Chapter 2

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I was glad that Everly didn't ask me about yesterday when I got to school today. I don't think I had the strength to keep the truth from her. We met at my locker and talked about our plans for the weekend until the first period bell rang. "Yeah, so you can come over to my house and we can have a sleepover with makeovers like we used to" I said before heading to class.

  I took my seat and began pulling out my notebook. While my head was buried in my backpack, I noticed a pair of scuffed sneakers appear in front of my desk. I looked up and saw Ryder with a smug smile. "Hey, are you and Evie (his loathed nickname for Everly) coming to my party this weekend? Tell her to watch how much she drinks this time. We wouldn't want a repeat of last time's incident."

I winced. He was referring to his party, last summer, when Everly had a little too much punch to drink and ended up "returning" it to the crowded pool. Her brother ended up picking her up early. When I got home later she called me, but I couldn't hear anything over her sobbing. She was so embarrassed and that was the last time we had been to one of Ryder's parties.

The bell snapped me back to the present. Convincing Everly to go to another one of Ryder's party would be difficult.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted her:

Me: Hey, change of plans this weekend.
Ev: What'd you have in mind?
Me: So...Ryder is having a party
But it won't be like last time. I'll be right by your side and make sure you don't get into any trouble.
Ev: Idk...
Me: PLEASE!!! You haven't really gone out anywhere since--
And I get that you're still heartbroken about it, but he wouldn't want you to stop living your life.
And you owe me. Remember that time when you convinced me to dye my hair green and get that awful tan? I ended up looking like an oompa loompa for a month!
Ev: Ugh ok, fine. But seriously, be like James Bay and LET IT GO...


Ev and I were talking about our physics projects when Ryder approached our lunch table. "Yo, Evie! Pumped for the party this weekend? " he asked as he flashed her a toothy smile. She grimaced and quipped, "I don't know. I already see way too much of you as it is. I don't think I can handle much more Ryder time". Hurt flashed in his eyes for a second, but they quickly recovered. "Well, I KNOW my pool can't afford to swill any more punch backwash", he shot back.

After he left I turned to Everly and said, "For the life of me, I don't understand why the two of you can't get along". "He's a jerk. He has been since the third grade and always will be" she huffed. "No, he really isn't as bad as you make him out to be. He was like one of your brother's best friends", I said. The look of sorrow on her face made me immediately wish that I could take it back. She quickly collected her things and tossed her lunch as she scurried out of the cafeteria.


Later that night, Everly called me.

"Hey, sorry that I ran--" she started.
"No, I know how you feel about anyone talking about him. I wasn't thinking" I interrupted.
"It's fine".
"So, do you want to come over tomorrow to get ready for the party"?
"Yeah sure. Just keep me away from Ryder the blighter".
"Ha ha I swear I'm going to get you guys to get along, if it's the last thing I do. Byeeee".

Great. I had convinced Everly to go to an event that her least favorite person was hosting. Tomorrow was going to be interesting.

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