Part 3

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Suddenly Zhan feels something is touching his feet. He looks downwards; a little cat is trying to climb up by supporting him.
He picks it up, rubs his nose with it's.

"Hey!! Who are you?? I am the one who have enticed him and you are in your arm?" Yibo is fuming at rage, he wants to be in that position.

"And you cheater? Am I not cute enough? Why are you holding him?"
Yibo wants to say to Zhan.

Yibo and the cat are piercing each other's gazes.
"Meaaaaw" the cat groans.
"Mnn, mnn, mnn" Yibo groans more louder.

"Meaaaaw" once again.

"I know, currently I can do nothing, but let's wait and watch; I will take my revenge later" Yibo thinks in his mind.

Whereas being unknown to the whole situation carries the cat and approaches to Yibo's mom.
"Auntie, is this cat yours?" Zhan shows it to Yibo's mom.

"Oh, no here it's roaming for two days" Yibo's mom replies.

"Then where is it's mother?" Zhan wants to ask but probably the other person reads Zhan's mind and continues
"We have seen it's mother last week but it is nowhere to be seen; probably died, now it is wandering like a orphan"
Yibo's mom then looks at Zhan's mom and says "My elder son Kuan wanted to take it home but my younger son is still a baby, so their father didn't allow as there is a risk of allergies or infection"

Zhan feels sad, "Then it has nowhere to go, it is probably hungry, at night will feel cold too"

"You both are right though; but... " Zhan's mom is just going to say something but caressing the cat, Zhan looks up at his mom "Mom, will you and Pa object if I take it home with me"

His mom smiles at him, she is proud at her son "No my son, you have stole my word, I and your father is okay with it; your brother and sister will be happy too"

Until now Yibo was silent; listening the conversation. But now it is going out of his hand, he can't take it anymore and starts to cry loudly.

"Oh, my son is crying again" Yibo's mom is worried.

"Probably he is hungry" Zhan's mom says.

"No no, I have fed him half an hour ago; I think peed on bed again. This brat!!" Yibo's mom laughs.

The other two persons laughs too
"Ok ok, go and check, we are leaving"
Zhan's mom laughs and bids farewell.

They are going away, the cat cuddles to Zhan and peeks over Zhan's shoulder, smiles at Yibo.
Yibo cries louder.

In Zhan's house..

Li and Cheng happily welcome the new member.
"Have you given any name?" Li asks.

"Not yet, you give beautiful one" Zhan smiles.

"Queen, let's call it queen" Cheng tells happily.

"No way" Li and Zhan at unison.

"It's so small, like a nut. How about Jianguo??" Li raises her brows.

Everyone, even luckily Cheng too agrees.

To be continued.....

Little (Yizhan fic - newborn Yibo) Where stories live. Discover now