3 years later

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Dear diary,

My senior year ended up being the craziest year of all. So many mixed emotions and feeling that I don't even know how I survived it, but I did. I got a good GPA after all, (all that stress studying payed off) and I got accepted into 3 out of my top 5 college choices. Robert got into Cambridge (I know right???) and William got into Princeton. (I'm just dying to know what their mom put in their water cause damn two Ivy League sons???)

Anyway, it's been a crazy couple of years. Since William and I got engaged it's been the best time of my life. Even when we fight I can still tell he cares so much for me.

It's been hard keeping touch with Robert. I miss him so deeply but he has moved on now. No, literally: He has literally moved, he's leaving in London now, working as a lawyer. We talk via skype every now and then, but this isn't that kind of story: the one where we pretend we can be friends just as before until I cheat on Will. This ain't that and I ain't that girl. I still miss my best friend, though.

But, dear diary, I am really happy about the wedding. Obviously I'm gonna invite Robert, but that's not the only thing in my mind, very far from it actually. On the wedding day we'll tell my parents we're moving to Paris. Will got an amazing medical internship there and New York Times agreed to pay for me to stay there for 1 year as a all-hands-on-deck reporter. Everything is finally working out for me which is amazing and frankly, all I could ever want.

I know it's been so long since I've written anything in this diary, but as I said before, it's been really crazy. I don't know if I ever told you about that accident with William, but let me explain: That terrible, terrible man ran him over and he was seriously hurt; in fact he almost died, and Robert and I were about to die with him. For some miraculous reason he made it. With a broken rib and one broken leg he lived to tell the story. And as it all turned out the guy who hit him was later found and arrested for drunk driving.

In case you're also wondering, dear diary, since I know you just love the gossip, I did tell William about that foggy night with Robert in the science lab. I didn't say it was a mistake, because it wasn't. It was part of my journey to know myself and to know what I wanted for myself. Obviously he wasn't happy about it, and I had to work hard to earn back his trust, but in the end he forgave me.

I have to admit things are great, although they could've been better... Robert and William barely talk to each other (When they do they act like nothing happened), and I can't help but feel it's my fault, but after all "feeling" is what got us all into this mess, so maybe I should just stop.

The wedding is about a couple months away, so I couldn't think of a better time to start worrying less and leaving high school life behind me.

Thank you for being with me in this journey.

I'll see you in Paris.

My Best Friend and his Brother (Complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ