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He had pale skin, intriguing grey eyes, and, sort of ragged, but beautiful brown curly hair. He was really quite attractive, in an odd way. The two locked eyes for a moment before he started walking towards her, disregarding the rest of the room.

He stood close as he lifted her hand and gently kissed it. "You must be Miss Hope?" he said in a polite manner.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr Black." she replied shyly, feeling slightly anxious. It took a moment before he realised he still had her hand in his.

"Sorry, I got carried away," he chuckled as he pulled away, "and please, call me Sirius.", he said looking her in the eye, she smiled in response.

Their first encounter had gone smoothly, they were both reasonably comfortable with each other, as if they had met before. "Please, take a seat," he said whilst pulling out a chair next to his.

Gentleman, she thought to herself.

"Thankyou. It's been a while since i've been around some familiarity, it's a nice change." she said cheerfully.

"Well, you're certainly not familiar with me, are you?" he responded, his gazed focused on her, ignoring everyone else, with a small smile on his face. She looked down nervously and giggled at his remark, starting to pick at her nails. "So tell me a little about yourself, River." he said trying to make conversation. The two of them spoke for a while, she told him a little about herself, and him about himself. River excluded her mother's recent passing as she assumed he already knew. As their conversation died down, he looked at her sorrowfully and took her hand, wrapping it in both of his. "I'm so sorry about your mother, River. Molly told me what happened, so so awful. I was never really close with my mother, so I can't begin to imagine what you are feeling. I am truly sorry." His words felt so meaningful, others had given their condolences, but his felt real, as if he really felt sympathy for her.

"I-it means a lot, th-thankyou." she choked on her words as he began rubbing is thumb softly across her hand as he looked at her with a soft smile.

"River, dear!" Molly shouted, trying to get her attention. She quickly pulled away from Sirius' affection, also pulling away from his entrancing gaze.
"He's not bothering you, is he?" she said jokingly.

"What? No of course not." she replied instantly.

"I'm only messing, darling," she said, whilst River stood up and let out a sigh of relief; she wasn't sure why, it's not as if the two of you were doing anything wrong. "Best you go and get unpacked, you're in George and Fred's room; upstairs, second door to your left. Get a good night's rest, make sure the boys don't hassle you too much."

She began to usher the pretty girl out the dining room door, as she caught one last glimpse at Sirius he smiled and nodded as a thankyou; must have been for keeping him company.

George followed her out of the room, asking if she needed help carrying your trunk, she accepted willingly, it was very heavy and carrying it around London all day had not been fun. He went ahead of her up the stairs, and as she began to climb the steep stairs she felt a hand on your shoulder as someone said her name.

River turned around quickly. Remus stood there, handsome as ever, smiling right at her. "Remus? You ok?" she said, wondering what he wanted. "I felt rude not saying hello, so I wanted to catch you before you went to bed." he looked up at her sweetly.

"Well hello then," she chuckled, " how are you? how's Tonks?" she asked.

"Ah, yes, another thing, I just wanted to let you know... we are um- not really a- a thing anymore," he said awkwardly as she looked at him sympathetically, "oh, but don't worry, River, it was mutual, we had just kind of drifted. We are still friends." he quickly added.

"Well, i'm glad to hear it, Remus-," she stopped herself as she realised what she had said, "but not- not about the split, just that you're- that you're still friends and that-" she spluttered out trying to correct herself. He laughed softly, as they began looking at each other with intent. She got her first good look at him for a while.

As beautiful as ever, she thought.

His imperfect skin still hasn't aged, and his eyes looked as kind as ever.

He coughed, taking her by suprise, realising that she had been looking at him for a little too long.

"I-um-better be off." she said quickly.

"Sleep well, River." he said as she trailed up the stairs, only just loud enough for her to hear.

She walked quickly to her shared room, slamming the door shut as she entered. She was thinking about the interactions she had had tonight; they were replaying in her mind.

"Yoohoooo, River?" George said with wide eyes as she realised she had let her mind slip from reality.
"You took your time, didn't ya?" he said with that annoying tone in his voice.

"Sorry, I got chatting with Lupin." she responded.

"OoooOoooo, Lupin, eh?" he chuckled.

"Oh piss off, George, I haven't seen him in ages," she responded quickly.

She took a look around the room, noticing there were only two beds either side of the room.

River looked at George questioningly, "Ohhh yeah forgot to mention, you'll be sleeping on the floor." he said casually.

"Forgot to mention, huh? Your so annoying!" she shouted.

She set up a bed in the middle of the floor with duvets, pillows and cushions. Fred had arrived now and laughed at her makeshift bed. It wasn't ideal but it would do, at least she was with friends.
As time went on the house grew silent, as people began to go to bed, all wondering what the future would have in store.

Only One - Lupin and Sirius X Female OC Fanfic, Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now