Part 5

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Those four are enjoying icecreams.
In the meantime Yibo wakes up officially.
He can hear the laughter outside his room.
"What's going on? A kitty-party!! I am ignored!!"
To grab attention he starts to cry; he is a little bit hungry too.

His mom goes to console him
"Aww!! My son is up!! Hungry baby??"
She hugs her son.
"Let's go outside"
She brings him, swinging on her arms.

She has already filled up the feeding bottle with boiled water for his son. Now she gives it into Yibo's mouth.

Yibo is gulping water, he hadn't realise how much thirsty he was.

"Zhan how is the cat?" Kuan asks.

"We named him Jianguo" Li tells.

Haikuan chuckles "Jianguo!! So sweet!!"

"It is ok, I have prepared a warm bed for it" Zhan replies.

"Aww!! How sweet of you Zhan" Yibo's mom smiles. She continues

"If Yibo were a little much older, I would allow Kuan to adopt it, but it's good to see that it found a heart warming owner and a family" Yibo's mom caresses Zhan's hair.

"Mom!! You are teaming up with my rival" Yibo groans.

But Zhan smiles. Now Yibo's eyes goes to Zhan's mole under his lip.

Zhan was eating icecream; melted chocolate cream is smudged on the half of his face.

"So cute!!" Yibo's eyes lit up.

"Here I am the newborn and like he is acting youngest in the room" Yibo grins.

Zhan's smile is glowing enough and that mole is cherishing it more.

Yibo is continuously staring at him. He can't take his eyes off. Seeing other person smiling he is too much happy.

"I am very eager to play with him." He thinks.

After eating, Zhan goes to Yibo's mom.
"Auntie, I want to take him for once"

"Have you washed your face and hands properly?" Yibo's mother enquires.

Zhan nods.

"Ok, sit on the bed" Yibo's mom tells him.

Zhan does that obediently.

Then she lies Yibo down of Zhan's lap.

"Hold him carefully and Kuan, please take care of your brother" Yibo's mom goes back to kitchen.

"Ahh!! Finally" Yibo says in his mind like he has achieved something glorious.

Yibo is giggling and playing happily holding Zhan's fingers.

"He likes you" Kuan smiles.

"How do you know?" Zhan raises his brows.

"He doesn't like to go to others; only doesn't object if it is mom or dad or I"

"Then, you like me" Zhan chuckles. He is so happy to see such a cute baby.

"You have just born and already so choosy!!" Cheng glares at Yibo.

In turn Li rounds her eyes at her brother
"At his age you were more grumpy; used to cry for almost whole day; turned the house upside down over small matters. Unlike Zhan, he was so lively, just like Yibo" Li pinches Chang's nose and tells him.

Cheng doesn't argue more.

But those two are already lost in their
wonderland; ignoring others giving joy to each other.

                          The End

A/N: Guys I don't know how much you are enjoying my stories but writing about these two little cute demons is pretty much fun to me, as while writing I am reviving my childhood memories too.
However, I am a little bit busy, so  I need some days for my next story Little Soulmate; probably I will publish the first part on 21st January.

Little (Yizhan fic - newborn Yibo) Where stories live. Discover now