Get to know A.J. Rosen

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Get to know A.J. Rosen!

To celebrate the release of Entwined, we interviewed the author A.J. Rosen, to learn more about her and what she is working on next. You can buy your copy of Entwined wherever books are sold.

Wattpad HQ: Who is your OTP?

A.j. Rosen: In Entwined? Well, I cannot say who I ship Avery with because I'm not about to give spoilers. Although I do ship Kristen and Domenico.

Wattpad HQ: What is your favourite book?

A.j. Rosen: All Sherlock Holmes stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Wattpad HQ: What TV show are you currently obsessed with right now?

A.j. Rosen: "It's Okay Not to be Okay" on Netflix. It is so good. If you have not watched it, you should.

Wattpad HQ: What is one app you would not be able to go without using even for just one day?

A.j. Rosen: Discord.

Wattpad HQ: Where is your happy place?

A.j. Rosen: My bedroom. Although I do think that it doesn't matter where it is as long as you're surrounded with people you love and that you're happy.

Wattpad HQ: Can you describe your perfect writing area?

A.j. Rosen: I used to write during bus ride or while walking (which is dangerous so please don't do it). Wattpad has made it easier because then I could find a good spot in the park, sit, and write. Sometimes I write on my bed when I wake up in the middle of the night too.

Wattpad HQ: What motivates you to work hard?

A.j. Rosen: My goals in life, I guess. I have things that I'd like to achieve and in order to do that, it requires hard work.

Wattpad HQ: What makes you laugh the most?

A.j. Rosen: A lot of stuff made me laugh but I guess I have to give this to my brother Stove since he always makes me laugh the most.

Wattpad HQ: What is your favourite animal?

A.j. Rosen: Dogs and cats.

Wattpad HQ: What are your hobbies?

A.j. Rosen: Sleeping (if that could even be considered as a hobby), reading books, playing games, watching series, and writing.

Wattpad HQ: How would your friends describe you?

A.j. Rosen: I asked two of my friends and these are their answers. 1. She might seem quiet at first, but once you get her to talk, it'll go on and on. There's no shortage of topic with her. She's hard-working and has lots of energies that she could take you on a tour for the whole day. She might seem blunt, but she considers every word that she's going to say, over and over again before she say it. Most importantly, she's a very loyal friend. 2. Introverted, kind, likes to help people, terrible sense of direction, confused, clueless.

Wattpad HQ: What is the tallest building you've been to the top in?

A.j. Rosen: Eiffel Tower.

Wattpad HQ: Is your glass half full or half empty?

A.j. Rosen: Half full.

Wattpad HQ: Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

A.j. Rosen: Introvert.

Wattpad HQ: What is your favorite family holiday tradition?

A.j. Rosen:New Year! We also have a big gathering with loads of food. It's just really nice to be with family.

Wattpad HQ: What are your pet peeves?

A.j. Rosen: When I couldn't find an answer to a question. I'm an inquisitive person and that alone would frustrate me.

Wattpad HQ: What is your ideal way to spend a weekend?

A.j. Rosen: I'd say staying in bed with my laptop. I could either write, read some stories, or play games. That would be the best way to spend a weekend because on weekdays I won't have

Wattpad HQ: Can you tell us what you're currently writing?

A.j. Rosen: The third book of the Entwined series and it's called Engraved. 

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