Huge fights and date nights

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(Oh my. It's been forever but I finally got a keyboard to write the stories/ chapters faster. Thanks for almost 300+ views. Enjoy and I made it extra long for you guys)

Maddison's pov

I slammed my locker and rolled my eyes. After learning I had to go to a new school, I flipped. But that's not the worse part, Justin goes here also. So does Ryan and Chaz but I like them better.
Oh, let me fill you in. About two weeks ago Justin became even more distant and my dad has become more on edge. I'm guessing because of this "Eric" guy.
Anyways, as if living in the same house wasn't bad enough and hearing his mean comments and eye rolls. At school, he makes sure to turn everyone on me. Don't ask me what I did to deserve it.
"Maddi you dropped your pencil", oh ya and not that I'm against nerds or "people that love school and work" but that's all who ever talks to me. Everyone else is on Justin's side. Except Chaz and Ryan.
"Oh. Um thank you"
"No. Problem. I... I was wondering..if you would like to go to homecoming with me? I know your new and a senior but I"

"I'm actually not going. I'm sorry. Thank you tho" I walked to my seat and got my books a pencils out.

Justin's jock friend walked by and knocked everything down and they all laughed. I bent down to pick it up when a pair of hands already bet me to it. I followed the arms up to see a very attractive boy with brown longish hair and green eyes. I haven't seen him before so he must be new. GREAT! Another boy that Justin make turn on me.

"Oh. Thank you so much. You didn't have.."

"No problem. Those guys are jerks" he said nodding to where they were sitting. They stood around their desks talking about god knows what.

I laughed "no kidding. You know your probably ruining your image by helping me"

He laughed then looked at me. "Who cares what they think" he put my papers on my desk and offered a hand to help me up. I took it and thanked him.

"I'm Maddi"

"Pretty name for a beautiful girl. I'm Jase"

I blushed and smiled "So I'm guessing your new here. Where are you from?"

"New York. How long have you been at this school?"

"I'm new too. Well I've been here for like three weeks but at least I'm not the new kid anymore"

He chuckled and looked up at the front of the room.


The bell rang and the day was over. I walked to Ryan's car, since him, Chaz and I ride home together"

"Hey Maddi" I heard someone yell my name and turned around ready for one of Justin's stupid sidekicks to do something.
But I saw Jase running towards me.

"Oh hey. Sorry I thought you were... never mind. What's up"

"I was wondering if you wanted to catch a bite tonight"

"Actually I'd love that thank you"

He smiled, showing his perfectly white teeth. My heart melted a little.
"Awesome. Is 6:30 fine. I have to pick my sister up from her friends but"
I was the one smiling now. He didn't seem like the type to get nervous.
"It's perfect. How olds your sister?"
"I have two but 5 and 13"
"So your the only boy"
He laughed
"Yup. How about you. Any siblings?"
"Nope. Only child"
"Hey man. I'm Ryan and this is Chaz" I haven't noticed them walk up.
"Sup and Jase"
"Cool. Well Maddi we gotta go but see ya later man" they did a fist bump. I looked at Jase weird but he just shrugged and laughed, waving goodbye.

I got in back seat and buckled my seatbelt.
Ryan turned back in his seat. "Soooo Maddi..."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Not a word"

"Whaaaattt?" He looked at me innocently

"Shut up. He's super nice and we share a dislike for the same people. Pluuussss, he actually talked to me"

He gave a sad smile. "Ya"

"madd, sorry about Justin.." Chaz said looking at me through the rear view mirror

"If you guys DID care you'd sick up or stand up for me. You guys jus watch it happen." I mumbled. I think they heard me cause they looked at each other.

We pulled up to the drive way and I ran out to talk to my dad who was currently working on his car.

"Hey dad"

"Hey sweetie. How was your day? "
I haven't exactly told him about Justin because he lives in the same house and that would be so much added drama.
"Fine. Soooo I was wondering if I could go out tonight?"
"Please dad. I haven't been out in a while and I would really...."
"Yes!! Thank you"
"Just remember those defense moves I showed you and ..."
I laughed "yes sir" I saluted him and walked towards the door. Justin was just coming out and bumped my shoulder hard enough to make me trip on the step.

"Dude what the hell did I ever do to you?" I yelled not caring now if my dad was there. I had enough

He looked around "who me?"

I ran towards him a jabbed my knee into into him. And he doubled over, clearly surprised. My dad ran over and pushed us away from each other.

"What is going on?"

"I don't know I was just causally waking by and she attacked me"

I tried to ran and hit him again but my dad held me back with his hand.

"Maddison is this true"

"What no. I didn't. He.."

"Room now"



I walked in a slammed the front door, not caring if it broke off the hinges. He's unbelievable, I didn't do anything to him. We were fine and then poof he hates me.

I'm closed my bedroom door behind me and could hear my dad yelling at Justin and vice-versa.

I laid on my bed and went on my phone.

There was a knock on the door and my dad came in, sitting on my bed.

"Maddi" he sighed

"No dad. I've had enough with him and his crap. I wasn't going to tell you but he deserves it and"

"Tell me what Maddison"

"At school and home. Well when you weren't looking. Justin make it his greatest effort to make my life and living... anyway. At school he's turned everyone against me.." I told him the whole story.

"Maddison. Why didn't you tell me. I would have kicked his butt a while ago"

"Because I knew you would say that. I don't want to cause drama"

"Maddison..." Ryan came rushing into the room

"Sorry to interrupt but we have confirmation that Eric is back in town"

My dad got up and followed him into the other room.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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