Chapter 8

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"Cal?" Y/N called out, looking around. So much for an early shift so she could leave early. If Cal wasn't there then her shift didn't start and that was the last thing she needed when she also had to do rounds and show him the tapes and – well, you get the idea. "Cal!"

"What are you looking for?"

Y/N frowned and turned around, her eyes narrowed and focusing in on a boy standing a few feet away from her. "Who are you? And why are you here, it's not opening time yet." She felt a growing unease settle in the pit of her stomach, where was Cal when you needed him? Hopefully, his amazing dramatic timing would kick in and she would be saved from the weird atmosphere.

"Oh, I'm here for Cal. But you may speak to him first." The boy, which she had now deemed "Blondie", then stepped back, lifting himself into a sitting position on one of the tables. "How extremely kind of you, Blondie." Y/N rolled her eyes, sarcasm obviously dripping from her mouth, which the boy either didn't catch or chose to ignore.

"Cal! If you're just deciding to ignore me I will skin you alive!"

Y/N rolled her eyes at the silence, turning back to the boy only to find him slumped on the floor against the table leg. "Uh...Blondie? You alright there, bud?"

"He'll be fine, Cal's not in right now so go on your way." Y/N turned to face the new voice, her eyes searching the badly lit room. Why hadn't she turned on the light! Oh yeah, she was supposed to be the only one here with the exception of Cal.

The voice was deeper, more sinister but not menacing, not yet, "Okay, who are you and does no one realise that we're closed? There's a sign for a reason!"

Y/N narrowed her eyes at the lack of answer, "Okay, mystery shadow man, can I call you that?" "Well- " "You know what, I don't care I'm calling you it anyway. So, mystery shadow man, do you mind either explaining or leaving because I have a shift to start and Cal needs to be here before that starts and legally you can't be here since we're closed. Bye." She made her way over to the side door and opened it wide, adding extra drama by flourishing her arm in the same direction, "Stop by some other time when we're actually open."

"Alright, but before I go, you're welcome. I'll be back soon enough." A low and sinister chuckle filled the air as the man made his way over to the door, "Okay, Creepy McGee, that's great and all but you still need to leave. Goodbye." Y/N grabbed the man by what she could now discern as a purple cloak/overcoat and pushed him out of the door. "Have a great day, sir. I hope to see you at Le Paradis du Chanteur very soon, preferably during the times we're open. Goodbye." She plastered her customer service smile on her face before slamming the door in his face. What is it with some people and just going, 'Restaurant? Give me food. I won't pay or even look at the sign to see if it's even open.' They act like cavepeople.

Y/N's eyes widened when she remembered the blonde boy still unconscious in the dining area. "Of course it's today of all fucking days." She grumbled under her breath as she raced back to where she left the boy.





"Okay, what the fuck is happening today? Where the hell did he go? And it's only 6 in the morning...great."


"Alright, fess up. Who put this in my pocket? And just so you know, it doesn't even work."

Julie knew who did it, it was obviously Reggie. He was the only one that was dumb enough, and Julie meant this in the nicest way, to believe that it could be any of the three boys that would ask her to call Y/N. If Julie hadn't found it so funny she might have been slightly annoyed but the note beside the old, broken flip phone that her dad used before her mum forced a new one into his hands just made her smile, it was so innocent:

"Call Y/N because her voice is nice and pretty and I want to hear it.

- The band :D"

Yeah, it was obvious, but making him spit it out was so much more entertaining. Reggie flushed and screwed up his face in thought, she wouldn't catch him out if he said it was all of them, would she? No, he'd be fine.

"Well, who does it say it's from?"

" 'The band' "

"Then there's your answer!"

"Reggie...I'm not stupid, just admit it was you."

"...How did you figure it out?"

Julie rolled her eyes though a small smile played on her lips, "Who else would ask for Y/N because her, and I quote, "voice is pretty and I want to hear it." Alex and Luke glanced at each other, before bursting out into laughter. Reggie gaze turned to the floor as his ears turned red, "I don't know, probably a lot of people."

"Sometimes I wonder why we keep you, then I remember we need a bassist."


"Hey Cal! Calina! Calerella! Callie!"

"You know you could just come and find me instead of screaming a bunch of weird nicknames into the open air until I finally hear you." Cal came out from the staff room and rolled his eyes at the sight of Y/N rocking back and forth on her heels whilst playing with a table cloth. "Oh I know, dear Cal, but this is so much more fun, don't you think?" She grinned before summoning her serious business face, "Okay, here are my notes on all the performers we have, Julie and her himbos- I mean Julie and the Phantoms is first, I have the video on my phone too."

She reached over to the table she was next to and lifted a pile of papers, all colour coded to the performer's atmospheric colour (as she called it), and looking monstrously tall. "I'll get started on that after we close. If you don't mind staying behind, you know how much I need and value your input." Y/N smiled at that, Cal was like her cool Uncle and it always made her happy to know how much he appreciated her. She walked to him, arms still full.

"Sure, old man. I'll go put these in your office for later." She nudged her shoulder against his, grinning as she did so, before walking out to the staff room.


"Alright, Callerina. I've given you all I have to offer, so I shall be heading home now. Plus, I'm not being paid for after-hours so, you know." She shrugged, a grin easing onto her face. Cal looked up at her as she stood up, "My company is payment enough, obviously." Y/N rolled her eyes and shifted her weight as she pulled her work bag onto her shoulder. "Sure, keep telling yourself that." Cal gasped dramatically as Y/N walked to the door, "Listen here, missy, I'll dock your pay if you don't show me the respect I deserve!"

"No! Not my pay!" She leaned against the door frame, bringing a hand to rest on her forehead as she 'fainted'. She caught Cal's eyes and they both burst out laughing, definitely a cool Uncle and his favourite niece.

"Okay, see you later, Cal. Have a great night!" Y/N waved goodbye as she walked out the door, giving him one last smile. Cal sighed after the door had closed "I don't what I'd do without that girl, honestly."




"Hello, Cal. It's nice to meet you."

"Wh-who are you?"

"You don't need to know that right now, just know we'll be very close in the future."




"The curtains haven't closed on me yet, boys. I hope you're prepared."


The plot thickens...

I'm so dumb, I've been writing out parts/chapters like a robot and forgetting to post them, send help lol. Anyway, enjoy!

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