Chapter 9

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Welcome to Chapter 9 - thank you for all the reads and votes on this crossover so far - you still have some time to guess what 74448 276 means - hopefully some clues in this chapter may help!

Scott POV

I was amazed at how quick between Dad, Sheriff, Irene, Mitch and Stan that everything we could need to help us was prepared, from climbing equipment to radios and SAT phones to general supplies. Vince and Jorge had already left with Thomas and Teresa to collect the Berg and some additional support.

"Okay so we are going to need to move quickly to reach the location before WCKD do, the Berg should get us one mile away from the meet point where we will touch down and split into our groups. Parrish, Scott, Sheriff and myself are group one, Derek, Stan and Lydia you are group two, Thomas, Vince, Jorge and Teresa will be group three." Mitch started explaining pointing to the board where he had written out the plan.

"Irene and Melissa will stay here and co-ordinate with the Sheriff station to have everything prepare in case WCKD arrive here or we need any additional support. The additional people that they have gone to grab will be split amongst the groups. Okay this is the meeting point, Group one you will approach it from the north side, Group two the south side and Group three from the east."

"Our prime objective is to secure the package and extract him back to the Berg as quickly as we can, we have to assume when we get to him he may not be able to support us with extracting him, so each Group will carry a medical kit ready to support. Now everyone keep your eyes alert and use all the Supernatural abilities at your disposal, I know you are not a Pack that kills but it is either them or us." Mitch explains sternly and I know that is directed towards me mainly.

"Any questions?" Stan asks from beside Mitch as his eyes seem to sweep over us and I shook my head knowing what our mission was.

"Alright everyone prepare themselves, we are leaving at 1500 hours." Mitch states before removing everything from the boards just in case anything happened.

I grabbed my bag that had been prepared and double checked I had everything I needed inside, clothes, water, maps, first aid kit, rope and a blanket. I looked up after sealing the bag up and noticed Mum walking towards me with that concerned look on her face.

"Scott, I know you have to do this and there is no way for me to talk you out of it. But please promise me that you will stay safe and return home to me and if not to much trouble bring your Dad back also." Mum stated making a small joke as I can feel the anxiety radiating off her.

"I promise you!" I state knowing I shouldn't promise her and nothing is guaranteed but I needed to do this for her.

"Good! I also called in my own reinforcements to come help you, if you can make sure he returns also I would be most grateful." Mum states looking towards the door just as it opens to reveal Chris Argent stood there with several bags ready.

"Chris!" I shout causing everyone to look towards the door as I run over and embrace him in a tight hug grateful he was here.

"Your Mum called and explained everything so I dropped what I was doing and came straight home with a few supplies of my own. You must be Mitch?" Chris states as I realise him and he walks over to join everyone holding his hand out for Mitch to shake.

"Yes sir, Stiles has told me all about you. Its a pleasure to finally meet you, this is Stan and Irene and you will meet everyone else on the Berge." Mitch advises shaking Chris's hand before realising it as Chris said hello to everyone else.

"Chris are you okay to join mine, Lydia and Derek's Group, we are going to be approaching the meeting area from the south." Stan asks showing the map of the plan to Chris who nods his head in approval.

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