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jade and julie paused behind the curtain, both taking deep breaths before stepping out on stage. jade knew no one was paying attention to them, but she still felt like she had a million eyes on her.

julie and jade sat next to each other on the bench, looking to each other nervously. they had practiced the night before switching on and off who was playing so they both had a chance to show their piano skills too. there was only one microphone so they would have to share. there was another one set up closer to centre stage but neither girl wanted to bring it over and draw more attention to themselves.

jade placed her hands on the keyboard and played the first two notes. she noticed a few students turning towards them and quickly retracted her hands. her eyes went to luke, who was watching her with an encouraging smile.

"you got this!" he shouts across the room, knowing no one else can hear him. she nodded slightly and placed her hands on the keys again.

as jade played, she felt herself relax into the music. she didn't feel nervous or stressed anymore, she felt safe. she felt at home.

Sometimes I think I'm falling down
I wanna cry, I'm calling out
For one more try to feel alive

jade continued to play piano as julie sang her next line. she had forgotten how good it felt to play with julie and now that she'd been doing it again, she loved it.

And when I feel lost and alone
I know that I can make it home
Fight through the dark and find the spark

the girls sang together, julie's hands replacing jade's on the keyboard. jade's eyes landed on the three ghosts, who were grinning widely at the girls.

Life is a risk, but I will take it
Close my eyes and jump
Together, I think that we can make it
C'mon let's run

suddenly the boys appeared on stage beside them. jade's eyes widened as she stood up in excitement. she looked to julie, who nodded towards the other mic with a grin. jade ran to the mic and grabbed it from the stand, the two girls singing together.

And rise through the night, you and I
We will fight to shine together, bright forever

jade felt a knot form in her stomach looking over the crowd. not because she was nervous, but because she noticed the audience wasn't just looking at her and julie. they were looking at the boys too.

And rise through the night, you and I
We will fight to shine together, bright forever

jade lowered her mic and quickly moved closer to luke, a slightly panicked look on her face.

"uh, what's happening right now?" she questions as luke shook his head in disbelief.

"just go with it!" he tells her, a wide grin on his face.

he rushed back to his microphone to sing the next verse as jade stared at the audience in amazement. she couldn't believe this was happening. it had to be a dream, right?

In times that I doubted myself
I felt like I needed somе help
Stuck in my head with nothing left

jade couldn't help the wide smile on her face, she was happier than she had ever felt before. her and julie were finally playing again, and some how she was able to perform with these ghost boys that had already changed her life in a matter of days.

I feel somеthing around me now
So unclear, lifting me out
I found the ground I'm marching on

jade walked across the stage to julie for a moment, the two of them somewhat rocking out together and somewhat freaking out together. this whole situation was insane but for now, they were just gonna go with it.

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