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"okay, jade and matthew, you're up." ms clair looked to the two sitting side by side.

jade felt her hands shaking slightly. she knew they had rehearsed enough that they would be okay, but she still felt like her heart was pounding in her chest as matt walked to the centre of the small stage. she stood to the side, as the scene started with her walking up to matt.

they had decided to do the ballroom scene from the cinderella movie remake. they were supposed to choose from one of the disney classics that the class had been studying, but since there isn't a lot of dialogue in some of those, ms clair was okay with them choosing a scene from the live action ones.

"and, action!" she says from her seat, sending jade's mind into acting mode. she took a breath as she walked toward matt centre stage.

"Mr. Kit." jade bowed her head, trying to ignore all the eyes on her as she flattened her skirt slightly.

"it's you, isn't it?" matt spoke, not breaking eye contact with the girl. jade nodded slightly, channeling her inner princess as best she could.

"it seems so." she responds quietly. she could feel his breath on her face he was standing so close and as she looked into his eyes, she found herself wishing they were the bright hazel eyes she'd grown so attached to instead of the brown eyes she'd been in longing for, for years.

"you're highness, if i may, that is, it would give me the greatest pleasure," matt paused, as the script called for, and in that brief moment, jade swore she saw luke standing there instead. "if you would do me the honour of letting me lead you through this, the first..."

"dance?" she finished the line, causing a small grin to form on his face. jade realized that the grin he had was the same one he always looked at her with. it was acting and she could see it clear as day now.

"yes, dance, that's it." he says with a small laugh.

jade nodded slightly, the brown eyes slowly fading to hazel. matthew took a step closer to her, though it seemed to her like he was actually taking a step back.

as the real matt wrapped his arm around her, the world faded away and all jade could see was luke.

he began to spin her around, and though her and matt had only planned on swaying slightly to avoid learning the whole choreography, luke was dancing her around the room, keeping a hand on her lower back to lead her. they were no longer in the drama room, it's like they had transported somewhere else, somewhere beautiful.

she couldn't look away from his eyes, the green and brown mixing together with beautiful flecks of gold. he had the most beautiful eyes jade had ever seen, and she couldn't believe that she was the one he chose to look at.

she felt like her body was on fire, in the best way. all she could think about was being here with luke. she didn't know how she was seeing him or how he was touching her, but in the moment she didn't care. she just wanted him closer.

"they're all looking at you." she attempted to speak the next line of dialogue clearly, though it came out as whisper as she got lost in his eyes.

"believe me," luke spoke back quietly, making jade's breath catch in her throat. "they are all looking at you."

luke grabbed her hand and spun her around, jade loosing all thoughts of the fact that she was in a class at the moment. it felt like her and luke were the only two people in the world. every other element of the real world had slipped away as they danced, luke softly singing in her ear.

The truth is finally breaking through
Two worlds collide when I'm with you
Our voices rise and soar so high
We come to life when we're
In perfect harmony

Impermanent Perfection - jatp/lukeWhere stories live. Discover now