Chapter 8

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  "Everly still isn't talking to me. It's been a week, and I don't know what to do," I said.
  "What happened between you guys?" Serena asked.
  "It's a long story."
  "We have time."
  I told her everything: the accident, my secret relationship, and our fight.  "...and I feel absolutely terrible."
  "Wow, I can't believe it. Poor Ev. Can you blame her for being mad though?"
  "No, I guess not. But that can't wash away 12 years of friendship, right?"
  Serena was helping me find a dress for winter formal since it was clear that Everly wasn't going to be going anywhere with me anytime soon. I had tried talking to her at school, going to our favorite cafe, and intercepting her at the theater since our favorite movie was playing this week.
  I pulled the dress Serena found off the hanger and slipped it over my head.
  "It's perfect!" Serena squealed from behind me.
  I twirled around and watched the dress spin with me. I felt like a rose petal floating through a fresh, summer breeze.
  I gazed at my reflection in the mirror. She was right. The dress was the perfect length and shape. It hit right above my knees and flared out.


  My friends and I had made the plan to go to the carnival together with our "dates" before the fight with Everly. Maybe they'd take her side --the innocent victim-- and go with her, leaving me alone. She had probably already told them what happened.
I still hadn't even asked Asher about going to the carnival with me, which was tomorrow.
  It was now or never. I wiped my sweaty palms on my shorts and tried to calm my racing heart. Why was I so nervous? I didn't even like him like that. He's just a really good friend of mine.
  He walked into the classroom; I got up from my desk and made my way to him. "Hey, Ash. I was wondering if you wanted to go to the carnival with me tomorrow."
  He flashed me his bright smile and brushed his strawberry blonde hair out of his eyes. "Sure."
  I felt my heart flutter. "Great, I'm going to go talk to the girls and see if we're still going as a group. I'll text you."
  "Can't wait."

  After class ended, I headed to the courtyard, knowing that the girls would be there. "Hey guys! Are we still going to the carnival as a group tomorrow?"
  "Yeah, except for Everly. She's going with Ryder," Kate whined. "I really wanted her to come with us, but she said that she just wanted it to be the two of them."
  "Really? I didn't even know they were together now. I thought she hated him."
  "Well, apparently she doesn't. Speaking of them, there they are," she pointed out.
  "I have to go talk to them. Text me the deets for tomorrow."
  I rushed towards them. Everly saw me heading towards them; She hugged Ryder and said, "See you later" before hurrying away.
  "Hey, Ryder. Can I talk to you?" I asked.
  "About what?" he replied coldly.
  "Ev: she hasn't talked to me in over a week and I don't know what to do or how to make up with her."
"She told me everything. I can't believe you hid the truth from her for so long and made her think that I was responsible for what happened to Xander."
  "I swear, I didn't even know that she thought you were responsible for his accident! She never told me! And I wanted to tell her, but I just didn't know how. There never was a good time to tell her."
  "How about at the hospital that night? When she was crying her heart out and wouldn't talk to anyone but you. What about at the beach when you guys went to scatter his ashes? What about any other day within the last freaking year?"
  "I felt guilty every day. It consumed me more and more. I didn't want to lose her. You have no idea how hard it is to tell your best friend that you killed her brother! And that you were secretly dating him too! What was I supposed to do?"
  "I don't know and I don't care. What I do know is that you lost her. I care about Everly and what you did was awful. You took away her brother and my best friend."
  "I need to talk to her. It was an accident! Why are you being such a jerk? I always stuck up for you when she would rag on you."
  "You did this to yourself." Saying that, he turned and chased after Everly.

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