the initiation : pt. 2 | 04

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MONDAY MORNINGa few hours later_____

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a few hours later

The world outside was quiet, soothing even as the raindrops pattered against the ground of the campus. As the students sat at their desks, twirling their pencils in their hands, they stared quizzically at the exams before them.

Darryn, for instance, wanted to take the pencil in his hand and stab himself in the forehead, just to see if he'd actually die from the boredom of being in a classroom again.

His leg bounced, his fingers twitched, and the mark on his neck kept sending waves of heat through his body.

He felt miserable sitting there.

His eyes kept darting around the room, not staying on one thing for too long as the rest of the class took their tests leisurely.

Then, a hand clamped down on his shoulder, making him squeak in surprise, disturbing the rest of the students.

"Are you okay?" his section's teacher, Mr. Smalls asked, worry on his face as he looked Darryn over.

Darryn shook his head. "I'm fine," he grumbled, feeling sweat glisten on his skin.

I need a drink, he thought, his fingers itching to reach into the inside pocket of his denim jacket to retrieve his flask.

Mr. Smalls noticed his twitching a fidgeting and sighed.

"Do you need to go to a nurse—"

"I told you I'm fine," Darryn interrupted, his voice shaking as the world around him began to spin. "I-I'm...okay," he slurred.

His heart thrashing against his rib cage as his fingers held onto the desk for dear life.

What's happening to me? he wondered, his eyes blinking slowly as the world kept spinning and spinning.

The bite mark on his neck kept rising in temperature, sending his body into a frenzy.

Is he here? he thought, panting, trying to gulp as much air into his lungs as possible, but it didn't help.

And then, it all stopped.

The bite mark cooled down and the world around him ceased its spinning. His breathing returned to normal, and his erratic heart calmed.

I need a drink.

Waving Mr. Smalls away, he pulled his flask from his jacket and tossed back the vodka.

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