Chapter 25

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Midoriya looked around the arena as they started to clean it up using Cementoss's help.

The match ended, after another minute of fighting when Uraraka collapsed and Bakugou was declared the victor. Midoriya was pretty pleased to see his victory, obviously, but he was still rather upset by the crowd. Midoriya sneered. Some misogynists might be laughing, saying that women were too weak or some bs. Sometimes, Midoriya really hated society.

It wasn't the end of the first round, there were two rematches that had to be done. The first one was Kaminari and Shoda, who both knocked each other unconscious in their previous match.

As the two stepped up, you could practically see the gears working in their head.

"Alright! The rematch Kaminari vs. Shoda is about to begin! Are both fighters ready? Then, go!"

Kaminari brought his hands up as Shoda paused before starting to move. Kaminari smirked as Shoda got close.

"Indiscriminate Shock!"

Bolts of electricity shot out of Kaminari's body, electrifying everything in its path until it finally reached Shoda as he was knocked out. Surprisingly, Kaminari hadn't been reduced to his dumb form - or never mind, here it was.


"Although I did say that speed wasn't everything and that he should have a plan, that didn't mean giving up an opportunity to win and let Kaminari take the victory. With his quirk, open terrain is his specialty as to how much damage he can do."


The two (practically twins) walked up to the stage. Kirishima turned to Midnight.

"We're also going to fight? Why's a  table here?"

"Well," Midnight said, "we're running really late. So they told me to spin a wheel to get your competition, besides, the two of you are so similar in fighting style, I doubt we would get a winner, only the two of you knocked out again." Midnight shrugged. "So, we're doing an arm wrestling match!"

"Manly!/Manly!" Kirishima and Tetsutetsu said at the same time.

"Put your arm on the table, boys!"

"Yes ma'am!"

The two locked hands, elbows on the table as they began, both straining to get the upperhand, until Kirishima finally slammed Tetsutetsu's hand to the table.

"I should've eaten more iron!" Tetsutetsu mutteres under his breath before going, "Nice job. I'll beat you next time."

Kirishima toothily grinned. "Looking forward to it!"

"What amazing sportsmanship! A round of applause for them!"

And with that said, it was off to the second round.

I have a headache ._. Sorry for small chapter

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