the trials | 05

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Armani's pulse quickened behind his skin as he waltzed through the vast forest surrounding the school. His hands tightened around the straps of his backpack as he glanced around as the other students ventured off into the wilderness.

When the doors first opened, the students were shocked to see that force field around the school, but they hadn't seen the barricade wall just beyond it.

Armani, for some odd reason, was smiling like a lunatic.

That pendejo really did show up, he thought as he remember making eye contact with Andre just before the doors opened.

Ever since then, Armani hadn't spoken to him once, coming to the conclusion that if Andre wanted to seek him out, he would.

But Andre didn't go anywhere near Armani like he knew he wouldn't.

Armani shook his head, a humorless smile on his lips as he ventured further through the woods.

He would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the distant sounds of bullet rounds and growls. He actually found it quite soothing to his ears since he was in that same position a day ago.

Whenever Joey went away for however long, Armani found himself in the shadows, slinking around as he watched survivors run with their collected supplies before a hoard of Bitten came.

He even helped a few survivors from time to time, killing off any Bitten he'd come across, or even from other greedy humans that stole from others.

Ah, I kinda missed it out here, he thought as the smell of rain filled his lungs as he walked.

A hand wrapped around Armani's throat, hailing him around to face the beholder of said hand.

"Disappointed, but not surprised, Dre," Armani coughed out mockingly, a smirk on his lips as he slapped Andre's hand off of him.

Andre's brooding gaze hardened even more if that was possible.


"I knew you'd try something like that, hell, I was surprised you even came here," Armani scoffed. "I knew you wouldn't approach me like a normal person, and be extra because you're all...this," he gestured to Andre's taut, rigid figure and brooding face.

Andre scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "What are you getting at?" he questioned, his mind reeling.

Armani shook his head, a humorless laugh emitting from his lips as he turned away from his former friend. "I can tell that something was off about you since I saw you in the gym before we came out here. You're nothing like you used to be, and I wouldn't be surprised if you were brainwashed or some shit like that," he went on, thinking back to when he'd heard Darryn's voice in his mind.

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