8. Emotional Fool (3)

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The last shot of emotional fool. I'm extremely sorry for not updating early. I'm busy with my other personal work. I would try my best to update as early as possible. Kindly ignore any mistakes.

It took her a little bit of time to believe he was right in front of her. Both kept on looking at each others face until Sanjay came and interrupted.
Sanjay : Who is it ridhu?? Vansh....
Vansh turned to face the man with her. How did he know about him? Is he her husband?? No,  that's not possible. Then who is it and what was he doing at this house in her house?? The questions that have to be answered he thought. He went near her and tried to hold her hand but gets stopped by Sanjay. He gets angry on him.

Sanjay : Just a minute Vansh. Till then settle down.
He holded Ridhima's hand and moved to her home. Vansh couldn't tolerate it. But he had to wait until he gets her response.

Sanjay : Ridhima..... Are you alright??
Ridhima (crying) : Why did he come now?? Why can't he leave me alone?? Why????
He caressed her face and wiped of the tears.
Sanjay : Listen to what he wants to say and then take a decision. What ever it may be, I will be with you.
Ridhima : hmm
They went to meet him. To comfort herself, she holded Sanjays hand which was noticed by Vansh.

Vansh continued to stare at Ridhima. The love that had in her eyes has been replaced with fear. How badly he wished to remove the tears that were ready to come out of her eyes. To break the moment Sanjay had to initiate the conversation.
Sanjay : I think so you aren't comfortable to talk with her in front of me. Well I will wait outside.
He was about to get up when Ridhima's hold on his hand got stronger. He turned to look at her, " please stay.... " she begged. Vansh couldn't tolerate this anymore. Did he hurted her to this extent that she even feared to stay alone with him for moments?

Sanjay : but ridhu...
Vansh : sit... I don't have any problem
Sanjay : okay
Vansh : I know I have hurted you, lost your trust but give me a chance to rectify my mistakes... Please ridhima..... I can't live without you..... I got to know the truth after you left.... I have searched you from then.....I was going mad until I got to know your location..... I can't bear this pain anymore.....

He tried to hold her hand but she withdraws.
Ridhima : If you have finished please leave....
Vansh : Ridhima...
Ridhima : No... I won't..... I can't let you play with my life anymore.... I had enough.... So leave....
Vansh : You aren't even able to say that by looking into my eyes.... I know you still love me.....
Ridhima : Yes I do....... But not again.... Don't you know that once hurted from something we won't even try to touch that again fearing of getting pain again.... I'm the same.....
Vansh : Ridhima, I won't leave from here without you ...
Ridhima : Then you will have to take my body.......
Vansh & Sanjay : Ridhima.....
Ridhima : I'm serious....I can't Sanjay.....Everything can't be forced.....
Vansh : Do you think so you will get hurt when I'm near you....
Ridhima : you said the truth now.... When you are the person to hurt me how do you even think of me getting back to you....
Sanjay : Ridhu... Listen to me, no one would forcefully take you from here until you wish to do so....
Vansh : Do you have that much guts to stop me from taking her??
Sanjay : Haven't you realized till now what was the effect from you forcefully getting married to her??
Vansh : that's none of your business...She is mine..
Sanjay : Did she let you claim that??
Vansh got angry and started to beat him. Sanjay also didn't back out.

Ridhima (shouting) : stop it Vansh.... Leave him.... I'm not coming with you and that's final......and if you think of forcing me....
She shows him the knife holded by her near to  wrist....

Sanjay and Vansh (worried) : Ridhima....
Ridhima : I'm warning you leave from here....
Vansh moved towards Ridhima.
Ridhima : Fine.... I think so you won't listen to me that easily.... Better to show you....
She slightly cut her wrist but couldn't move further as Sanjay ran to her and threw knife from her hands. He took out the kerchief and covered it with it.  Vansh was still shocked to see this.... He felt ashamed of himself..... He wasn't even able to stop her.....

Sanjay : I beg you Vansh.... Leave her....she is no longer yours.... You had the chance but lost it.... Now I don't want to lose her.... After long time she accepted my proposal.... I don't want to lose her........
Vansh heart broke.... He didn't have anything to say or do... Or should say he couldn't do anything like earlier.... She wasn't in his control anymore.....

He left them without saying anything....... He closed the door leaving them....... The moment Vansh left, she ran to her room leaving from Sanjay's hold..... Both were broken..... But there wasn't any chance to the relationship...... It was broken beyond repair.......

End of shot 8.
Wait for the next one.

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