And everything i touch, falls apart

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Maddisons pov

Im sitting in a cafe finishing my drink and sandwich. Its only ten minutes away from the house so i came here. My phone buzzed, and my heart dropped when i saw my dads name flash across. Im domed. Im forever dead, kiss my chances of getting a car goodbye.

"Boyfriend problems" a voice said scaring me

"Um no. Thats my dad. I have to go"

"No need to rush" i heard a click and looked down too see this stranger had a gun to my hip. Panic shock through my entire body. He smirked. That little,

"Now your going to do exactly what i say"

"Your not going to shoot me"

He laughed "your underestimating my character babe. Now we are going to walk out and follow me to the car. If not, well, i don't have to remind you"

We got up and i looked around. Theres not many people around, considering its a small town. But maybe if i yell or make a scene i can run away fast enough. Oh no, stupid me, i cant out run a gun.

I should have listened to my dad.

He put his arm around me a i shrugged it off. "Don't touch me"

"Feisty, we are gonna have to work on that"

He pushed the gun into my hip and grabbed my hand tightly. Making sure I don't run away. I looked over at the lady that served me and gave her the best 'please help me, or I'm gonna die look'. I don't think she got it though cause she smiled and went in the back. We were almost by the door when i heard another gun click.

"Let her go, and ill consider letting you live" my dads voice rang through my ears. Even Though i knew i was in so deep crap, I've never been so happy to hear his voice.

"And what makes you think ill do that" the man said cockily

"Maybe because if you don't. This bullet goes through your skull"

The man tightened his grip on my arm and showed his gun. "You shot me, she goes down too"

"Not if i shoot you first" Justin's said and shot the man in the foot, surprising him, he fell on the floor groaning.

My dad grabbed my hand and started to walk when i felt a sharp pain in my leg. I looked down to see the man had cut my leg with his knife. I felt dizzy and almost fell if Justin hadn't caught me.

Justins pov

"I gave you a chance. Chaz, Ryan take this man in your car. Now" David said through gritted teeth "Justin you got her?"

I nodded and put her in my car.

"You take her home and clean her up. She looks like she needs stitches. Im gonna take care of this guy"


"Dad. Im so sorry. I didn't. I didn't mean-" Maddi began but the pain was too much. David kissed her cheek.

"We will talk later madd. I love you"

She nodded and he closed the door.


"This might hurt a little but i have to stitch it up" i looked down at her with sad eyes. She nodded and i began.

She cried but then spoke up "how do you know how to do this"

"With this lifestyle. You kinda just have too. It happens to often"

"So i guess, I'm acting like a little baby then" she laughed then winced "ouch. Stop making me laugh"

I smiled "i didn't do anything"

She rolled her eyes "on a scale of one to ten, how mad was my dad"

"Id say a good 18. But he wanted to make sure you were ok. You know we have cameras at the doors. We could see you tried to get out." I laughed "but good thinking, the window"

"Shut up"

I finished up and she was able to walk to her room.

"You gonna be ok?"

"Yeah. Yeah. Just a little scratch" she joked

"If it makes you feel any better, thats probably the worse cut I've seen. So you are pretty tough. You get that from your dad."

"Thanks?" We both laughed.

I walked downstairs and sat on the couch. Ive never been this sweet to anyone let alone a girl. But she was different.

She was gorgeous, tough, sassy, funny. God, I've got to man up.

I cant become to close because everyone that becomes close to me i loose and I'm not dragging her down with me.

If i get close, ill loose my head, i should just stop now. As much as it would hurt, i cant even be her friend anymore. Because if we become good friends and joke all the time,

Ill want to become something more and then

It'd kill us both.

Davids pov

Slamming the door i walked in the house and sat down. Calming myself before i talk to her.

"She's fine. Patched her up. Im out to the club see ya" Justin said walking out.

I sighed and closed my eyes, it was 8 o'clock and i was already so tired.

Today was an eye opener. I need to be protective but also let her live her life. I need to find a balance because she isn't going to listen to the rules. Heck, i wouldn't. I don't expect anyone to give up there lives, for criminals.

I soon feel asleep and thought about how my life would be, if i hadn't made so many bad choices.

I drag everyone down with me because everything i touch, i love,

Falls apart.

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