Chapter 4

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Welcome to Chapter 4 - thank you for reading up to this stage, I hope you are enjoying this so far - enjoy this new chapter!!

Lydia POV

I looked towards who had spoken from by the door and saw two men and a young girl I had never seen before stood there. They all looked like they had all recently been in a battle with the girl having bloods and burnt away parts on her clothing with the two men carrying weapons looking tired and battle worn.

"I'm sorry but who are you all and how do you know Stiles and Thomas?" I ask as politely as possible nervous over who they were and what they meant that Thomas is the key to save Stiles's life.

"My name is Vince, I am leader of the Right Arm resistance group, this is Jorge and the young lady here is Teresa. As to the other part of your question of how we know Stiles, we joined forces with him about three months ago and he helped us to plan the rescue and shutdown of a rouge Government funded project that was doing illegal human experiments on. Thomas along with Teresa here were part of the experiments and Thomas was passing us information for a couple of years before we lost contact with him. We found him about a month and half a go after Jorge here found him and his friends and helped them with Stiles to reach our main base of operations in the mountains." Vince answered my questions and I couldn't believe this was the lead that Stiles was following.

"I'm sorry but did you say human experiments that was been funded by our Government?" Parrish asked his face looking shocked over what he had just heard.

"Unfortunately so, they were searching for a cure to a virus called the Flare. We were given these challenge that was tested our brain functions when we were younger before we had our memories wiped and we were sent into the experiment which was basically a giant Maze with these creatures." Teresa explained and I noticed that she seemed to struggle to speak about it.

I walked over to her as I felt the need to comfort her, as I reached her I pulled her into a tight hug which I felt her freeze over before she relaxed into it. I pulled away after a few moments and held her hand and guided her to the empty seat next to mine.

"It's okay you don't need to continue as I can tell this all seems to have been happening until quite recently." I state holding her shaking hands tight in comfort as I saw Scott guide Vince and Jorge to the other empty seats.

"You need to know that me and Thomas worked for the company that was conducting the experiments until about three months ago when Thomas had been caught sending information to the Right Arm which is when they decided to wipe our memories and sent us into the Maze. We got captured by them again after we escaped the Maze and they decided to give me my memories back but Thomas and Stiles rescued me from them before all my memories had returned." Teresa explained and I noticed tears starting to roll down her cheeks as she spoke.

"After escaping again we managed to locate Jorge as he owed Stiles a favour and he helped us to get to the Right Arm in the mountains, by the time we reached the base my memories as to why I joined them returned and I found a radio and notified them of our position. I betrayed the only real family I knew and loved for the sake of trying to find a cure for this virus that caused my own mother to take out her own eyes."

"Thomas and Stiles located me within the Last City, they were trying to get one of there friend back, I trapped them inside in building after discovering that they held the Cure within their blood. Thomas returned a short time later after I begged him to come back to me, he battled with the main security bloke who was a bit of a psychopath while the building was been bombed. Stiles and another person I had never seen before arrived and helped Thomas to defeat the creepy man but as we were heading to the roof a gun shot rang out."

"The bullet seemed to hit Thomas in the back of the ribs, then into this new person who had arrived with Stiles in the same place before hitting Stiles. Stiles didn't seem to be phased that he had just been shot, instead he stated I needed to help Thomas to the roof while he grabbed Rapp before pointing to the other shot person. We made it to the roof as the fire raged all around us, I heard the sound of a helicopter coming closer as we all made our way to the edge of the building."

"Stiles stated that I need to trust him as the doors opened to reveal Vince and Minho, I helped him to pass Thomas over to them and then helped him with Rapp but the strange thing was as soon as they touched the floor of the helicopter they seemed to disappear. Stiles looked at me and advised me to get to Beacon Hill Memorial Hospital and find the McCall Pack as they would know what to do before he pushed me into the helicopter. I looked back on the roof in time for the security team to attack him and drag him to another waiting helicopter that contained the creepy person." Teresa finished explaining and I sit back in my seat and try to digest all the information we had all been given.

I look around at the others in room and notice they all seemed to have the expressions of shock, surprise and pride showing on their faces, I had notice that while Teresa had been explaining everything Rafael had been typing away on his laptop and glancing occasionally at Teresa as she spoke.

"I am sorry to hear about everything you have been through but I need to ask you a question. Was the company running the project called WCKD by any chance?" Rafael asks Teresa who looks surprised that he knew that.

"Yes, it stands for World Catastrophe Killzone Department. How did you know?" Jorge answers the question and I notice he had placed his hand on his gun.

"Stiles, I just got an email from him containing a video with the title of WCKED. It seemed to have a time delay attached to the email." Rafael states and I rise from my seat and gather around his screen with everyone else to watch Stiles's video message.

This video along with it's file attachments will automatically be sent to Rafael McCall if I have not returned or logged in to the system within three months of recording this message, that means if you are seeing this Rafael then I am in trouble or I am dead. If it is the dead scenario then I hope it was quick and not too painful.

Attached is all the information of a rouge Government Project ran by WCKD, they are experimenting on humans to find a cure. Now while investigating this I found that one of the young men involved has a special connection to myself, so I am going to volunteer myself into the experiment to find out what is happening and to shut it down from the inside. I have a friend within the CIA that has been helping me with my investigations, who is also going to join me on the inside as we have a unique connection also.

In case this goes wrong please make sure my Dad stays eating healthy, tell Lydia that I love her and I will watch over her and I want her to be happy. Tell Scott that this not his fault, it is my decision and choice and also tell Derek to not be such a Sourwolf and if he smiled more he wouldn't have issues getting a girlfriend or boyfriend.

Rafael, one last thing. I never got the chance to thank you for saving my life all those years ago and for giving me the dream job I never thought I would get, so thank you for everything.

The video shut itself off and two folders appeared in it's place, I heard sniffling coming from behind me and noticed Scott and Sheriff wiping away their tears along with surprisingly Derek as brushed the tears off my own cheeks.

Thank you for reading - next chapter will be up soon!!!

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