Chapter 8

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Welcome to Chapter 8 - thank you everyone who has read, voted or added this story to your reading list - here is the next chapter, pre warning it is slightly long as a sorry for the long delay updating - Enjoy!!

Stiles POV

I sat down in the abandoned warehouse and finally went through the backpack I had been given, she had been right everything I need to survive was inside. I quickly grabbed out one of the bottles of water along with the first aid kit and gently replaced the bandage on my chest before carefully and with some difficulty changed the one on my shoulder.

I made sure to keep the tablet turned off so WCKD couldn't track me, I really hope that Mitch and Thomas got my message, I am so tired. I feel my eyes start to droop before the sound of a door slamming jolts me awake.

"You two search that way! You and you stand guard! You four with me, we are going to search this place top to bottom, room by room. We all know what he is capable of, so heads on a swivel and weapons hot at all times." I hear a man barking orders as I quickly place everything back inside my bag as quietly as I could.

I looked out the window next to me and could see the boots of two people moving just in front of me, they seem to be pacing back and forth as I heard the door crash open and try my best to control my breathing and slowly moved to a better position as a plan formed in my mind.

At this moment I wished I had my baseball bat with me, I looked around and noticed a metal pole lying just in front of me, that will do. I gently grab it off the ground and sneak behind the first guard and wacked him over the head before slipping the pole into my bag before taking his gun, radio and keys off him.

I managed to reach the SUV before the second guard spotted that the other guard was missing, damn I was hoping he wouldn't notice just yet. He looked around and I felt his eyes land on me so I stood up and tried to act as naturally as possible.

"Hey there! Oh good another person, you wouldn't know where this place is would you?" I state pulling a map from my pocket, trying to sound as confused as possible hoping he wouldn't realise who I was.

"Your him!" The guard states as I notice his hand moving towards his gun, dang it I thought my acting skills were good enough.

"Wow, I wasn't expecting this. I did not think that in the middle of know where I would get recognised." I fake as I edge towards him while taking the pole out of my bag again.

"Sir, you are to come with me." He states pointing his gun at me but before he can do anymore I swing the pole and smack him in the head sending him flying to the ground.

"I am sorry where are my manners? My answer to your question is no!" I advise laughing before racing back to one of the SUV's before starting it up and putting my foot down trying to get as much distance as I could between me and them.

I decide to quickly check out the SUV as I drove down the clear road and managed to find what I was looking for, a phone. Okay who is going to be best to call? Well the obvious choice is Mitch but the whole CIA agent thing I don't think he would appreciate me using his number. Well there was Scott, Dad and Lydia but then I thought about it, they would all be at the hospital.

"Hello switchboard, who can I connect you too?" The lady asked as I dialled the switchboard number to be connected through as it was safer then directly calling.

"Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital please" I state hoping I am right in the decision I made as the phone started ringing.

"Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital, Roxie speaking how may I help?" Roxie stated and I was relived to hear a familiar voice.

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