Chapter 10

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Y/N sat on a table, writing out the setlist for the next day, another job Cal had left for her to do and it pissed her off to no end. She understood having a bad day, sure it sucked but don't take it out on your employees! She let out a breath she didn't realise she had been holding and decided that as long as she got paid properly she would put up with pretty much anything.

She still needed to practice her duet with one of the guys, Josh, but of course, he couldn't be here, just her luck. Obviously, she didn't blame him, things happened, but everything seemed to be going wonky lately and all Y/N was some stability in her life, Cal was a different person all of a sudden, she more work than she could handle and top it all off she was developing feelings for a ghost. Scratch that, she has feelings for a ghost that she could touch but no one else could see and it honestly kind of scared her.

Y/N huffed, placing her notebook next to her before hopping off the table, it was clear to see that she wouldn't get anything done any time soon.

"Hey, Diner Gal! It's your favourite phantom, me!" Y/N jumped a bit before turning around, an exasperated smile on her face, "Hello, Leather Boy, nice seeing you again." Reggie grinned, he loved hearing her voice, it comforted him and made him feel wanted, "So, what are we doing?" Y/N sighed, turning back to her notebook, "I'm stressing over a setlist and a duet I'm supposed to be practising for, but I don't expect you to do the same." Y/N grinned at him over her shoulder. A worried puppy expression clouded over Reggie's face, then he thought of an idea that brought a bright smile onto his face, "How about I help you practice? I mean, I could sing the other part, girl or guy. I've been told I have an excellent Sandy impression, I'm especially good at Summer Lovin' in case you were wondering." He winked at her causing her to burst into laughter, a warm smile lighting up her face.

"Um, sure, you heard and Dear Evan Hansen?"

"Have I? Julie showed 1 song to Alex and he wouldn't shut up about it, he kept making Julie play us those songs over and over and over again, I think I know literally every line by now. Alex swears that he is Evan but instead of Connor it's Zoe who's dead and that him and Connor are happily married with a puppy." Reggie widened his eyes to emphasize his point, Y/N snickered, "What a terrible fate you've been succumbed to." Reggie rolled his eyes, secretly admiring how carefree the girl before him looked, "I'm serious! My ears can recognize any song from 3 miles away!"

"Okay, so, do you know Only Us?" Reggie nodded, he knew that one especially well, not just because of Alex but because it was his personal favourite, it's how he always imagined love would feel like, carefree, a little awkward but completely accepting and unconditional. It wasn't something he had experienced very much of and certainly not in the way the song presented it but he hoped maybe one day he could experience it exactly how the song said, with Y/N. "Yeah, I do. Is that the song?"

"Yep. I'll just put the backing on, thanks for this." Y/N smiled before making her way towards the counter where the kept the tech stuff. Soon the familiar melody drifted out of the speakers in the room and Y/N made her way back to Reggie.

I don't need you to sell me on reasons to want you

I don't need you to search for the proof that I should

You don't have to convince me

You don't have to be scared you're not enough

'Cause what we've got going is good

Y/N was looking right into Reggie's eyes and it honestly made his heart skip a good thousand beats, he felt like she singing directly to him, like he was the only person that mattered. She made him feel alive.

I don't need more reminders of all that's been broken

I don't need you to fix what I'd rather forget

Diner Gal | JatP Reggie PetersWhere stories live. Discover now