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Maddis pov

I slowly got out of bed and took my time going down the steps. Not only because of the cut but manly because i didn't want to face my dad. But it was already 11 and i was getting bored of pretending i was asleep.

I sat on the counter and ate some grapes.

I heard footsteps and didn't bother looking up. I heard my dad sigh.

"Maddison, we need to talk."

I nodded and let him continue, popping another grape in my mouth and crossed my bad leg over the good leg.

"I understand why you did it, i do. I would have done the same thing. But as your father, you went against my rules. Your grounded for a week."

"I guess i deserved that"

"But" he paused


"The rules are going to change"

I groaned

"No. I realized making you give up your life. It wasn't too fair, so i found a balance, between your safety and your life. You can go out in public and partys"

"Really" i heard a scoff and looked to see Justin rolling his eyes.

"Ya but please just let one of the guys go with you. Not as a babysitter just protection. You saw"

"Its fine dad. Ill live with that. Im sorry"

"I know." He kissed my forehead "i love you sweet girl"

"Love you too dad"

He left the room and i got of the counter and sat by Justin.

"Did you hear that. You get to go everywhere with me. Isn't it a privilege" i joked but he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah its amazes me how you can get your way all the time" he scoffed

"Whatever. Talk to me when you're in a good mood"

I walked upstairs and knocked on Ryan's room.

"Come in" he called

I opened the door and saw him and Chaz playing video games.

"Oh can i play" i guess that shocked them because they looked at each other "what a girl cant play video games"

"I guess. Here you can have mine, I'm gonna go get food" Chaz said and i rolled my eyes.

I sat in his seat and started to play. I totally whooped Ryan's butt.

"Ohhhh Ryan got beat by a girl" Chaz shouted

"Shut up" Ryan rolled his eyes. There was a knock on the door so Ryan got it while i played Chaz.

"Hey man. Whats up" i turned my head to see Justin but just continued to play the game.

"I didn't know she was gonna be in here" he scoffed

"Is there a problem?" Ryan asked

"Ya. Shes in here"

"Well deal with it jerk." I think that made him angry and he started to stomp over to me but Ryan held him back.

"Man, lighten up" Chaz said, which only angered him more, my dad happened to be walking by at that time.

"Woah Justin calm down" he said holding him back too.

"That little slu-"

"Enough. Justin. Go. " He pushed Justin out of the room and i heard a the front door slam. I surprised it didn't fall off.

"Whats going on with him, today. He's acting really strange towards me"

It was silent for awhile but Ryan spoke up

"I think i know. Ill be back" and he was gone

"Maddison, your playing video games" my dad asked

I looked at him strange because he already knew i did.

"Umm ya why?" He gave he a look and i remember "ohhh right grounded. Sorry"

He laughed

"So. If I'm grounded, I can't fix cars with you, at your shop?"

"Eh who cares about the grounding thing anyways. I was never that kind of parent. It felt weird."
We both laughed and got in the car, heading to my dads car shop.

Justin's pov

I slammed the door and went to the only place i knew, the old warehouse. Where everything changed in my life, i lost so many people and it reminded me to stay away from Maddi. I looked around and saw nothing changed.

I grabbed the nearest thing a threw it across the room. I watched it shatter in pieces. I grabbed more and more things throwing them, punching walls.

"Justin, man stop" Ryans voice was heard across the room. My chest heaved up and down.

"Whats up with you man? You guys seemed to be friends and then you-"

"I cant be friends with her. Not anymore"

"Justin, i understand why. You don't want to loose her. You'll get to attached, fall deeply in love and then you could loose her. I get it. But its different"

"How?" I yelled throwing a vase across the room "i loose everyone i touch, i care about, i cant do that to her"

"I understand. But would it kill you to be nice to her. This time Justin, it is different. She has her dad fighting for her, and she knows what we do. She's living with us, she already has protection, they didn't"

"I just, um, need a minute" i walked out and went to my family's grave sitting down.

"Sorry i didn't bring anything. I don't know why I'm here really. I got you guys killed. My actions, my mistakes, got you killed. Im so sorry"

Maddis pov

I was laughing really hard now. My dad told a stupid joke and he tripped and fell on the floor. He groaned.

Wiping my tears away i spoke in between laughs. "Are you...are you ok"

He sat up "i know i can always count on my daughter cant i?" He laughed

"Im sorry. That was hilarious"

I went to the front office while my dad worked on the last car. I was tired after the first couple cars.

I heard someone clear there throat and looked up to see a man.

"Oh im sorry we are closed"

"I know. I just wanted you to tell your dad, Eric says hi and i'll see him soon"

"Umm ok. You can say that to him yourself. I mean he is-"

"I actually gotta go but just tell him"

"Yeah" with that he left. That was really strange.

"Ready to go" i jumped up

"Oh my god dad you scared me"

He shock his head laughing. We got in the car and started to drive home.

"Oh ya dad"

"Hmm" he said looking over at me then back at the road.

"Someone named Eric came by an-" before u could finish he slammed on his breaks. "Dad" i yelled

"What did he say" his jaw was tightly locked and he griped the wheel harder

"He said to tell you hi. He was weird though. I asked him if he wanted to tell you himself but he left."

"He didn't hurt you did he"

"No? He said he was a friend"

"Just don't go near him again. If you see him, call me. He's trouble"

I nodded

"Did he say anything else"

"Ya. He'll see you soon"

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