Chapter 13

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This is final chapter - sorry it took me so long to post :(

I hope you enjoy!

There are songs in this chapter - I recommend listening to them as you read:

Jump in the Line/Dead Mom Reprise - Beetlejuice the Musical

Obvious - Dear Evan Hansen


After a few hours of frantically drawing and writing up the final setlist, plans, room arrangements and digging through Cal's office to find the list of reserved tables, Y/N was finally ready to call her job done. And now to jump right back into ghostly matters, which started with finding Julie and Willie and hoping they had some sort of plan figured out.

"Hey hey, look who's finally back from the other side!" Flynn's exclamation was met with winces from the boys and a wry smile from Y/N, "It sure was an adventure, Cal really should organise that office. How's decorating going?" Flynn sighed in response, "It would be a lot better if some people actually helped out instead of talking to thin air." She sent a mock glare to Julie who sent an eye roll straight back, "Kinda dealing with bigger and more important things right now, but sure I'll blow up a balloon right after."

"So, how has the whole possession thing been going? Any solid way to get Cal back?" Y/N asked, anxiety crawling up the sides of her stomach. Willie looked around at the group, all of whom were fidgeting and avoiding his gaze, sighing he turned back to her, "There is a way, but there's no guarantee it will work." Y/N nodded, gesturing for him to continue, "You have to establish a connection first then everything after that is up to Cal and his willpower. This situation is a little different to the one these guys got themselves into, and I've also never seen this before so this is the best I can come up with."

She scrunched up her brow, how on earth did you make a connection with a possessed person? And so she asked exactly that, "Do something that means something to both of you; you're in the music business, are there any songs that you two would sing together? Something like that. Apart from making the connection, there's not much else you can do. I'm sorry." Willie responded, Alex rubbed his arm comfortingly, "This isn't your fault, it's no one's fault but Calebs." Y/N nodded in agreement, "Exactly, you've been so incredibly helpful, you all have," She looked around the group, yes that includes Flynn, and smiled, "Thanks a bunch, you guys." Her smile quickly transformed into a smug grin, "Luckily, I know exactly which song to use."


A few hours passed and Le Paradis du Chanteur was ready to go, all of the evening's acts were either out front or preparing in the back. She had seen Julie and the guys a few times in her rushed panic to get a song ready and change the setlist last minute, everything was completely ready and fine, of course, but it didn't stop Y/N from worrying.

All that was left was to let the guests in, find Cal and make sure the first act was ready (not in that order). She huffed as she hunted down the first act, she supposed they weren't actually that bad – in fact she could tolerate their outfits somewhat and their music was good. The members were a little annoying but good at what they did so who was she to judge.

Their clothing was easy to spot – they do look like a pack of highlighters (as their nickname would suggest) so it took Y/N no longer than 3 minutes to find them and less than 5 to check in and see that they were practically ready to go on the spot.

Now to find Cal, a challenge she was ready to face head-on, probably. It took Y/N quite a bit longer to find him but, after asking around and getting her co-worker to point her in the right direction, she found him sitting in the kitchen, blank as ever. Y/N sighed and pulled him into the main area, hoping he would at least interact with the guests if they spoke to him.

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