Chapter 4

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Sero didn't know what to do.

Sure, he could go and tell everyone, but who'd believe him? 

And worse, if Bakugou found out that he found out...

Sero didn't want to die, thank you very much. 

So, he did it in the most convenient way possible.

By texting everyone.


"Hey, Iida?" Sero asked during lunch. Iida looked up from his lunch and the two girls, Uraraka and Asui, looked at him as well. 

"Yes, Sero?" Iida pushed up his glasses, "How may I be of your service?"

"Well, I was hoping to make a group chat for everyone, for communication and for homework and since we'll be a class for three years, I thought it would be nice to know everyone."

Iida was speechless before chopping his arms, "Yes! What a brilliant idea! I must tell Yaoyorozu!" He stood up and just before he left, Sero grabbed his arm.

"Can you not tell everyone it was my idea?" he shyly asked and Iida nodded. 

"I do not know why you wouldn't want to be recognized for it, but I will respect your privacy." Iida turned away and walked towards the black-haired girl nearby. They seemed to reach an agreement, because Iida came back and told Sero that the two of them were going to get everyone's phone numbers from Aizawa. 

Just then, an alarm rang through the school.

"What's going on?" Uraraka looked around. A third year nearby shouted, "It's a third-level alarm! I've never seen on for all three years here!" before sprinting off. The four decided to go along with the flow and to get out of there.

Bakugou POV

Bakugou had to admit, the stupid alarm was pissing him off. First it made his ears hurt and now everyone was shoving everyone. He felt a cold brush on his head and looked up. 

Iida was floating, probably due to Uraraka, and was flying to the wall. Bakugou grimanced as Iida smashed into the wall. But it was pretty funny, considering he was in the same position as the emergency exit sign. 

"People! It's a false alarm! It's only the press outside! As UA students, we should be organized and neat, not like this! Everyone go back to where you came from and act like the heroes you want to be!"

That speech somehow worked, considering that everyone was walking back to the lunchroom.

"Close call, eh?" Bakugou grumbled and he felt Deku tap his head two times. 

"Bakubro!" Kirishima said next to him and Bakugou scowled. 

"What is it, Shitty Hair?" 

Kirishima blinked before smiling, "Wanna sit with me, Mina, Sero, and Kaminari?"

"Tch, fine, you shitty extras."

He could feel Deku wrap his arms around his waist for a second. 

Yeah, that shitty nerd owed him something for putting up with them.

Midoriya POV

Midoriya was pretty glad that Bakugou was finally making some friends. It was about time! 

During lunch, Midoriya was sure that Sero was looking at Bakugou weirdly. He dismissed it, thinking it was just because Sero was uncomfortable with Bakugou. He was intense, after all.

Sero POV

Sero could still feel that chill, the coldness that radiated from Bakugou. However, as Sero looked closer, Bakugou was still sweating. He shouldn't have made sweat if he was this cold. 

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