the delinquents | 11

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     "I KNOW WHY THOSE two idiots are here, but why am I here?! I did nothing wrong," Tyler whined, kicking his feet around like a child as he pouted at Andre and Darryn. All four boys, and Elle, were sat in the dean's office, right beside each other in front of her desk.

The older vampire sighed, her shoulders rigid as her jaws ground together. With her pinched lips, she glared daggers at Tyler, practically killing him with her crimson gaze.
"Do you have any idea how much damage you've caused?" the Dean sneered, her voice sending chills down their spines. "Not only did you cause an altercation last night, but you ripped off another student's arm!"

Elle cast her eyes down to her lap, twiddling her thumbs. "I hadn't started it per se," she mumbled.

Darryn scoffed, rolling his eyes. "That wolf threatened us, so who am I not to get him back and send a message?" he shrugged, the dean growing more visibly angry.

"Are you kidding me?" she quipped, her voice a bitch from becoming a growl. "You ripped an arm off over a simple threat? How disastrous are you?" she gaped, appalled by his lack of remorse.

Darryn shrugged, "very disastrous, ma'am. And if anyone else here decides to push me, it'll get real nasty, real quick," he sneered.

Andre placed a hand on Darryn's shoulder, sliding his palm to the nape of his neck. "Chill," he whispered.

Darryn rolled his eyes. "You tell her that," gesturing to the dean as she practically buzzed with anger.

"If you do anything like this again, I'll bring your Maker here," she snapped, shuddering at the thought of having to interact with that leviathan again.

The boys froze, the pits of their stomachs churning at the memory of their Maker.

'She could do that?!' Tyler worried, his voice in the heads of the other boys.

'If she can, she wouldn't want to. Look at her face, she hates him just as much as we do,' Darryn argued, swallowing the lump in his throat.

"Now, with that being sorted out," the dean straightened her back, intertwining her fingers together on the desktop, "you're dismissed."

The five leviathan stood from their chairs, exiting the office with disdain on their features.

"Well, that went well!" Elle gave a nervous smile, nodding her head in an attempt to calm the boys down.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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