Noah and Allie?

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Saturday. What a beautiful day to wake up at 4pm. If you're lucky you might have to skip lunch and go straight to dinner!

But no. Not today. Today I have a fucking blind date to go to. I will print a piece of paper and tape it to my chest saying: "I'D RATHER BE SLEEPING." And go to the damn park with it.
My phone rings.

"Dammit, Robert. It's too early." I say, not even answering his 'hello'.

"It's 2:40pm, Mila."

"Yeah, I know. It's like the middle of the night." He laughs.

"Come on Mila, look pretty and let's go."

"Umm... I look pretty everyday." I tell him, smiling.

"No." he says. "You look beautiful everyday. We don't want him to fall in love with you." I blush. "Shit, I'm fucking late.. I have to go." I smile, remembering his need to use bad words every time he says or does something cute.

"Yes, yes. Go ahead. Don't worry, I'll be on time." I say.

"About that.." He adds. "Change of plans, now we'll meet there at 5pm."

"What the hell, Rob? That's like 2 hours from now! I haven't even brushed my teeth, he'll, I haven't even gotten out of bed!"

"Great. Remember: Don't look too pretty." He says. I can hear the smile in his voice.

"Yeah, I'll be sure to look my worst."

"Sounds like a deal. See ya then, Mudface."

"See ya, Ratnose."


It's 4:43pm and I'm waiting for Rob to pick me up. Blair and Will will meet us at the park. Apparently it's not a good idea to wear a dress in a theme park because people can see more than necessary, so I had to put on something more simple like jeans and my indie crop top with my hair braided to the side.

I see Rob's car and get in.
"Why if it isn't my girl Stephanie!" I say to him in a country accent.

"Ola, Miguel, como estás?" He tells me.

He calls me Miguel because once we were telling each other how we would be like as the opposite genders, and sure enough, he was a Texas girl with a heart of gold named Stephanie and I was a crazy pervert Puerto-Rican called Miguel. The joke still lives to this day.

"So, how long am I gonna have to stand your brother today?" I ask.

"Oh come on, M! Don't be like that, you heaven't seen him in years."

"Yeah, ever since you-know-what happened. Wait, did you forget?"

"No, I'm the one who was there for you, remember?" We both sigh. "Chill, only a couple of hours if everything goes well with Blair, and then you can leave. If things are not well..."

"Chuck will "call" me and really needs your help for something stupid that he can't do on his own." I revise the plan.


"Yeah, I know the drill."


We get to the park and Blair is waiting for us in the entrance. It's all fun and games until I find myself alone as a third wheel. We go on games that have 2 sits in each row and guess who goes alone? That's right, this girl right here. Will stood me up.

Rob tries to include me but I push him away. It's not about me. Not this time. It's their date, I'm not even supposed to be here.

"Hey, Mil, let's go on the Ferris wheel again!" Blair tells me while throwing herself at Rob's chest, a little drunk from all the light beers she drank.
"It's only a giant wheel of metal that roles around and can fall at absolutely any moment at all!" She adds, doing circles in the air with her index fingers.

At this point Robert seems a bit worried about her drunkness.

"Maybe you should keep her in the ground, Steph." I tell him.

"Gracias Miguel." We chuckle.

"But really, get her about a thousand cups of water, she'll be ok for the rest of the night, not so sure about tomorrow, though" I suggest. He nods in a laugh.

The more I see how much Robert cares about Blair, and how much they're having a good time, the more my mind goes to Liam. The handsome, funny boy who knew exactly how to make me spend most of last night thinking about our short minutes together, and think how much I'd like him to be here, and take me away from my best friend obligations to jackass Will, who didn't even bother showing up.

"You coming?" Rob asks, pointing to another game.

"I'll just get some cotton candy. You know, your brother's like an hour late, I might as well give myself a date." He sighs looking a bit bummed out at the fact that Will didn't show up.

Rob comes closer to me, and whispers: "She got drunk in an hour, M. She's hating this."

"No." I say. "She's having a blast." True and true. Every time she's having too much fun she drinks way too much. She can literally drink 3 bottles of beer in 10,33 seconds. School record.

"Okay. Listen, he texted me about ten minutes ago saying traffic was insane, I'm sorry, but he'll be here any time now. He's not a shit-face anymore, alright?" I roll my eyes, clearly disagreeing.

"Go get her, I'm craving the cotton candy." He smiles and goes to a bench for her to sit down while he buys her the cups of water. I go to the cotton candy booth.

"A blue one, please." I tell the guy with the funny mustache. I see the thing rolling on the stick and take a peek at how things are going with Rob and Blair.

Suddenly two hands cover my eyes.
"Guess who." It says with a strange voice. I touch the hands of the stranger with a smile, could it be Rob ditching her for me? I smile just with the thought of it. Yet when I take the hands out of my eyes and see something way better.

"Liam! What are you doing here?" I feel like screaming of excitement. Finally the stars have alined. He laughs. He's about to tell me why in the world he came here for, after all we're out of town— meeting each other here is something I would never expect. The cotton candy guy hands me the blue, fuzzy cotton candy.

"Here you go, ma'm" he says. I put my hand in my pocket to get the money, but Liam hands him a dollar before I could find my own. I blush.

"You don't have to." I say smiling nervously, not knowing how to respond to this.

"You're worth a dollar." He says. I laugh.

"Jesus, a dollar? Thanks!" We both laugh. I get the light blue cotton candy and we look at each other smiling. In this moment everything seems so right, so good. This moment feels like magic and butterflies and things that money could never buy. Well, maybe just a dollar...

"WILL!" We hear. I look behind us and I see Rob. Liam suddenly hugs Rob— they look so happy and I swear I look like a dead fly right now, because

What. The. Fucking. Hell. Is. Going. On.

How could I not know that Rob knows Liam? I know all of Rob's friends! Could it be that Rob was hiding this one? Because of jealousy, maybe?

"Rob, you— you know Liam?" I ask with a week voice. Rob laughs.

"You know Mila?" Liam asks him as well.

"You two don't recognize each other, do you?" He laughs so much it looks like he's about to have a heart attack. Liam seems as confused as I do. What's going on? I ask myself over and over again. What the hell is going on?

Rob takes a break trying to breath from laughing so hard, and finally gets himself together. "William, meet Mila, my childhood best friend?" He looks at Liam and his eyes widen. "Mila, this is Will. My brother Will." My mouth drops.



I take a step back trying to think.

Will + Liam = William, Robs older brother.

Holy fuckingshit.

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