling around the infirmary room. 

The door opened again but this time, instead of a woman, a scruffy looking man with messy yellow bangs and sunken blue eyes was at the door. 

"Toshinori, what are you doing here?" Recovery Girl asked and the man sighed and ran his hand through his blonde hair.

"I have - "

"Toshinori, there is a PATIENT here, if you're going to talk about it, do it later," Recovery Girl whisper-hissed at him, making the man, Toshinori, look at Bakugou. 

"O-oh," Toshinori said, "I didn't notice him."

Recovery Girl sighed. "He's right in front of you, how did you not see him?"

"Well, I was too preoccupied to notice him at first," Toshinori said, trying to come up with excuses in his head. Recovery Girl shook his head. 

"I still don't know how you're still alive," Recovery Girl murmured, "as well as juggling work."

The man chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "I can't just do nothing, you know. I'm just a bit lucky to get here."

Midoriya raised an eyebrow as the man said his farewells and left the infirmary. Who was this 'Toshinori'? What work did he do? 

And why was he getting a foreboding feeling about this? 

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