Chapter 26

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Shinsou and Todoroki stood across from each other as the crowd roared around them.


Shinsou winced. Present Mic was really loud...

"Get ready, the match is about to go!"

Shit, what was he going to... oh yeah!"

"Three! Two! One! Go!"

Immediately, a smaller yet still powerful glacier ripped through the air as it encompassed Shinsou's entire body, except for his face, his forearms, and other parts of his body.


"Shinsou! Are you able to continue?"

Shinsou pretended to contemplate  about it.

"Well, it's not like I'm All Might or Endeavor. Isn't that right? Todoroki?"

"No, you aren't - "

"Melt me out of the ice and walk out of bounds," demanded Shinsou and he couldn't help but grin as Todoroki mindlessly did as he said before turning around and walking out of the arena. Once Shinsou let go og his control did Todoroki look back of him, eyes narrow.

"Don't beat yourself up over it," Shinsou commented. "You might've known how to avoid it if you talked with people, not that I can't blame you." A shadow fell over the front of his face. "I'm in the hero course as well, you know. And considering how I've never partnered with you, I might've thought that I was invisible to you, number two hero son."

Todoroki almost looked like he would do anything to growl at Shinsou. He obviously couldn't, considering how TV cameras were recording their every move. Shinsou grinned as he turned around and walked away.

He loved it when his quirk left others speechless.

Iida's POV

After Shinsou's impactful match, the crowd was restive, fidgeting and murmurs could be heard in every part of the stadium.

Iida himself was stretching in the waiting room, doing quick warm ups to ensure his performance would also be impactful and dynamic, unlike the humiliating match from Round One. He shivered in memory.

As he stretched, reaching to his toes and back up, he took in a deep breath. Time to make Tensei proud.



"Let's have ourselves a great battle!" Midnight winked. Iida and  Kaminari both nodded in affirmation.


"Then the match may begin!" declared Midnight.

Iida started moving first, his engines on his calves firing up as he raced over to Kaminari, whose quirk mist be tired, especially from those two rounds before. He grinned as electricity sparkled around him when Iida came into close combat range, his hands reaching out to grab Iida, who dodged the attacks.

"Indiscriminate Shock!"

What? He had enough energy to do that again?

Iida got to the ground and swept his legs out under him before Kaminari shocked him. Then Iida  performed a roundhouse kick to the stomach, his calf engine increasing the kick's power, and Kaminari hit the wall out of the white lines. He sunk to the floor and clutched his core.

"Kaminari is out of the line boundary! Iida is the winner!"

Iida did what he had to do to win (legally, no cheating here) and make Tensei proud. Was he watching? Even if he wasn't, Mother would be recording anyway.

Yes, he hoped to go as far as possible in this Sports Festival.

Midoriya POV

Midoriya could slightly guess who was going to win between the next two competitors, Ashido Mina and Tokoyami Fumikage.

Mina's quiri could be used at close to middle distance combat and if she tried hard enough, she would be able to do long distnace as well.

However, the thing was that Dark Shadow was, well, a sentient shadow and couldn't be affected by acid, right? Would it fall off him like water? If so, then wouldn't Mina's quirk be useless?

"Are both of you ready?" Midnight asked the two.

"Yep," Mina confirmed.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Tokoyamk claimed as he got into fighting position.

"Then, let's start! Go!"

"Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami yelled while Mina covered the floor with acid as she raced over.

Midoriya could see from where he wss floating that Mina had a strategy that involved covering the floor with her quirk. But why?

As if to answer his question, the clohd above him moved to reveal the sun in its full glory.

Of course.

Dark Shadow hissed for a second before returning to the task at hand.

By then, Mina had covered almost three quarters of the distance to them.

Dark Shadow rushed to her, slower than what she would usually go, but Mina avoided combat, instead racing around to Tokoyami's back and shot out her acid. Tokoyami twisted his backto avoid the acid and Dark Shadow raced to her.

Round and round, Mina circled Tokoyami at a fast pace, with gymnastic skills good enough to avoid Dark Shadow, until...


"Good," Mina grinned as she shot out one more large splash of acid, this time, hitting Tokoyami and burning him. He let out a strangled cry and Midnight immediately went over.

"Tokoyami, are you willing to surrender?"

Tokoyami grit his teeth. "Dark Shadow, go!"

Mina, not expecting that, was scooped up by Dark Shadow, who dropped her past rhe white line, patted her head, and went back to Tokoyami.

Midnight paused before yelling, "Ashido Mina is out of bounds! Tokoyami is the one moving to the next round!"

Well, plot twist.

Shinsou POV

Shinsou was in bathroom, washing his hands when Todoroki entered.

"You made me use my fire," Todoroki muttered.

"I did, didn't I."

"You also called me the number two hero son."

"Well, aren't you?"

"I'm here to inform you that I am never going to acknowledge him as my father. I will beat you next time we go against each other."

Shinsou smiled. "Looking forward to it."

Todoroki turned around and left with celerity.

Was Todoroki a rival of his now?

The Dead Melody Maestro Deku (Story Adopted)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora