Chapter 19: Second Encounter

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Violet spotted a familiar face in between her hazy vision and used all of her strength to cry out to him.

"Ha... Handsome Guy! Handsome Elevator Guy!" Her voice was weak, but it rebounded off the walls of the corridor and reached the ears of the man she was calling out to. The man and the two other people in his party had already had their eyes on her, but she got his absolute attention the moment she looked up and shouted at him.

The man seemed to recognize her too. His eyebrows knitted together, and he strode toward her and Duncan.

Startled by Violet's sudden action, Duncan's grip loosened. Violet felt the opening and used every bit of her strength to break free from him and dash toward the man.

She staggered and almost fell down, but the man swiftly caught her. She looked up at him with a smile of relief on her face and mumbled "help" before she lost consciousness.


Kai looked at the disheveled woman who just fainted in his arms and then at the young man whom she had just run away from.

The young man trod toward them with caution. A broad but noticeably forced grin plastered on his face. "Ah, sorry, Bro... My girlfriend had too much to drink and got confused. I was just about to take her home."

He was about to grab Violet's arms to pull her away from Kai when Kai seized his wrist and locked it rotationally in one swift motion. Duncan screeched in pain. "What did you give her, and when?" Kai asked in a cold, ominous voice. He had drawn an obvious conclusion about what had transpired between this young man and Violet. He gave the young man a menacing stare.

The young man winced in pain and apprehension, but he forced himself to laugh, ballsy enough to try feigning innocence. "What do you mean, Bro? She... She just had too much to drink and was feeling unwell. Ow! Ow! Ow! Let... Let me go, or I'll fucking sue you!"

"Boss, do you know her?" Henry asked Kai.

Kai didn't respond, nor did he bother with the young man anymore. He had seen enough date rape drug cases in his decade-long career to know one when he saw it. It was important to learn exactly what kind of drug and how much drug this young man had given her, but whatever it was, he knew that first and foremost, he needed to get Violet out of there quickly. He had to get the drug out of her system.

The longer he delayed, the more drugs would be absorbed by her internal organs, and the more of its side effects Violet would start experiencing—blackouts, memory loss, seizures, and in case of an overdose, drug-induced coma.

He released the young man's wrist and lifted Violet up. "Pump him out for information and call me as soon as you get it. Then arrest him," he instructed his subordinates.

At that moment, a woman ran toward them. "Sir! I'm Miss Lee's bodyguard. What happened?"

"She's been drugged. Tail me with your car," Kai said before rushing out of the building with Violet in his arms.


Kimmy, Henry, and Duncan were left in the corridor. "What the fuck!? Your friend assaulted me. Almost broke my wrist. Fucking thug! I'll report him to the police!" Duncan cursed, still grimacing in pain.

Kimmy looked at him unamused. She flashed her police badge at Duncan and said, "Yeah? Well, good then. We are the police. Let's hear your report at the station."

"Cuff him." She nodded her head at Henry.

Terror overtook Duncan's face when he learned about their identity. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration, racking his brain, trying to think of an excuse. But before he could say anything, Henry already shoved him face-first onto the wall and handcuffed him. "Wait, wait, ma'am... sir... Officers! I-I'm sorry! I was just bluffing. I didn't mean to call your friend a thug. I didn't mean to make a scene. Please, please don't bring me to the station! Please!" Duncan begged as panic assailed him.

Henry still pinned him against the wall, while Kimmy scoffed. "Not so tough anymore now, eh? What's your name? Do you have your ID with you?"

"Dun-Duncan Lo, ma'am... My ID is in my wallet. In my coat pocket. Please, ma'am... I'll cooperate. But I can't go to the police station. I just can't... My father would disown me." Duncan squeezed his eyes shut, unable to shake off the humiliation that overcame him. He was on the verge of tears.

Kimmy cringed, shaking her head in disbelief at Duncan's pathetic behavior. She then took out Duncan's identity card from his wallet inside his coat pocket. She checked it and frowned. He really had the same surname as her. What a disgrace.

"Alright, Mr. Lo, if you cooperate, we'll consider not bringing you to the station. Please tell us what happened," Kimmy affirmed. Henry loosened his grip on Duncan and turned him around so he would face them. Duncan narrated what happened, and under Kimmy's questioning, he confessed to spiking the young woman's drink with a date rape drug. He was planning to bring her to his place to sleep with her.

As soon as he finished recounting his story, Duncan slouched down to the ground, covering his face with his hands. Henry gave him a disgusted look and sneered, "Is that your only way to get laid by a woman? Fucking coward." 

Kimmy turned around, stepping away from them to make a phone call to Kai. The incident had been exhibited to the curious eyes of the guests that passed by. Once she reached a quieter corner, she dialed Kai's number. He picked up on the first ring. "It's GHB, one small vial, but taken with alcohol. And she took it less than thirty minutes ago, sir."

"He drugged the daughter of the Lee family. See if there were any other motives or anyone else behind this..." Kai paused for a moment. "Kimmy? Please keep her identity on the hush," he added and hung up the phone.

Kimmy put back her phone in her pocket and went back to Henry, "We're taking him back to the bureau."

Duncan widened his eyes in horror. "What? That was not part of the deal! You said you won't bring me to the station if I cooperated, and I did!"

"I said we'll consider not bringing you to the station if you cooperated. You may have cooperated well, but you confessed to spiking someone's drink. It's infliction of bodily harm without the person's consent, and it's against the law. Did you know you can get up to three years of imprisonment for that? You should have thought about that before you cowardly roofied someone to take advantage of her, shouldn't you!?" Kimmy rebuked before she forcefully yanked Duncan up to his feet and said in an authoritative voice, "Now move!"

♡──── ❝ Author's Note ❞ ────♡

Hi everyone! I'm back! Again, sorry for not being able to update last Friday. But as promised, it's a double update! Another chapter coming right up!

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Thank you so much for reading!


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