Chapter 11

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Welcome to Chapter 11 - yep I am treating you all to do a double update - poor Stiles! - here is the new chapter, enjoy!!

Mitch POV

I was just setting up the final trap as I hear a clang of metal on the ground and notice that Scott had dropped the box he had been carrying on the ground and now had silent tears running down his face as he looked to the Ridge behind me.

"Scott! What is it?" I enquire and start noticing everyone stopping what they are doing and looking towards Scott.

"It's Sheriff, he just screamed and my Dad is telling him how sorry he is. They must have found him." Scott advises and I feel like I have just been kicked in the gut as Lydia walks past me and smacks Scott around the face.

"You take that back! Scott McCall, you take that back right now! I would have known, I would have felt it. Please tell me you are wrong!" Lydia screams at him hammering onto his chest as she speaks before he cradles her in his arms as the tears stream down his face.

"Ground team to search party, can we have an update please!" I state into the radio needing to hear directly from either Rafael or Sheriff.

"Search team to Ground team, package has been located. I'm sorry but we were too late. Over!" Rafael's voice comes over the radio and I feel my anger bubbling inside but remember what Stan says, never let it get personal.

"Message received, extract package and return to the Berg. Over and out!" I state knowing that WCKD would soon arrive and we either need to prepare to fight or leave before they arrive.

Before any more words can be spoken shouts can be heard from all around along with the sound of several engines and the sound of gun fire. I turn away from the Ridge as the first explosion sounds and I know WCKD is here.

"Incoming, everyone to your positions now. Weapons hot and fire at will." I scream out and race over to the other large gun ready to fire and I can hear Stan screaming commands to his group as another explosion is heard from behind me and I turn to see the Ridge crumbling to pieces as it is hit with several explosions.

"Dad!!!" Scott screams and I see him running towards the Ridge as I start firing on the Berg sending them swerving away but not before they can drop another bomb and the force of the explosion sends Scott flying backwards and debris raining over me.

Chris comes racing over as WCKD soldiers start dropping in and fire stuns at everyone, I jump away from the gun and head with Chris to grab Scott but before I can reach him I am hit with a serge of electricity in my back and black out.

When I open my eyes I am on my knees with everyone else, my hands tied behind my back and everywhere I look fire is raging. I move my head to the left to see Lydia there, I then turn to my head to the right and see Scott who is looking as though he had just woke up. I looked around and noticed that everyone was there apart from Rafael and Sheriff but then I remembered as I saw the smoke coming from the Ridge.

"Ah nice of you to finally join us Rapp, at least now I know who you actually are and who you work for. Such a tragic life you have lived, oh how your life could have been different if things hadn't of happened." Ratman stated as he bent down and looked me directly in the face and I held back the urge to head butt him.

"You are all currently in possession of what belongs to me, now I can going to make things simple for all of you. I will take back what is mine without any resistance and I will let you all live, failure to do so will result in your deaths." Ratman announces and I knew right away he was speaking about Thomas, Aris, Sonya, Harriet, Teresa, Frypan, Minho and Gally.

"As I have told you once before, we are not going anywhere with you. We would rather die then go back there." Thomas stated and I was proud at how stern he sounded even though I knew he was hurting the same as I was.

"Sir, we found these two on the bottom of the Ridge!" A WCKD guard states and I look up and see Sheriff and Rafael been marched towards us both looking a bit dirty and bruised but otherwise unharmed as they are forced on to their knees also.

"Just the person I needed to speak too. Where is your son, Sheriff?" Ratman asks and I realise he is not here for Thomas and the others that escaped he is looking for Stiles.

"Go to hell!" Sheriff spits at Ratman who just stands up straight before punching the Sheriff in the face.

"Now how about you Agent McCall, why don't you help me to help you?" Ratman tries again and I can't help but notice the smile on Rafael's face.

"Well I don't know how to help you help me tell you something that would help you if I don't know it!" Rafael stated and I noticed Scott look at this Dad strangely as Ratman storms away and answers him phone.

"Uh Rafael, what was that? You sound like Stiles then!" Lydia stated as Scott nodded as Rafael turned his head to look at us before winking and then looking back towards where Ratman was.

"Alright let's try this again shall we, you are going to tell me where Stiles is?" Ratman states storming over standing directly in front of me, Scott and Lydia.

"Sorry, I haven't seen him since the last time I saw him." Scott answered and I am really getting confused with all these sarcastic answers.

"Oh and when was that?" Ratman asks staring at Scott and I notice the smile creeping on Scott's face as he goes to talk.

"Last time I saw him? Was definitely the time I saw him last." Scott answers and I can see the vein on Ratman's neck throbbing with anger.

"Now how else can I make this clear you have until the count of five for someone to tell me where Stiles is, otherwise I will put a bullet in her head." Ratman shouts pulling out his gun and aiming it directly at Lydia's head.

"You think that you can scare me!" Lydia states staring directly into Ratman's eyes as he presses the barrel of the gun to Lydia's head.

I finally feel the restraints come lose after one final tug and know that this needs to end now before anymore lives are lost, I keep thinking back to when we were on the roof and Stiles pushed us to the Berg and next thing I am found in the forest. But how did I get from one place to another?

"Now 1,2,3,4,." Ratman counted but before he could reach to five a scream for him to stop rang out.

"He's dead!" Sheriff shouted out stopping Ratman counting down any further and he removes the gun from Lydia's head.

As he walks to the Sheriff I untie the binds on Scott and Lydia and they slow untie everyone else trying to not make to much movement to alert WCKD what was happening.

"Dead you say. If that is the case, where is his body?" Ratman asks in his sneering tone.

"We found him in the Cave at the middle of the Ridge just before you blew it up. I am going to say there is nothing much left now thanks to you." Rafael answers as the Sheriff is unable to speak and I know I need to make a move while he was distracted.

Before I could move the sound of many helicopters started to ring around the area as several spot lights fell down upon us all before several people in all black clothing jumped down and surrounded WCKD aiming their guns at them. I watched the final one land directly behind Ratman aiming his gun directly at his head as we all got to our feet.

"I believe that you are looking for me!" 

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up shortly!!!

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