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It was the following day; George and Fred were waiting outside he dormitory whilst River was getting the last of her belongings packed. She picked up her wand and with one flick her suitcase was zipped up and trailing behind her on it's own. The boys were stood outside tapping their feet impatiently as she greeted them.

"Took your time, River." they said in unison, rolling their eyes.

"Well sorry I packed more than clothes and food." she shot back sarcastically. They mimicked her whilst screwing their faces up, before both grabbing her hands and they all simultaneously thought of Grimmauld Place.

River opened her eyes and saw the plain black door of Sirius' family home. Fred went to open the door but she quickly smacked his hand out of the way.

"No! Don't be rude, Freddie, we will knock - it's not your house, is it?" she shouted quietly.

"Oh come on, we have been here enough times! Mum and Dad basically live here anyways." George chimed in, before they both pushed past her and walked through the door.

"MOTHER WEASLEY! YOUR MOST DASHING SONS HAVE ARRIVED!" Fred shouted into the seemingly empty house, George sniggered loudly after. They all walked through the hallway and opened the door to the kitchen to find Molly, Arthur, Kingsley, Moody, Remus, Tonks and Sirius sat around the table, obviously not hearing the boys shouting due to their surprised expressions.

"Ah, finally your here, took your time didn't ya. Quick quick sit down we have finally had some contact from Albus about the new missions." Moody said with no expression. River locked eyes with Sirius who had only just realised she was there. He instantly got out of his seat and threw his arms around her, which gained questionable looks from people as Sirius wasn't a particularly affectionate man - it was usually Molly doing the hugging but she had remained in her seat, ushering George and Fred to sit down. Sirius pulled her out a seat before anyone else had said anything.

"Missions?" River asked.

"Well, yes, River, you and the twins are apart of the order now. Dumbledore sets us missions regularly whether it be recruiting new members, going to the ministry or just keeping an eye on Harry. As he used to, during the Wizarding War." Arthur replied, sounding surprised that she didn't know. River looked at Sirius, who had taken his seat, as if to say why didn't you tell me this?

"Why else would we have come back stupid?" George spat jokingly.

"Yeah god stupid." Fred added. She sneered back before giggling lightly.

"Now now boys don't be bloody mean!" Molly Weasley joined in, hitting the boys on the back of the head with her tea-towel, " Me, Kingsley, Moody, Tonks and Arthur are going back to the Burrow for a while - we are fed up of staying here and want to spread out for a bit, it's also probably not safe to all stay together, the ministry will be onto us in no time, but this lot have only just come to their senses." she rolled her eyes, "But don't worry darling, Remus, Sirius and the twins are staying here so you won't be all alone, Sirius and Lupin should be able to control the boys for a while, won't you?" Remus nodded assuringly.

Rivertried to intervene about the living arrangements but before she had chance Sirius interrupted, "Molly, don't worry, I'm sure she will be fine. You lot get going and give the kids a chance to unpack. Oh, and Mundungus will be popping in and out, but he keeps disappearing, god knows what he's doing, can't trust him with anything." he rolled his eyes.

Kids? she thought. I'm hardly a kid, the twins maybe, but he surely didn't mean it; especially since he's the one who kissed her.

"Right enough of this jibber jabber, here's your letters. These tasks need to be completed within the next week so get a move on, I'm assuming he's paired us up again so... well it'll all be in the letter no point me rambling on." Moody said gruffly. Everyone ripped open their letters. River opened hers to see:

Only One - Lupin and Sirius X Female OC Fanfic, Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now