Watch and learn, boys

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The bell rang five minutes ago and I'm running down the hallway, desperately. Mrs. Blocksher insisted in talking to me after class and even though I told her I was in a hurry she just went on and on about my issues in math class. I have a B in that class— nothing she said was worth me losing my ride for.

And Chuck, UGH. I can't even believe we are children from the same parents! That egotistical little stupid asshole told me he would wait five minutes for me after school, and if I weren't in the parking lot already he'd leave without me. I don't know if he was bluffing, but I really don't want to find—

"AH!" I shout, and see my books flying everywhere. I throw myself at the floor, worried about how much time has passed and if Chuck is still waiting, when I realized that what I just bumped into was a boy. I notice him because he kneels on the floor and starts helping me pick up the books scattered all over the place.

"Sorry." he says, also in a hurry.

"It's alright." I say, taking my hair out of my face to see what object to grab next. I look at him. I must look immensely stupid right now because that is the most handsome man I have ever seen or come across in my life. He has a little discreet spot just above his lips and his eyes are light brown and penetrating. He is strong but not the all-I-do-is-work-out strong, just conveniently strong. And tall. His hair is messy but every piece falls into place.
I then realize he's looking at me handing me the textbooks.

"Oh!" I get the books and we both stand up. "Thanks, I-I should really get going." he continues to look at me with a smirk planted on his face. His phone starts ringing but he goes on looking at me pretending he can't hear it.
"Umm... aren't you gonna get that?" I ask.

"I don't answer to distractions when I'm talking to a pretty girl." he says. Wow, he must say that to so many girls he might as well tattoo it on his forehead.

"Thanks, but if you want to appease me, complement my brain, not my looks."

"Well, I don't know you well enough yet."

"Well, then I guess you should know me first, huh?" I walk away from him and go directly to 1st period, lucky me, Ms. Smart Ass.

"Miss Mila! Late once again! Don't even bother coming in. To the principals office. Now." This time I get closer to her and whisper so no one can hear what I say.

"I am so sorry Ms. Smart-- er, I mean, miss." It occurred to me I don't even know her real name. She - surprisingly - lets me come in her class after the painful apology. I go ahead and sit, as usual beside Robert.

"Okay, so, I have an idea." He tells me. I put my bag on the floor and look at him, seriously.


"About the double-date..."

"What about it?" I ask, already knowing he will probably ask me a favor I won't like.

"The thing is, I need your help for the double date. Please, please, please help me out." he says. This is really weird to hear coming from him, he is the kind of person that looks really sweet and is very charming but literally means trouble. He can get away with anything with that million dollar smile on his face, so he never really asks me for help other than for homework and all that. I'm officially intrigued; now I know exactly how desperate he is.

I sigh. "I would, Rob, you know that, but I wouldn't have a date, which wouldn't make it a DOUBLE date, it would just make me a third-wheel." His you're-not-gonna-like-this smile keeps growing.

"Look, what if I got you a date?" I frown.

"Who says I need a date? I am fine just the way I am! What, do you think I'm desperate?!"

My Best Friend and his Brother (Complete)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara