Get to know Liz Plum

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Liz Plum is a young author from Hanover, Virginia, pursuing a bachelor's degree in marketing. Her stories on Wattpad have grossed over forty million reads and when she's not studying or watching romantic comedies for story inspiration, you can find Liz exploring every hiking spot within driving distance, bursting with Hokie pride at sporting events, or scribbling down ideas for her next novel. Connect with Liz on Instagram and on Wattpad at @Liz_Plum.

What is your favourite book?

I have read so many books that a lot of them blur together, but the one that will always hold a special place in my heart, and is really the reason I started writing, is The Hunger Games. I read it back when I was in 6th grade and ever since I have been obsessed...I may or may not have been known as 'The Hunger Games Girl' throughout my first 2 years of high school LOL.

What TV show are you currently obsessed with right now?

Survivor. I used to watch it with my Dad every week, but I recently found that Hulu has nearly every season so I have been binging that show like crazy. I went through four seasons in just one week. The challenges are my favorite; I tend to debate with my boyfriend about whether or not I would be good at them (I always say that I'd kick butt, but he begs to differ).

What is one app you would not be able to go without using even for just one day?

I'm really about to expose myself, but I am obsessed with TikTok. I'm afraid to look at my screen time because I know that over half of it is going to be on TikTok.

Who is your biggest hero?

Honestly, I don't just have one person who I consider my biggest hero. I look up to a lot of different people in different ways.

What was the first story you ever wrote?

Silently Falling was my first story and I was only 15 years old when I wrote it. At that time, I hadn't even been in a serious relationship, I don't even think I had had my first kiss, yet somehow I wrote a 48 chapter YA romance. Maybe that's why parts of it are a little cringe-worthy haha.

Where is your happy place?

The beach. Specifically Emerald Isle, NC. There are plenty of other places that I could consider my "happy place," but Emerald Isle seems to have the most calming effect on me. I don't necessarily mean the beach during the daytime, but right at sunset when you step out onto the cooled-off sand and walk along the shoreline as you watch the sun sink behind the waves. That may sound super cheesy and reads like a bio for a dating app, but something about that just makes me feel so at peace. (And I'm a romance author, what do you expect? Lol).

Who is your OTP?

Well, since I'm a Hunger Games Girl through and through, Katniss and Peeta will always be my OTP. Their love story was the first one I ever read and to this day I haven't found one that even comes close. Everlark FTW.

Can you describe your perfect writing area?

All I need is a nice, comfy couch and a speaker or headphones so that I can listen to my writing playlist. I tend to not like writing at a desk because then it suddenly feels like homework to me. It's sort of crazy how something as simple as a desk can manipulate my mindset like that, but every single chapter I have ever written has been made from me either sitting on a bed or a couch, but never at a desk.

What motivates you to work hard?

That's easy- my readers. When I'm writing, I picture what comments are going to be on every line and then I can't wait to finally publish a new chapter and actually read those comments. And, let me tell you, my readers never disappoint.

What makes you laugh the most?

A lot of different things make me laugh, but I think just being around friends or family makes me laugh the most. I have a lot of goofy friends that match my energy and when we get to talking, somehow we always end up saying something that has us bent over laughing. Oh, and also some of the comments on my books!

What is your favourite animal?

Manatees. I got to swim with them a few years ago in Florida and that was the most serene moment of my life. They are just giant, cuddly, sea cows that are incredibly friendly and incredibly cute. On the other hand, sticking to sea animals, sharks terrify me but I have a weird fascination with them. They are the reason the ocean scares me, but it would still be kinda cool to swim (safely) with them.

What are your hobbies?

I'm a very active person, so all of my hobbies are sort of sports related; tennis, hiking, and watching baseball. I have been playing tennis competitively since I was in 6th grade, and fortunately, since I go to school at Virginia Tech, I have been spoiled with some of the best hiking spots in Virginia. As for baseball, it's on my bucket list to make it to every Major League ballpark. I actually almost wrote Jack to be a baseball player instead of a football player!

What is your favorite quote from a book/movie/play?

Oh gosh this is a tough one. One of my all time favorite quotes about love comes from F. Scott Fitzgerald, but I don't think it came directly from one of his books. "There are all kinds of love in this world but never the same love twice." Either that, or if you want one specifically from a movie, the essay that Brian writes in the movie The Breakfast Club. The message in that essay, and really the whole movie, is just incredible and the more I think about it, the more I realize how Scarlet in some ways relates to the character Claire.

How would your friends describe you?

Goofy and sarcastic. My sense of humor is largely derived from sarcastic comments, which I think can be seen in Fight For Her with some of Scarlet's comments.

Who would you want to attend your dream dinner party? (dead or alive)

I want to meet Helen Keller and find out how in the world she did everything that she supposedly did despite being both deaf and blind.

Is your glass half full or half empty?

This is a funny question because I see it as "are you an optimistic person or more of a pessimistic person?" And I'm neither- I'm a very realistic person.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

I am definitely an extrovert. I love being surrounded by people and hate being the first to leave a party.

What is your favorite family holiday tradition?

Oh definitely decorating the house with Christmas lights and driving around to see the houses on the Tacky Christmas Lights tour. And also watching Christmas Vacation. I can quote that entire movie and I think I do actually quote it every day lol!

What are your pet peeves?

When people scrape their teeth on their fork while eating or scrape their utensils against their plate. Something about that sound is just like nails on a chalkboard for me. Also when people randomly stop walking in the middle of a crowded hallway...just keep moving or walk off to the side if you need to stop lol.

What is your ideal way to spend a weekend?

Since I'm a college student, my ideal weekend consists of going out with friends and not worrying about schoolwork. (But those of you who know college life, you know that you never really stop worrying about your classes).

Can you tell us what you're currently writing?

Currently I'm working on editing Silently Falling. I believe it is a very inspirational story and I know that a lot of my readers have been empowered by the issues it brings up, so I want to make sure it is written to the best of my ability. I do, however, have another romance book in the making that I am very excited about. I'm still playing around with the title, but so far it will be titled I'm (Not) Okay. It touches on some of the same issues brought up in Silently Falling but with a very different storyline. Now that I'm a little older, it's important to me to write a book that when people read it, they receive a strong message. 

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